package water.api.schemas3; import hex.Model; import water.AutoBuffer; import water.H2O; import water.api.API; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3.ModelKeyV3; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.util.PojoUtils; /** * A Model schema contains all the pieces associated with a Model: * <p> * <ul> * <li> an instance of a ModelParameters schema containing the build parameters</li> * <li> an instance of a ModelResults schema containing the f00 b4r b4z</li> * <li> an instance of a ModelMetrics schema</li> * </ul> * */ public class ModelSchemaV3< M extends Model<M, P, O>, S extends ModelSchemaV3<M, S, P, PS, O, OS>, P extends Model.Parameters, PS extends ModelParametersSchemaV3<P, PS>, O extends Model.Output, OS extends ModelOutputSchemaV3<O, OS> > extends ModelSchemaBaseV3<M, S> { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAREFUL: This class has its own JSON serializer. If you add a field here you probably also want to add it to the serializer! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output fields @API(help="The build parameters for the model (e.g. K for KMeans).", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public PS parameters; @API(help="The build output for the model (e.g. the cluster centers for KMeans).", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public OS output; @API(help="Compatible frames, if requested", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String[] compatible_frames; @API(help="Checksum for all the things that go into building the Model.", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) protected long checksum; public ModelSchemaV3() {} public ModelSchemaV3(M m) { super(m); PojoUtils.copyProperties(this.parameters, m._parms, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.ORIGIN_HAS_UNDERSCORES); PojoUtils.copyProperties(this.output, m._output, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.ORIGIN_HAS_UNDERSCORES); } //========================== // Custom adapters go here // TODO: I think we can implement the following two here, using reflection on the type parameters. /** Factory method to create the model-specific parameters schema. */ public PS createParametersSchema() { throw"createParametersSchema() must be implemented in class: " + this.getClass()); } /** Factory method to create the model-specific output schema. */ public OS createOutputSchema() { throw"createOutputSchema() must be implemented in class: " + this.getClass()); } // Version&Schema-specific filling from the impl @Override public S fillFromImpl(M m) { this.data_frame = new KeyV3.FrameKeyV3(m._parms._train); this.response_column_name = m._parms._response_column; this.algo = m._parms.algoName().toLowerCase(); this.algo_full_name = m._parms.fullName(); // Key<? extends Model> k = m._key; this.model_id = new ModelKeyV3<>(m._key); this.checksum = m.checksum(); parameters = createParametersSchema(); parameters.fillFromImpl(m._parms); parameters.model_id = model_id; output = createOutputSchema(); output.fillFromImpl(m._output); // noinspection unchecked return (S)this; // have to cast because the definition of S doesn't include ModelSchemaV3 } public final AutoBuffer writeJSON_impl( AutoBuffer ab ) { ab.putJSONStr("algo", algo); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("algo_full_name", algo_full_name); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSON("model_id", model_id); ab.put1(','); // Builds ModelParameterSchemaV2 objects for each field, and then calls writeJSON on the array try { PS defaults = createParametersSchema().fillFromImpl(parameters.getImplClass().newInstance()); ModelParametersSchemaV3.writeParametersJSON(ab, parameters, defaults); ab.put1(','); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error creating an instance of ModelParameters for algo: " + algo; String dev_msg = "Error creating an instance of ModelParameters for algo: " + algo + ": " + this.getImplClass(); throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(msg, dev_msg); } if (null == output) { // allow key-only output output = createOutputSchema(); } // Let output render itself: ab.putJSON("output", output); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONAStr("compatible_frames", compatible_frames); return ab; } }