package water.rapids.ast.prims.mungers; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.MRTask; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.rapids.Env; import water.rapids.Val; import water.rapids.ast.AstRoot; import water.rapids.vals.ValFrame; import water.rapids.vals.ValFun; import water.rapids.ast.AstPrimitive; import water.rapids.ast.params.AstNum; import water.rapids.ast.params.AstNumList; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.IcedHashMap; import water.util.Log; import java.util.Arrays; /** * GroupBy * Group the rows of 'data' by unique combinations of '[group-by-cols]'. * Apply function 'fcn' to a Frame for each group, with a single column * argument, and a NA-handling flag. Sets of tuples {fun,col,na} are allowed. * <p/> * 'fcn' must be a one of a small set of functions, all reductions, and 'GB' * returns a row per unique group, with the first columns being the grouping * columns, and the last column(s) the reduction result(s). * <p/> * The returned column(s). */ public class AstGroup extends AstPrimitive { public enum NAHandling {ALL, RM, IGNORE} // Functions handled by GroupBy public enum FCN { nrow() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0]++; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { d0s[0] += d1s[0]; } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0]; } }, mean() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] += d1; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { d0s[0] += d1s[0]; } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0] / n; } }, sum() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] += d1; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { d0s[0] += d1s[0]; } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0]; } }, sumSquares() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] += d1 * d1; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { d0s[0] += d1s[0]; } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0]; } }, var() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] += d1 * d1; d0s[1] += d1; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { ArrayUtils.add(d0s, d1s); } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { double numerator = ds[0] - ds[1] * ds[1] / n; if (Math.abs(numerator) < 1e-5) numerator = 0; return numerator / (n - 1); } @Override public double[] initVal(int ignored) { return new double[2]; /* 0 -> sum_squares; 1 -> sum*/ } }, sdev() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] += d1 * d1; d0s[1] += d1; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { ArrayUtils.add(d0s, d1s); } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { double numerator = ds[0] - ds[1] * ds[1] / n; if (Math.abs(numerator) < 1e-5) numerator = 0; return Math.sqrt(numerator / (n - 1)); } @Override public double[] initVal(int ignored) { return new double[2]; /* 0 -> sum_squares; 1 -> sum*/ } }, min() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] = Math.min(d0s[0], d1); } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { op(d0s, d1s[0]); } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0]; } @Override public double[] initVal(int maxx) { return new double[]{Double.MAX_VALUE}; } }, max() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[0] = Math.max(d0s[0], d1); } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { op(d0s, d1s[0]); } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ds[0]; } @Override public double[] initVal(int maxx) { return new double[]{-Double.MAX_VALUE}; } }, mode() { @Override public void op(double[] d0s, double d1) { d0s[(int) d1]++; } @Override public void atomic_op(double[] d0s, double[] d1s) { ArrayUtils.add(d0s, d1s); } @Override public double postPass(double ds[], long n) { return ArrayUtils.maxIndex(ds); } @Override public double[] initVal(int maxx) { return new double[maxx]; } },; public abstract void op(double[] d0, double d1); public abstract void atomic_op(double[] d0, double[] d1); public abstract double postPass(double ds[], long n); public double[] initVal(int maxx) { return new double[]{0}; } } @Override public int nargs() { return -1; } // (GB data [group-by-cols] {fcn col "na"}...) @Override public String[] args() { return new String[]{"..."}; } @Override public String str() { return "GB"; } @Override public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot asts[]) { Frame fr = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame(); int ncols = fr.numCols(); AstNumList groupby = check(ncols, asts[2]); final int[] gbCols = groupby.expand4(); // Count of aggregates; knock off the first 4 ASTs (GB data [group-by] [order-by]...), // then count by triples. int naggs = (asts.length - 3) / 3; final AGG[] aggs = new AGG[naggs]; for (int idx = 3; idx < asts.length; idx += 3) { Val v = asts[idx].exec(env); String fn = v instanceof ValFun ? v.getFun().str() : v.getStr(); FCN fcn = FCN.valueOf(fn); AstNumList col = check(ncols, asts[idx + 1]); if (col.cnt() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group-By functions take only a single column"); int agg_col = (int) col.min(); // Aggregate column if (fcn == FCN.mode && !fr.vec(agg_col).isCategorical()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode only allowed on categorical columns"); NAHandling na = NAHandling.valueOf(asts[idx + 2].exec(env).getStr().toUpperCase()); aggs[(idx - 3) / 3] = new AGG(fcn, agg_col, na, (int) fr.vec(agg_col).max() + 1); } // do the group by work now IcedHashMap<G, String> gss = doGroups(fr, gbCols, aggs); final G[] grps = gss.keySet().toArray(new G[gss.size()]); // apply an ORDER by here... if (gbCols.length > 0) Arrays.sort(grps, new java.util.Comparator<G>() { // Compare 2 groups. Iterate down _gs, stop when _gs[i] > that._gs[i], // or _gs[i] < that._gs[i]. Order by various columns specified by // gbCols. NaN is treated as least @Override public int compare(G g1, G g2) { for (int i = 0; i < gbCols.length; i++) { if (Double.isNaN(g1._gs[i]) && !Double.isNaN(g2._gs[i])) return -1; if (!Double.isNaN(g1._gs[i]) && Double.isNaN(g2._gs[i])) return 1; if (g1._gs[i] != g2._gs[i]) return g1._gs[i] < g2._gs[i] ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } // I do not believe sort() calls equals() at this time, so no need to implement @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } }); // Build the output! String[] fcnames = new String[aggs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < aggs.length; i++) { if(aggs[i]._fcn.toString() != "nrow") { fcnames[i] = aggs[i]._fcn.toString() + "_" +[i]._col); }else{ fcnames[i] = aggs[i]._fcn.toString(); } } MRTask mrfill = new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] c, NewChunk[] ncs) { int start = (int) c[0].start(); for (int i = 0; i < c[0]._len; ++i) { G g = grps[i + start]; // One Group per row int j; for (j = 0; j < g._gs.length; j++) // The Group Key, as a row ncs[j].addNum(g._gs[j]); for (int a = 0; a < aggs.length; a++) ncs[j++].addNum(aggs[a]._fcn.postPass(g._dss[a], g._ns[a])); } } }; Frame f = buildOutput(gbCols, naggs, fr, fcnames, grps.length, mrfill); return new ValFrame(f); } // Argument check helper public static AstNumList check(long dstX, AstRoot ast) { // Sanity check vs dst. To simplify logic, jam the 1 col/row case in as a AstNumList AstNumList dim; if (ast instanceof AstNumList) dim = (AstNumList) ast; else if (ast instanceof AstNum) dim = new AstNumList(((AstNum) ast).getNum()); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requires a number-list, but found a " + ast.getClass()); if (dim.isEmpty()) return dim; // Allow empty for (int col : dim.expand4()) if (!(0 <= col && col < dstX)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selection must be an integer from 0 to " + dstX); return dim; } // Do all the grouping work. Find groups in frame 'fr', grouped according to // the selected 'gbCols' columns, and for each group compute aggregrate // results using 'aggs'. Return an array of groups, with the aggregate results. public static IcedHashMap<G, String> doGroups(Frame fr, int[] gbCols, AGG[] aggs) { // do the group by work now long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); GBTask p1 = new GBTask(gbCols, aggs).doAll(fr);"Group By Task done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000. + " (s)"); return p1._gss; } // Utility for AstDdply; return a single aggregate for counting rows-per-group public static AGG[] aggNRows() { return new AGG[]{new AGG(FCN.nrow, 0, NAHandling.IGNORE, 0)}; } // Build output frame from the multi-column results public static Frame buildOutput(int[] gbCols, int noutCols, Frame fr, String[] fcnames, int ngrps, MRTask mrfill) { // Build the output! // the names of columns final int nCols = gbCols.length + noutCols; String[] names = new String[nCols]; String[][] domains = new String[nCols][]; for (int i = 0; i < gbCols.length; i++) { names[i] =[i]); domains[i] =[gbCols[i]]; } for (int i = 0; i < fcnames.length; i++) names[i + gbCols.length] = fcnames[i]; Vec v = Vec.makeZero(ngrps); // dummy layout vec // Convert the output arrays into a Frame, also doing the post-pass work Frame f = mrfill.doAll(nCols, Vec.T_NUM, new Frame(v)).outputFrame(names, domains); v.remove(); return f; } // Description of a single aggregate, including the reduction function, the // column and specified NA handling public static class AGG extends Iced { final FCN _fcn; public final int _col; final NAHandling _na; final int _maxx; // Largest integer this column public AGG(FCN fcn, int col, NAHandling na, int maxx) { _fcn = fcn; _col = col; _na = na; _maxx = maxx; } // Update the array pair {ds[i],ns[i]} with d1. // ds is the reduction array // ns is the element count public void op(double[][] d0ss, long[] n0s, int i, double d1) { // Normal number or ALL : call op() if (!Double.isNaN(d1) || _na == NAHandling.ALL) _fcn.op(d0ss[i], d1); // Normal number or IGNORE: bump count; RM: do not bump count if (!Double.isNaN(d1) || _na == NAHandling.IGNORE) n0s[i]++; } // Atomically update the array pair {dss[i],ns[i]} with the pair {d1,n1}. // Same as op() above, but called racily and updates atomically. public void atomic_op(double[][] d0ss, long[] n0s, int i, double[] d1s, long n1) { synchronized (d0ss[i]) { _fcn.atomic_op(d0ss[i], d1s); n0s[i] += n1; } } public double[] initVal() { return _fcn.initVal(_maxx); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main worker MRTask. Makes 1 pass over the data, and accumulates both all // groups and all aggregates public static class GBTask extends MRTask<GBTask> { final IcedHashMap<G, String> _gss; // Shared per-node, common, racy private final int[] _gbCols; // Columns used to define group private final AGG[] _aggs; // Aggregate descriptions GBTask(int[] gbCols, AGG[] aggs) { _gbCols = gbCols; _aggs = aggs; _gss = new IcedHashMap<>(); } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { // Groups found in this Chunk IcedHashMap<G, String> gs = new IcedHashMap<>(); G gWork = new G(_gbCols.length, _aggs); // Working Group G gOld; // Existing Group to be filled in for (int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) { // Find the Group being worked on gWork.fill(row, cs, _gbCols); // Fill the worker Group for the hashtable lookup if (gs.putIfAbsent(gWork, "") == null) { // Insert if not absent (note: no race, no need for atomic) gOld = gWork; // Inserted 'gWork' into table gWork = new G(_gbCols.length, _aggs); // need entirely new G } else gOld = gs.getk(gWork); // Else get existing group for (int i = 0; i < _aggs.length; i++) // Accumulate aggregate reductions _aggs[i].op(gOld._dss, gOld._ns, i, cs[_aggs[i]._col].atd(row)); } // This is a racy update into the node-local shared table of groups reduce(gs); // Atomically merge Group stats } // Racy update on a subtle path: reduction is always single-threaded, but // the shared global hashtable being reduced into is ALSO being written by // parallel map calls. @Override public void reduce(GBTask t) { if (_gss != t._gss) reduce(t._gss); } // Non-blocking race-safe update of the shared per-node groups hashtable private void reduce(IcedHashMap<G, String> r) { for (G rg : r.keySet()) if (_gss.putIfAbsent(rg, "") != null) { G lg = _gss.getk(rg); for (int i = 0; i < _aggs.length; i++) _aggs[i].atomic_op(lg._dss, lg._ns, i, rg._dss[i], rg._ns[i]); // Need to atomically merge groups here } } } // Groups! Contains a Group Key - an array of doubles (often just 1 entry // long) that defines the Group. Also contains an array of doubles for the // aggregate results, one per aggregate. public static class G extends Iced { public final double[] _gs; // Group Key: Array is final; contents change with the "fill" int _hash; // Hash is not final; changes with the "fill" public final double _dss[][]; // Aggregates: usually sum or sum*2 public final long _ns[]; // row counts per aggregate, varies by NA handling and column public G(int ncols, AGG[] aggs) { _gs = new double[ncols]; int len = aggs == null ? 0 : aggs.length; _dss = new double[len][]; _ns = new long[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) _dss[i] = aggs[i].initVal(); } public G fill(int row, Chunk chks[], int cols[]) { for (int c = 0; c < cols.length; c++) // For all selection cols _gs[c] = chks[cols[c]].atd(row); // Load into working array _hash = hash(); return this; } protected int hash() { long h = 0; // hash is sum of field bits for (double d : _gs) h += Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d); // Doubles are lousy hashes; mix up the bits some h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12); h ^= (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4); return (int) ((h ^ (h >> 32)) & 0x7FFFFFFF); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof G && Arrays.equals(_gs, ((G) o)._gs); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _hash; } @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(_gs); } } }