package water.util; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import water.*; public class JStackCollectorTask extends MRTask<JStackCollectorTask> { JStackCollectorTask() { super(H2O.MIN_HI_PRIORITY); } public static class DStackTrace extends Iced { public final String _node; // Node name public final long _time; // Unix epoch time public final String[] _thread_traces; // One per thread DStackTrace( String[] traces ) { _node = H2O.getIpPortString(); _time = System.currentTimeMillis(); _thread_traces = traces; } } public DStackTrace _traces[]; // One per Node @Override public void reduce(JStackCollectorTask that) { for( int i=0; i<_traces.length; ++i ) if( _traces[i] == null ) _traces[i] = that._traces[i]; } private static class ThreadInfo { int _parked; int _active; int _blocked; int _unknown; public ThreadInfo add(ThreadInfo ti) { _parked += ti._parked; _active += ti._active; _blocked += ti._blocked; _unknown += ti._unknown; return this; } public double [] toDoubleArray(){ return new double[]{_active + _unknown, _blocked, _parked, _active + _unknown + _blocked + _parked}; } public boolean hasAny(){return _parked + _active + _blocked + _unknown > 0;} } enum ThreadType {HTTP_REQUEST, FJ, OTHER, TCP, JETTY, HADOOP} private static class ThreadKey implements Comparable<ThreadKey> { ThreadType _type; @Override public int compareTo(ThreadKey o) { return _type.ordinal() - o._type.ordinal(); } @Override public String toString() {return _type.toString();} } // bruteforce search for H2O Servlet, don't call until other obvious cases were filtered out private int isH2OHTTPRequestThread(StackTraceElement [] elms){ for(int i = 0; i < elms.length; ++i) if(elms[i].getClassName().equals("water.JettyHTTPD$H2oDefaultServlet")) return i; return elms.length; } @Override public void setupLocal() { _traces = new DStackTrace[H2O.CLOUD.size()]; if( H2O.SELF._heartbeat._client ) return; // Clients are not in the cloud, and do not get stack traces Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> allStackTraces = Thread.getAllStackTraces(); // Known to be interesting ArrayList<String> http_traces = new ArrayList<>(); http_traces.add("HttpReq traces"); ArrayList<String> fj_traces = new ArrayList<>(); fj_traces.add("FJ traces"); // unknown - possibly interesting ArrayList<String> other_traces = new ArrayList<>(); other_traces.add("'other' traces"); // Most likely uninteresting ArrayList<String> tcp_traces = new ArrayList<>(); tcp_traces.add("TCP traces"); ArrayList<String> system_traces = new ArrayList<>(); system_traces.add("system traces"); ArrayList<String> jetty_traces = new ArrayList<>(); jetty_traces.add("Jetty traces"); ArrayList<String> h2o_sys_traces = new ArrayList<>(); h2o_sys_traces.add("H2O System traces"); Map<Integer,ThreadInfo> fjThreadSummary = new TreeMap<>(); ThreadInfo threadSum = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo httpReqs = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo tcpThreads = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo otherThreads = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo jettythreads = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo h2oSysThreads = new ThreadInfo(); ThreadInfo systemThreads = new ThreadInfo(); for( Entry<Thread,StackTraceElement[]> el : allStackTraces.entrySet() ) { StackTraceElement [] elms = el.getValue(); Thread t = el.getKey(); int idx = elms.length; ArrayList<String> trace = null; ThreadInfo tinfo = null; if(elms.length == 0) continue; if(t.getName().startsWith("FJ-") && elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().contains("ForkJoinWorkerThread")) { // H2O specific FJ Thread trace = fj_traces; Integer fjq = Integer.parseInt(t.getName().substring(3, t.getName().indexOf('-', 3))); if (!fjThreadSummary.containsKey(fjq)) fjThreadSummary.put(fjq, new ThreadInfo()); tinfo = fjThreadSummary.get(fjq); } else if(elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().equals("water.TCPReceiverThread$TCPReaderThread")) { if (elms[elms.length - 2].getClassName().equals("water.AutoBuffer") && elms[elms.length - 2].getMethodName().equals("<init>")) { tcpThreads._parked++; continue; } trace = tcp_traces; tinfo = tcpThreads; } else if(elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().equals("water.MultiReceiverThread") || elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().equals("water.TCPReceiverThread") || elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().equals("water.UDPReceiverThread") || elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().equals("water.HeartBeatThread")){ trace = h2o_sys_traces; tinfo = h2oSysThreads; } else if(elms.length > 1 && elms[elms.length-2].getClassName().startsWith("java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor") || elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().startsWith("java.lang.ref.Finalizer") || elms[elms.length-1].getClassName().startsWith("java.lang.ref.Reference")) { trace = system_traces; tinfo = systemThreads; }else if((idx = isH2OHTTPRequestThread(elms)) < elms.length) { // h2o HTTP request trace = http_traces; tinfo = httpReqs; } else if(elms.length > 1 && elms[elms.length-2].getClassName().startsWith("org.eclipse.jetty")){ trace = jetty_traces; tinfo = jettythreads; } else { trace = other_traces; tinfo = otherThreads; } if(elms[0].getClassName().equals("sun.misc.Unsafe") && elms[0].getMethodName().equals("park")) { ++tinfo._parked; // don't include parked stacktraces continue; } if(t.getState().toString().equals("RUNNABLE")) { ++tinfo._active; } else if(t.getState().toString().contains("WAITING")) { ++tinfo._blocked; } else { ++tinfo._unknown; System.out.println("UNKNOWN STATE: " + t.getState()); } SB sb = new SB().p('"').p(t.getName()).p('"'); if (t.isDaemon()) sb.p(" daemon"); sb.p(" prio=").p(t.getPriority()); sb.p(" tid=").p(t.getId()); sb.p(" java.lang.Thread.State: ").p(t.getState().toString());; for( int j = 0; j < idx; ++j) sb.p("\tat ").p(elms[j].toString()).nl(); trace.add(sb.toString()); } // get the summary of idle threads // String tableHeader, String tableDescription, String[] rowHeaders, String[] colHeaders, String[] colTypes, // String[] colFormats, String colHeaderForRowHeaders, String[][] strCellValues, double[][] dblCellValues ArrayList<String> rowNames = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<double[]> cellVals = new ArrayList<>(); if(httpReqs.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("HttpReq"); cellVals.add(httpReqs.toDoubleArray()); } for(Entry<Integer,ThreadInfo> e:fjThreadSummary.entrySet()) { rowNames.add("FJ-" + e.getKey()); ThreadInfo fjt = e.getValue(); threadSum.add(fjt); cellVals.add(fjt.toDoubleArray()); } if(otherThreads.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("other"); cellVals.add(otherThreads.toDoubleArray()); } if(tcpThreads.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("TCP"); cellVals.add(tcpThreads.toDoubleArray()); } if(h2oSysThreads.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("h2osys"); cellVals.add(h2oSysThreads.toDoubleArray()); } if(systemThreads.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("system"); cellVals.add(systemThreads.toDoubleArray()); } if(jettythreads.hasAny()) { rowNames.add("jetty"); cellVals.add(jettythreads.toDoubleArray()); } rowNames.add("TOTAL"); cellVals.add(threadSum.add(httpReqs).add(otherThreads).add(tcpThreads).add(systemThreads).add(jettythreads).toDoubleArray()); TwoDimTable td = new TwoDimTable("Thread Summary", "Summary of running threads", rowNames.toArray(new String[0]), new String[] {"active","blocked","idle","TOTAL"}, new String[]{"int","int","int","int"}, new String[]{"%d","%d","%d","%d"}, "Thread",new String[cellVals.size()][],cellVals.toArray(new double[0][0])); // todo - sort FJ traces? String [] traces = new String[1+ http_traces.size() + fj_traces.size() + other_traces.size() + tcp_traces.size() + h2o_sys_traces.size() + system_traces.size() + jetty_traces.size()]; int ii = 1; for(String t:http_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:fj_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:other_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:tcp_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:h2o_sys_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:system_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } for(String t:jetty_traces) { traces[ii++] = t;; } traces[0] = td.toString();[0]); _traces[H2O.SELF.index()] = new DStackTrace(traces); } }