package water.fvec; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.*; import water.*; public class NewVectorTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass() public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } static final double EPSILON = 1e-6; private void testImpl( long[] ls, int[] xs, Class C, boolean hasFloat ) { int [] id = new int[xs.length]; for(int i = 0; i < xs.length; ++i)id[i] = i; testImpl(ls,xs,id,C,hasFloat); } private void testImpl( long[] ls, int[] xs, int [] id, Class C, boolean hasFloat ) { Vec vec = null; try { AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec(Vec.newKey(), Vec.T_NUM); NewChunk nv = new NewChunk(av,0, ls, xs, id, null); Chunk bv = nv.compress(); Futures fs = new Futures(); vec = bv._vec = av.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); // Compression returns the expected compressed-type: assertTrue( "Found chunk class "+bv.getClass()+" but expected "+C, C.isInstance(bv) ); // Also, we can decompress correctly for( int i=0; i<ls.length; i++ ) assertEquals(bv.atd(i), ls[i]*water.util.PrettyPrint.pow10(xs[i]), Math.abs(bv.atd(i))*EPSILON); } finally { if( vec != null ) vec.remove(); } } // Test that various collections of parsed numbers compress as expected. @Test public void testCompression() { // A simple no-compress testImpl(new long[] {120, 12,120}, new int [] { 0, 1, 0}, C0LChunk.class,false); // A simple no-compress testImpl(new long[] {122, 3,44}, new int [] { 0, 0, 0}, C1NChunk.class,false); // A simple compressed boolean vector testImpl(new long[] {1, 0, 1}, new int [] {0, 0, 0}, CBSChunk.class,false); // Scaled-byte compression testImpl(new long[] {122,-3,44}, // 12.2, -3.0, 4.4 ==> 122e-1, -30e-1, 44e-1 new int [] { -1, 0,-1}, C1SChunk.class, true); // Positive-scale byte compression testImpl(new long[] {1000,200,30}, // 1000, 2000, 3000 ==> 1e3, 2e3, 3e3 new int [] { 0, 1, 2}, C1SChunk.class,false); // A simple no-compress short testImpl(new long[] {1000,200,32767, -32767,32}, new int [] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 3}, C2Chunk.class,false); // Scaled-byte compression testImpl(new long[] {50100,50101,50123,49999}, // 50100, 50101, 50123, 49999 new int [] { 0, 0, 0, 0}, C1SChunk.class,false); // Scaled-byte compression testImpl(new long[] {51000,50101,50123,49999}, // 51000, 50101, 50123, 49999 new int [] { 0, 0, 0, 0}, C2SChunk.class,false); // Scaled-short compression testImpl(new long[] {501000,501001,50123,49999}, // 50100.0, 50100.1, 50123, 49999 new int [] { -1, -1, 0, 0}, C2SChunk.class, true); // Integers testImpl(new long[] {123456,2345678,34567890}, new int [] { 0, 0, 0}, C4Chunk.class,false); // // Floats testImpl(new long[] {1234,2345,314}, new int [] { -1, -5, -2}, C4SChunk.class, true); // Doubles testImpl(new long[] {1234,2345678,31415}, new int [] { 40, 10, -40}, C8DChunk.class, true); testImpl(new long[] {-581504,-477862,342349}, new int[] {-5,-18,-5}, C8DChunk.class,true); } // Testing writes to an existing Chunk causing inflation @Test public void testWrites() { Vec vec = null; try { Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec(Vec.newKey(), Vec.T_NUM); long ls[] = new long[]{0,0,0,0}; // A 4-row chunk int xs[] = new int[]{0,0,0,0}; // A 4-row chunk NewChunk nv = new NewChunk(av,0,ls,xs,null,null); nv.close(0,fs); vec = av.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); assertEquals(nv._len, vec.length()); // Compression returns the expected constant-compression-type: Chunk c0 = vec.chunkForChunkIdx(0); assertTrue( "Found chunk class "+c0.getClass()+" but expected C0LChunk", c0 instanceof C0LChunk ); // Also, we can decompress correctly for( int i=0; i<ls.length; i++ ) assertEquals(0, c0.atd(i), c0.atd(i)*EPSILON); // Now write a zero into slot 0 vec.set(0,0); assertEquals(vec.at8(0),0); Chunk c1 = vec.chunkForChunkIdx(0); assertTrue( "Found chunk class "+c1.getClass()+" but expected C0LChunk", c1 instanceof C0LChunk ); // Now write a one into slot 1; chunk should inflate into boolean vector. vec.set(1, 1); assertEquals(vec.at8(1),1); // Immediate visibility in current thread Chunk c2 = vec.chunkForChunkIdx(0); // Look again at the installed chunk assertTrue( "Found chunk class "+c2.getClass()+" but expected CBSChunk", c2 instanceof CBSChunk ); // Now write a two into slot 2; chunk should inflate into byte vector vec.set(2, 2); assertEquals(vec.at8(2),2); // Immediate visibility in current thread Chunk c3 = vec.chunkForChunkIdx(0); // Look again at the installed chunk assertTrue( "Found chunk class "+c3.getClass()+" but expected C1NChunk", c3 instanceof C1NChunk ); vec.set(3, 3); assertEquals(vec.at8(3),3); // Immediate visibility in current thread Chunk c4 = vec.chunkForChunkIdx(0); // Look again at the installed chunk assertTrue("Found chunk class " + c4.getClass() + " but expected C1NChunk", c4 instanceof C1NChunk); // Now doing the same for multiple writes, close() only at the end for better speed try (Vec.Writer vw = { vw.set(1, 4); vw.set(2, 5); vw.set(3, 6); // Updates will be immediately visible on the writing node } // now, after vw.close(), numbers are consistent across the H2O cloud assertEquals(vec.at8(1),4); assertEquals(vec.at8(2),5); assertEquals(vec.at8(3),6); } finally { if( vec != null ) vec.remove(); } } }