package water.api; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.util.MarkdownBuilder; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Routing of an http request to a handler method, with path parameter parsing. */ public final class Route extends Iced { static final int MIN_VERSION = 1; // TODO: handlers are now stateless, so create a single instance and stash it here // TODO: all fields should be final! // TODO: remove no-args ctor, since it is not used public String _http_method; public String _url; public String _summary; public String _api_name; public Class<? extends Handler> _handler_class; public Method _handler_method; // NOTE: Java 7 captures and lets you look up subpatterns by name but won't give you the list of names, so we need this redundant list: public String[] _path_params; // list of params we capture from the url pattern, e.g. for /17/MyComplexObj/(.*)/(.*) public Handler _handler; private RequestUri _uri; /** Handler factory configures a way how handler is instantiated. * * PLEASE: do not remove it even H2O is not using it. It is used by Sparkling Water, since * it needs to pass a Spark context to a new handler */ final HandlerFactory _handler_factory; public Route() { _handler_factory = null; } public Route(RequestUri uri, String api_name, String summary, Class<? extends Handler> handler_class, String handler_method, HandlerFactory handler_factory) { assert uri != null && handler_class != null; assert handler_factory != null : "handler_factory should not be null, caller has to pass it!"; _uri = uri; _http_method = uri.getMethod(); _url = uri.getUrl(); _summary = summary; _api_name = api_name; _handler_class = handler_class; _handler_method = resolveMethod(handler_class, handler_method == null? "exec" : handler_method); _path_params = uri.getParamsList(); _handler_factory = handler_factory; try { _handler = _handler_factory.create(_handler_class); } catch (Exception ie) { throw"failed to register handler " + handler_class.getSimpleName() + "." + handler_method, ie); } } public RequestUri getUri() { return _uri; } public int getVersion() { return _uri.getVersion(); } /** * Generate Markdown documentation for this Route. */ public StringBuffer markdown(Schema sinput, Schema soutput) { MarkdownBuilder builder = new MarkdownBuilder(); builder.comment("Preview with"); builder.heading1(_http_method, _url); builder.hline(); builder.paragraph(_summary); // parameters and output tables builder.heading1("Input schema: "); builder.append(sinput .markdown(true ,false)); builder.heading1("Output schema: "); builder.append(soutput.markdown(false, true)); return builder.stringBuffer(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Route)) return false; Route route = (Route) o; return _api_name.equals(route._api_name) && _handler_class .equals(route._handler_class) && _handler_method.equals(route._handler_method) && _http_method.equals(route._http_method) && _url.equals(route._url) && Arrays.equals(_path_params, route._path_params); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _api_name.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Route{" + "_http_method='" + _http_method + '\'' + ", _url_pattern=" + _url + ", _summary='" + _summary + '\'' + ", _api_name='" + _api_name + "'" + ", _handler_class=" + _handler_class + ", _handler_method=" + _handler_method + ", _input_schema=" + Handler.getHandlerMethodInputSchema(_handler_method) + ", _output_schema=" + Handler.getHandlerMethodOutputSchema(_handler_method) + ", _path_params=" + Arrays.toString(_path_params) + '}'; } /** * Search the provided class (and all its superclasses) for the requested method. * @param handler_class Class to be searched * @param handler_method Name of the method to look for. The method must have signature (int, Schema). * @return The callable Method object. */ private static Method resolveMethod(Class<? extends Handler> handler_class, String handler_method) { for (Method method : handler_class.getMethods()) if (method.getName().equals(handler_method)) { Class[] pt = method.getParameterTypes(); if (pt != null && pt.length == 2 && pt[0] == Integer.TYPE && Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(pt[1])) return method; } throw"Failed to find handler method: " + handler_method + " in class: " + handler_class.getSimpleName()); } }