package water; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.api.schemas3.TwoDimTableV3; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.parser.ParserTest; import water.util.Log; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static water.util.TwoDimTable.emptyDouble; public class TwoDimTableTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass() public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @Test public void run0() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "My foo bar table", null, new String[4], new String[]{"DoubleValue", "S2", "My Terrible Percent Value"}, new String[]{"double", "string", "double"}, new String[]{"%5.8e", "%s", "%5.8g %%"}, "", new String[][]{ new String[]{null, "One", null }, new String[]{null, null, null }, new String[]{null, "Three", null }, new String[]{null, "FooBar", null } }, new double[][]{ new double[]{1.123, emptyDouble, 3200034.00001}, new double[]{123.34, emptyDouble, 1.0 }, new double[]{emptyDouble, emptyDouble, 3234.00001 }, new double[]{3.33420923423423, emptyDouble, 3.40234234 } }); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run1() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "My foo bar table", "Corner value", new String[]{"First row", "R2", "Row #3", "Last row is here:"}, new String[]{"DoubleValue", "S2", "My Terrible Percent Value"}, new String[]{"double", "string", "double"}, new String[]{"%5.8e", "%s", "%5.8g %%"}, "", new String[][]{ new String[]{null, "One", null }, new String[]{null, null, null }, new String[]{null, "Three", null }, new String[]{null, "FooBar", null } }, new double[][]{ new double[]{1.123, emptyDouble, 3200034.00001}, new double[]{123.34, emptyDouble, 1.0 }, new double[]{emptyDouble, emptyDouble, 3234.00001 }, new double[]{3.33420923423423, emptyDouble, 3.40234234 } }); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void run2() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "My foo bar table", null, new String[]{"First row", "R2", "Row #3", "Last row is here:"}, new String[]{"DoubleValue", "S2", "My Terrible Percent Value"}, new String[]{"double", "string", "double"}, new String[]{"%5.8e", "%s", "%5.8g %%"}, "", new String[][]{ new String[]{null, "One", null }, new String[]{null, null, null }, new String[]{null, "Three", "extra" }, new String[]{null, "FooBar", null } }, new double[][]{ new double[]{1.123, emptyDouble, 3200034.00001}, new double[]{123.34, emptyDouble, 1.0 }, new double[]{emptyDouble, emptyDouble, 3234.00001 }, new double[]{3.33420923423423, emptyDouble, 3.40234234 } }); } @Test public void run3() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "My foo bar table", "desc", new String[]{"First row", "R2", "Row #3", "Last row is here:"}, new String[]{"DoubleValue", "S2", "My Terrible Percent Value"}, new String[]{"double", "string", "double"}, new String[]{"%f", "%s", "%f"}, "", new String[][]{ new String[]{null, "One", null }, new String[]{null, null, null }, new String[]{null, "Three", null }, new String[]{null, "FooBar", null } }, new double[][]{ new double[]{1.123, emptyDouble, 3200034.00001}, new double[]{123.34, emptyDouble, 1.0 }, new double[]{emptyDouble, emptyDouble, 3234.00001 }, new double[]{3.33420923423423, emptyDouble, 3.40234234} }); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run4() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "All numbers", "yada", new String[]{"R1", "R2", "R3", "R4"}, new String[]{"Num1", "Num2", "Num3"}, new String[]{"double", "double", "double"}, new String[]{"%f", "%f", "%f"}, "", new String[4][], new double[][]{ new double[]{1.123, 3.42, 3200034.00001}, new double[]{123.34, emptyDouble, 1.0 }, new double[]{emptyDouble, emptyDouble, 3234.00001 }, new double[]{3.33420923423423, 83.32, 3.40234234 } }); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run5() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "All strings", null, new String[]{"R1", "R2", "R3", "R4"}, new String[]{"S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"}, new String[]{"string", "string", "string", "string"}, new String[]{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}, "", new String[][]{ new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d"}, new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d"}, new String[]{"a", null, "c", "d"}, new String[]{"a", "b", "c", null}, }, new double[4][]); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run6() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "Mixed", "stuff", new String[]{"R0", "R1", "R2", "R3"}, new String[]{"C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"}, new String[]{"string", "string", "string", "string"}, new String[]{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}, ""); table.set(3, 3, "a33"); table.set(0, 1, "a01"); table.set(1, 2, 1.2); table.set(0, 2, "a02"); table.set(3, 0, "a30"); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; assertTrue(table.get(3, 0).equals("a30")); assertTrue(table.get(1, 2).equals("1.2")); assertTrue(table.get(1, 3) == null); String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run7() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "Mixed", "description", new String[]{"R0", "R1", "R2", "R3"}, new String[]{"C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"}, new String[]{"double", "float", "int", "long"}, new String[]{"%f", "%f", "%d", "%d"}, ""); table.set(0, 0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); table.set(1, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); table.set(2, 0, Double.NaN); table.set(3, 0, Math.PI); table.set(0, 1, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); table.set(1, 1, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); table.set(2, 1, Float.NaN); table.set(3, 1, Float.MIN_VALUE); table.set(0, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); table.set(1, 2, Integer.MIN_VALUE); table.set(2, 2, Double.NaN); table.set(3, 2, 0); table.set(0, 3, Long.MAX_VALUE); table.set(1, 3, Long.MIN_VALUE); table.set(2, 3, Double.NaN); table.set(3, 3, null); String ts = table.toString(); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; assertTrue(table.get(0, 0).equals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertTrue(table.get(1, 0).equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertTrue(table.get(2, 0).equals(Double.NaN)); assertTrue(table.get(3, 0).equals(Math.PI)); assertTrue(table.get(0, 1).equals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertTrue(table.get(1, 1).equals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertTrue(table.get(2, 1).equals(Float.NaN)); assertTrue(table.get(3, 1).equals(Float.MIN_VALUE)); assertTrue(table.get(0, 2).equals(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); assertTrue(table.get(1, 2).equals(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); assertTrue(table.get(2, 2).equals(Double.NaN)); assertTrue(table.get(3, 2).equals(0)); assertTrue(table.get(0, 3).equals(Long.MAX_VALUE)); assertTrue(table.get(1, 3).equals(Long.MIN_VALUE)); assertTrue(table.get(2, 3).equals(Double.NaN)); assertTrue(table.get(3, 3) == null); String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run8() { TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "Mixed", "description", new String[1000], new String[]{"C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"}, new String[]{"double", "float", "int", "long"}, new String[]{"%f", "%f", "%d", "%d"}, ""); for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { table.set(i, 0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); table.set(i, 1, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); table.set(i, 2, i); table.set(i, 3, -234234); } String ts = table.toString(1,false); assertTrue(ts.length() > 0);; String json = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(table).toJsonString();; } @Test public void run9() { Frame fr = null; try { int OFFSET = 5; int firstVal = 1; String data = "1\nNA\n"; Key k1 = ParserTest.makeByteVec(data); Key r1 = Key.make(); fr = ParseDataset.parse(r1, k1); assertTrue(fr.numRows() == 2); assertTrue(fr.hasNAs()); System.out.println(fr); TwoDimTable table = fr.toTwoDimTable(0,2); assertTrue(table.getColTypes()[0]=="long"); assertTrue((long) table.get(0 + OFFSET,0) == firstVal); try { long invalid = (long) table.get(1 + OFFSET,0); // NaN can't be cast to a long assertFalse(true); } catch(ClassCastException ex) {} assertTrue(Double.isNaN((double) table.get(1 + OFFSET, 0))); } finally { if (fr != null) fr.delete(); } } @Test public void run10() { Frame fr = null; try { int OFFSET = 5; String data = "1\n3\n4\nNA\n"; Key k1 = ParserTest.makeByteVec(data); Key r1 = Key.make(); fr = ParseDataset.parse(r1, k1); assertTrue(fr.numRows() == 4); System.out.println(fr); TwoDimTable table = fr.toTwoDimTable(0,4); assertTrue(table.getColTypes()[0]=="long"); assertTrue((long)table.get(0,0) == 1); //min assertTrue((double)table.get(1,0) > 2.66); //mean assertTrue((double)table.get(1,0) < 2.67); //mean assertTrue((double)table.get(2,0) > 1.52); //sd assertTrue((double)table.get(2,0) < 1.53); //sd assertTrue((long)table.get(3,0) == 4); //max assertTrue((long)table.get(4,0) == 1); //missing assertTrue((long)table.get(0 + OFFSET,0) == 1); assertTrue((long)table.get(1 + OFFSET,0) == 3); assertTrue((long)table.get(2 + OFFSET,0) == 4); assertTrue(Double.isNaN((double)table.get(3 + OFFSET,0))); } finally { if (fr != null) fr.delete(); } } }