package water.fvec; import water.Futures; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import jsr166y.ForkJoinTask; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCallback; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap; import water.parser.Categorical; import water.parser.BufferedString; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.Log; import java.util.Arrays; /** A class to compute the rollup stats. These are computed lazily, thrown * away if the Vec is written into, and then recomputed lazily. Error to ask * for them if the Vec is actively being written into. It is common for all * cores to ask for the same Vec rollup at once, so it is crucial that it be * computed once across the cluster. * * Rollups are kept in the K/V store, which also controls who manages the * rollup work and final results. Winner of a DKV CAS/PutIfMatch race gets to * manage the M/R job computing the rollups. Losers block for the same * rollup. Remote requests *always* forward to the Rollup Key's master. */ final class RollupStats extends Iced { /** The count of missing elements.... or -2 if we have active writers and no * rollup info can be computed (because the vector is being rapidly * modified!), or -1 if rollups have not been computed since the last * modification. */ volatile transient ForkJoinTask _tsk; // Computed in 1st pass volatile long _naCnt; //count(isNA(X)) double _mean, _sigma; //mean(X) and sqrt(sum((X-mean(X))^2)) for non-NA values long _rows, //count(X) for non-NA values excluding negative/positive infinities (for numeric Vecs) _nzCnt, //count(X!=0) for non-NA values _size, //byte size _pinfs, //count(+inf) _ninfs; //count(-inf) boolean _isInt=true; double[] _mins, _maxs; long _checksum; // Expensive histogram & percentiles // Computed in a 2nd pass, on-demand, by calling computeHisto private static final int MAX_SIZE = 1000; // Standard bin count; categoricals can have more bins // the choice of MAX_SIZE being a power of 10 (rather than 1024) just aligns-to-the-grid of the common input of fixed decimal // precision numbers. It is still an estimate and makes no difference mathematically. It just gives tidier output in some // simple cases without penalty. volatile long[] _bins; // Approximate data value closest to the Xth percentile double[] _pctiles; public boolean hasHisto(){return _bins != null;} // Check for: Vector is mutating and rollups cannot be asked for boolean isMutating() { return _naCnt==-2; } // Check for: Rollups currently being computed private boolean isComputing() { return _naCnt==-1; } // Check for: Rollups available private boolean isReady() { return _naCnt>=0; } private RollupStats(int mode) { _mins = new double[5]; _maxs = new double[5]; Arrays.fill(_mins, Double.MAX_VALUE); Arrays.fill(_maxs,-Double.MAX_VALUE); _pctiles = new double[Vec.PERCENTILES.length]; Arrays.fill(_pctiles, Double.NaN); _mean = _sigma = 0; _size = 0; _naCnt = mode; } private static RollupStats makeComputing() { return new RollupStats(-1); } static RollupStats makeMutating () { return new RollupStats(-2); } private RollupStats map( Chunk c ) { _size = c.byteSize(); boolean isUUID = c._vec.isUUID(); boolean isString = c._vec.isString(); BufferedString tmpStr = new BufferedString(); if (isString) _isInt = false; // Checksum support long checksum = 0; long start = c._start; long l = 81985529216486895L; // Check for popular easy cases: All Constant double min=c.min(), max=c.max(); if( min==max ) { // All constant or all NaN double d = min; // It's the min, it's the max, it's the alpha and omega _checksum = (c.hasFloat()?Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d):(long)d)*c._len; Arrays.fill(_mins, d); Arrays.fill(_maxs, d); if( d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) _pinfs++; else if( d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) _ninfs++; else { if( Double.isNaN(d)) _naCnt=c._len; else if( d != 0 ) _nzCnt=c._len; _mean = d; _rows=c._len; } _isInt = ((long)d) == d; _sigma = 0; // No variance for constants return this; } //all const NaNs if ((c instanceof C0DChunk && c.isNA_impl(0))) { _sigma=0; //count of non-NAs * variance of non-NAs _mean = 0; //sum of non-NAs (will get turned into mean) _naCnt=c._len; _nzCnt=0; return this; } // Check for popular easy cases: Boolean, possibly sparse, possibly NaN if( min==0 && max==1 ) { int zs = c._len-c.sparseLenZero(); // Easy zeros int nans = 0; // Hard-count sparse-but-zero (weird case of setting a zero over a non-zero) for( int i=c.nextNZ(-1); i< c._len; i=c.nextNZ(i) ) if( c.isNA(i) ) nans++; else if( c.at8(i)==0 ) zs++; int os = c._len-zs-nans; // Ones _nzCnt += os; _naCnt += nans; for( int i=0; i<Math.min(_mins.length,zs); i++ ) { min(0); max(0); } for( int i=0; i<Math.min(_mins.length,os); i++ ) { min(1); max(1); } _rows += zs+os; _mean = (double)os/_rows; _sigma = zs*(0.0-_mean)*(0.0-_mean) + os*(1.0-_mean)*(1.0-_mean); return this; } // Walk the non-zeros if( isUUID ) { // UUID columns do not compute min/max/mean/sigma for( int i=c.nextNZ(-1); i< c._len; i=c.nextNZ(i) ) { if( c.isNA(i) ) _naCnt++; else { long lo = c.at16l(i), hi = c.at16h(i); if (lo != 0 || hi != 0) _nzCnt++; l = lo ^ 37*hi; } if(l != 0) // ignore 0s in checksum to be consistent with sparse chunks checksum ^= (17 * (start+i)) ^ 23*l; } } else if( isString ) { // String columns do not compute min/max/mean/sigma for (int i = c.nextNZ(-1); i < c._len; i = c.nextNZ(i)) { if (c.isNA(i)) _naCnt++; else { _nzCnt++; l = c.atStr(tmpStr, i).hashCode(); } if (l != 0) // ignore 0s in checksum to be consistent with sparse chunks checksum ^= (17 * (start + i)) ^ 23 * l; } } else { // Work off all numeric rows, or only the nonzeros for sparse if (c instanceof C1Chunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C1Chunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C1SChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C1SChunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C1NChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C1NChunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C2Chunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C2Chunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C2SChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C2SChunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C4SChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C4SChunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C4FChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C4FChunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C4Chunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C4Chunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C8Chunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C8Chunk) c, start, checksum); else if (c instanceof C8DChunk) checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup((C8DChunk) c, start, checksum); else checksum=new RollupStatsHelpers(this).numericChunkRollup(c, start, checksum); // special case for sparse chunks // we need to merge with the mean (0) and variance (0) of the zeros count of 0s of the sparse chunk - which were skipped above // _rows is the count of non-zero rows // _mean is the mean of non-zero rows // _sigma is the mean of non-zero rows // handle the zeros if( c.isSparseZero() ) { int zeros = c._len - c.sparseLenZero(); if (zeros > 0) { for( int i=0; i<Math.min(_mins.length,zeros); i++ ) { min(0); max(0); } double zeromean = 0; double zeroM2 = 0; double delta = _mean - zeromean; _mean = (_mean * _rows + zeromean * zeros) / (_rows + zeros); _sigma += zeroM2 + delta*delta * _rows * zeros / (_rows + zeros); //this is the variance*(N-1), will do sqrt(_sigma/(N-1)) later in postGlobal _rows += zeros; } } else if(c.isSparseNA()){ _naCnt = c._len - c.sparseLenNA(); } } _checksum = checksum; // UUID and String columns do not compute min/max/mean/sigma if( isUUID || isString) { Arrays.fill(_mins,Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(_maxs,Double.NaN); _mean = _sigma = Double.NaN; } return this; } private void reduce( RollupStats rs ) { for( double d : rs._mins ) if (!Double.isNaN(d)) min(d); for( double d : rs._maxs ) if (!Double.isNaN(d)) max(d); _naCnt += rs._naCnt; _nzCnt += rs._nzCnt; _pinfs += rs._pinfs; _ninfs += rs._ninfs; if (_rows == 0) { _mean = rs._mean; _sigma = rs._sigma; } else if(rs._rows != 0){ double delta = _mean - rs._mean; _mean = (_mean * _rows + rs._mean * rs._rows) / (_rows + rs._rows); _sigma += rs._sigma + delta*delta * _rows*rs._rows / (_rows+rs._rows); } _rows += rs._rows; _size += rs._size; _isInt &= rs._isInt; _checksum ^= rs._checksum; } double min( double d ) { assert(!Double.isNaN(d)); for( int i=0; i<_mins.length; i++ ) if( d < _mins[i] ) { double tmp = _mins[i]; _mins[i] = d; d = tmp; } return _mins[_mins.length-1]; } double max( double d ) { assert(!Double.isNaN(d)); for( int i=0; i<_maxs.length; i++ ) if( d > _maxs[i] ) { double tmp = _maxs[i]; _maxs[i] = d; d = tmp; } return _maxs[_maxs.length-1]; } private static class Roll extends MRTask<Roll> { final Key _rskey; RollupStats _rs; @Override protected boolean modifiesVolatileVecs(){return false;} Roll( H2OCountedCompleter cmp, Key rskey ) { super(cmp); _rskey=rskey; } @Override public void map( Chunk c ) { _rs = new RollupStats(0).map(c); } @Override public void reduce( Roll roll ) { _rs.reduce(roll._rs); } @Override public void postGlobal() { if( _rs == null ) _rs = new RollupStats(0); else { _rs._sigma = Math.sqrt(_rs._sigma/(_rs._rows-1)); if (_rs._rows == 1) _rs._sigma = 0; if (_rs._rows < 5) for (int i=0; i<5-_rs._rows; i++) { // Fix PUBDEV-150 for files under 5 rows _rs._maxs[4-i] = Double.NaN; _rs._mins[4-i] = Double.NaN; } } // mean & sigma not allowed on more than 2 classes; for 2 classes the assumption is that it's true/false Vec vec = _fr.anyVec(); String[] ss = vec.domain(); if( vec.isCategorical() && ss.length > 2 ) _rs._mean = _rs._sigma = Double.NaN; if( ss != null ) { long dsz = (2/*hdr*/+1/*len*/+ss.length)*8; // Size of base domain array for( String s : vec.domain() ) if( s != null ) dsz += 2*s.length() + (2/*hdr*/+1/*value*/+1/*hash*/+2/*hdr*/+1/*len*/)*8; _rs._size += dsz; // Account for domain size in Vec size // Account for Chunk key size int keysize = (2/*hdr*/+1/*kb*/+1/*hash*/+2/*hdr*/+1/*len*/)*8+ vec._key._kb.length; _rs._size += vec.nChunks()*(keysize*4/*key+value ptr in DKV, plus 50% fill rate*/); } } // Just toooo common to report always. Drowning in multi-megabyte log file writes. @Override public boolean logVerbose() { return false; } /** * Added to avoid deadlocks when running from idea in debug mode (evaluating toSgtring on mr task causes rollups to be computed) * @return */ @Override public String toString(){return "Roll(" + _fr.anyVec()._key +")";} } static void start(final Vec vec, Futures fs, boolean computeHisto) { if( vec instanceof InteractionWrappedVec ) return; if( DKV.get(vec._key)== null ) throw new RuntimeException("Rollups not possible, because Vec was deleted: "+vec._key); if( vec.isString() ) computeHisto = false; // No histogram for string columns final Key rskey = vec.rollupStatsKey(); RollupStats rs = getOrNull(vec,rskey); if(rs == null || (computeHisto && !rs.hasHisto())) fs.add(new RPC(rskey.home_node(),new ComputeRollupsTask(vec,computeHisto)).addCompleter(new H2OCallback() { @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) { DKV.get(rskey); // fetch new results via DKV to enable caching of the results. } }).call()); } private static NonBlockingHashMap<Key,RPC> _pendingRollups = new NonBlockingHashMap<>(); static RollupStats get(Vec vec, boolean computeHisto) { if( DKV.get(vec._key)== null ) throw new RuntimeException("Rollups not possible, because Vec was deleted: "+vec._key); if( vec.isString() ) computeHisto = false; // No histogram for string columns final Key rskey = vec.rollupStatsKey(); RollupStats rs = DKV.getGet(rskey); while(rs == null || (!rs.isReady() || (computeHisto && !rs.hasHisto()))){ if(rs != null && rs.isMutating()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not compute rollup stats while vec is being modified. (1)"); // 1. compute only once try { RPC rpcNew = new RPC(rskey.home_node(),new ComputeRollupsTask(vec, computeHisto)); RPC rpcOld = _pendingRollups.putIfAbsent(rskey, rpcNew); if(rpcOld == null) { // no prior pending task, need to send this one; _pendingRollups.remove(rskey); } else // rollups computation is already in progress, wait for it to finish rpcOld.get(); } catch( Throwable t ) { System.err.println("Remote rollups failed with an exception, wrapping and rethrowing: "+t); throw new RuntimeException(t); } // 2. fetch - done in two steps to go through standard DKV.get and enable local caching rs = DKV.getGet(rskey); } return rs; } // Allow a bunch of rollups to run in parallel. If Futures is passed in, run // the rollup in the background and do not return. static RollupStats get(Vec vec) { return get(vec,false);} // Fetch if present, but do not compute static RollupStats getOrNull(Vec vec, final Key rskey ) { Value val = DKV.get(rskey); if( val == null ) // No rollup stats present? return vec.length() > 0 ? /*not computed*/null : /*empty vec*/new RollupStats(0); RollupStats rs = val.get(RollupStats.class); return rs.isReady() ? rs : null; } // Histogram base & stride double h_base() { return _mins[0]; } double h_stride() { return h_stride(_bins.length); } private double h_stride(int nbins) { return (_maxs[0]-_mins[0]+(_isInt?1:0))/nbins; } // Compute expensive histogram private static class Histo extends MRTask<Histo> { final double _base, _stride; // Inputs final int _nbins; // Inputs long[] _bins; // Outputs Histo( H2OCountedCompleter cmp, RollupStats rs, int nbins ) { super(cmp);_base = rs.h_base(); _stride = rs.h_stride(nbins); _nbins = nbins; } @Override public void map( Chunk c ) { _bins = new long[_nbins]; for( int i=c.nextNZ(-1); i< c._len; i=c.nextNZ(i) ) { double d = c.atd(i); if( !Double.isNaN(d) ) _bins[idx(d)]++; } // Sparse? We skipped all the zeros; do them now if( c.isSparseZero() ) _bins[idx(0.0)] += (c._len - c.sparseLenZero()); } private int idx( double d ) { int idx = (int)((d-_base)/_stride); return Math.min(idx,_bins.length-1); } @Override public void reduce( Histo h ) { ArrayUtils.add(_bins,h._bins); } // Just toooo common to report always. Drowning in multi-megabyte log file writes. @Override public boolean logVerbose() { return false; } } // Task to compute rollups on its homenode if needed. // Only computes the rollups, does not fetch them, caller should fetch them via DKV store (to preserve caching). // Only comutes the rollups if needed (i.e. are null or do not have histo and histo is required) // If rs computation is already in progress, it will wait for it to finish. // Throws IAE if the Vec is being modified (or removed) while this task is in progress. static final class ComputeRollupsTask extends DTask<ComputeRollupsTask>{ final Key _vecKey; final Key _rsKey; final boolean _computeHisto; public ComputeRollupsTask(Vec v, boolean computeHisto){ super((byte)(Thread.currentThread() instanceof H2O.FJWThr ? currThrPriority()+1 : H2O.MIN_HI_PRIORITY-3)); _vecKey = v._key; _rsKey = v.rollupStatsKey(); _computeHisto = computeHisto; } private Value makeComputing(){ RollupStats newRs = RollupStats.makeComputing(); CountedCompleter cc = getCompleter(); // should be null or RPCCall if(cc != null) assert cc.getCompleter() == null; newRs._tsk = cc == null?this:cc; return new Value(_rsKey,newRs); } private void installResponse(Value nnn, RollupStats rs) { Futures fs = new Futures(); Value old = DKV.DputIfMatch(_rsKey, new Value(_rsKey, rs), nnn, fs); assert rs.isReady(); if(old != nnn) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not compute rollup stats while vec is being modified. (2)"); fs.blockForPending(); } @Override public void compute2() { assert _rsKey.home(); final Vec vec = DKV.getGet(_vecKey); while(true) { Value v = DKV.get(_rsKey); RollupStats rs = (v == null) ? null : v.<RollupStats>get(); // Fetched current rs from the DKV, rs can be: // a) computed // a.1) has histo or histo not required => do nothing // a.2) no histo and histo is required => only compute histo // b) computing => wait for the task computing it to finish and check again // c) mutating => throw IAE // d) null => compute new rollups if (rs != null) { if (rs.isReady()) { if (_computeHisto && !rs.hasHisto()) { // a.2 => compute rollups CountedCompleter cc = getCompleter(); // should be null or RPCCall if(cc != null) assert cc.getCompleter() == null; // note: if cc == null then onExceptionalCompletion tasks waiting on this may be woken up before exception handling iff exception is thrown. Value nnn = makeComputing(); Futures fs = new Futures(); Value oldv = DKV.DputIfMatch(_rsKey, nnn, v, fs); fs.blockForPending(); if(oldv == v){ // got the lock computeHisto(rs, vec, nnn); break; } // else someone else is modifying the rollups => try again } else break; // a.1 => do nothing } else if (rs.isComputing()) { // b) => wait for current computation to finish rs._tsk.join(); } else if(rs.isMutating()) // c) => throw IAE throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not compute rollup stats while vec is being modified. (3)"); } else { // d) => compute the rollups final Value nnn = makeComputing(); Futures fs = new Futures(); Value oldv = DKV.DputIfMatch(_rsKey, nnn, v, fs); fs.blockForPending(); if(oldv == v){ // got the lock, compute the rollups try { Roll r = new Roll(null, _rsKey).doAll(vec); // computed the stats, now compute histo if needed and install the response and quit r._rs._checksum ^= vec.length(); if (_computeHisto) computeHisto(r._rs, vec, nnn); else installResponse(nnn, r._rs); break; } catch (Exception e) { Log.err(e); cleanupStats(nnn); throw e; } } // else someone else is modifying the rollups => try again } } tryComplete(); } private boolean cleanupStats(Value current) { Futures fs = new Futures(); Value old = DKV.DputIfMatch(_rsKey, null, current, fs); boolean success = old != current; fs.blockForPending(); return success; } final void computeHisto(final RollupStats rs, Vec vec, final Value nnn) { // All NAs or non-math; histogram has zero bins if (rs._naCnt == vec.length() || vec.isUUID()) { rs._bins = new long[0]; installResponse(nnn, rs); return; } // Constant: use a single bin double span = rs._maxs[0] - rs._mins[0]; final long rows = vec.length() - rs._naCnt; assert rows > 0 : "rows = " + rows + ", vec.len() = " + vec.length() + ", naCnt = " + rs._naCnt; if (span == 0) { rs._bins = new long[]{rows}; installResponse(nnn, rs); return; } // Number of bins: MAX_SIZE by default. For integers, bins for each unique int // - unless the count gets too high; allow a very high count for categoricals. int nbins = MAX_SIZE; if (rs._isInt && span < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { nbins = (int) span + 1; // 1 bin per int int lim = vec.isCategorical() ? Categorical.MAX_CATEGORICAL_COUNT : MAX_SIZE; nbins = Math.min(lim, nbins); // Cap nbins at sane levels } Histo histo = new Histo(null, rs, nbins).doAll(vec); long sum = ArrayUtils.sum(histo._bins); assert sum == rows:"expected " + rows + " rows, got " + sum; rs._bins = histo._bins; // Compute percentiles from histogram rs._pctiles = new double[Vec.PERCENTILES.length]; int j = 0; // Histogram bin number int k = 0; // The next non-zero bin after j long hsum = 0; // Rolling histogram sum double base = rs.h_base(); double stride = rs.h_stride(); double lastP = -1.0; // any negative value to pass assert below first time for (int i = 0; i < Vec.PERCENTILES.length; i++) { final double P = Vec.PERCENTILES[i]; assert P >= 0 && P <= 1 && P >= lastP; // rely on increasing percentiles here. If P has dup then strange but accept, hence >= not > lastP = P; double pdouble = 1.0 + P * (rows - 1); // following stats:::quantile.default type 7 long pint = (long) pdouble; // 1-based into bin vector double h = pdouble - pint; // any fraction h to linearly interpolate between? assert P != 1 || (h == 0.0 && pint == rows); // i.e. max while (hsum < pint) hsum += rs._bins[j++]; // j overshot by 1 bin; we added _bins[j-1] and this goes from too low to either exactly right or too big // pint now falls in bin j-1 (the ++ happened even when hsum==pint), so grab that bin value now rs._pctiles[i] = base + stride * (j - 1); if (h > 0 && pint == hsum) { // linearly interpolate between adjacent non-zero bins // i) pint is the last of (j-1)'s bin count (>1 when either duplicates exist in input, or stride makes dups at lower accuracy) // AND ii) h>0 so we do need to find the next non-zero bin if (k < j) k = j; // if j jumped over the k needed for the last P, catch k up to j // Saves potentially winding k forward over the same zero stretch many times while (rs._bins[k] == 0) k++; // find the next non-zero bin rs._pctiles[i] += h * stride * (k - j + 1); } // otherwise either h==0 and we know which bin, or fraction is between two positions that fall in the same bin // this guarantees we are within one bin of the exact answer; i.e. within (max-min)/MAX_SIZE } installResponse(nnn, rs); } } }