package water.util; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCallback; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.fvec.*; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import water.parser.BufferedString; import static water.util.RandomUtils.getRNG; public class MRUtils { /** * Sample rows from a frame. * Can be unlucky for small sampling fractions - will continue calling itself until at least 1 row is returned. * @param fr Input frame * @param rows Approximate number of rows to sample (across all chunks) * @param seed Seed for RNG * @return Sampled frame */ public static Frame sampleFrame(Frame fr, final long rows, final long seed) { if (fr == null) return null; final float fraction = rows > 0 ? (float)rows / fr.numRows() : 1.f; if (fraction >= 1.f) return fr; Key newKey = fr._key != null ? Key.make(fr._key.toString() + (fr._key.toString().contains("temporary") ? ".sample." : ".temporary.sample.") + PrettyPrint.formatPct(fraction).replace(" ","")) : null; Frame r = new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) { final Random rng = getRNG(0); final BufferedString bStr = new BufferedString(); int count = 0; for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; r++) { rng.setSeed(seed+r+cs[0].start()); if (rng.nextFloat() < fraction || (count == 0 && r == cs[0]._len-1) ) { count++; for (int i = 0; i < ncs.length; i++) { if (cs[i].isNA(r)) ncs[i].addNA(); else if (cs[i] instanceof CStrChunk) ncs[i].addStr(cs[i].atStr(bStr,r)); else if (cs[i] instanceof C16Chunk) ncs[i].addUUID(cs[i].at16l(r),cs[i].at16h(r)); else ncs[i].addNum(cs[i].atd(r)); } } } } }.doAll(fr.types(), fr).outputFrame(newKey, fr.names(),; if (r.numRows() == 0) { Log.warn("You asked for " + rows + " rows (out of " + fr.numRows() + "), but you got none (seed=" + seed + ")."); Log.warn("Let's try again. You've gotta ask yourself a question: \"Do I feel lucky?\""); return sampleFrame(fr, rows, seed+1); } return r; } /** * Row-wise shuffle of a frame (only shuffles rows inside of each chunk) * @param fr Input frame * @return Shuffled frame */ public static Frame shuffleFramePerChunk(Frame fr, final long seed) { return new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) { int[] idx = new int[cs[0]._len]; for (int r=0; r<idx.length; ++r) idx[r] = r; ArrayUtils.shuffleArray(idx, getRNG(seed)); for (long anIdx : idx) { for (int i = 0; i < ncs.length; i++) { if (cs[i] instanceof CStrChunk) { ncs[i].addStr(cs[i],cs[i].start()+anIdx); } else { ncs[i].addNum(cs[i].atd((int) anIdx)); } } } } }.doAll(fr.types(), fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; } /** * Compute the class distribution from a class label vector * (not counting missing values) * * Usage 1: Label vector is categorical * ------------------------------------ * Vec label = ...; * assert(label.isCategorical()); * double[] dist = new ClassDist(label).doAll(label).dist(); * * Usage 2: Label vector is numerical * ---------------------------------- * Vec label = ...; * int num_classes = ...; * assert(label.isInt()); * double[] dist = new ClassDist(num_classes).doAll(label).dist(); * */ public static class ClassDist extends MRTask<ClassDist> { final int _nclass; protected double[] _ys; public ClassDist(final Vec label) { _nclass = label.domain().length; } public ClassDist(int n) { _nclass = n; } public final double[] dist() { return _ys; } public final double[] rel_dist() { final double sum = ArrayUtils.sum(_ys); return ArrayUtils.div(Arrays.copyOf(_ys, _ys.length), sum); } @Override public void map(Chunk ys) { _ys = new double[_nclass]; for( int i=0; i<ys._len; i++ ) if (!ys.isNA(i)) _ys[(int) ys.at8(i)]++; } @Override public void map(Chunk ys, Chunk ws) { _ys = new double[_nclass]; for( int i=0; i<ys._len; i++ ) if (!ys.isNA(i)) _ys[(int) ys.at8(i)] += ws.atd(i); } @Override public void reduce( ClassDist that ) { ArrayUtils.add(_ys,that._ys); } } public static class Dist extends MRTask<Dist> { private IcedHashMap<IcedDouble,IcedAtomicInt> _dist; @Override public void map(Chunk ys) { _dist = new IcedHashMap<>(); IcedDouble d = new IcedDouble(0); for( int row=0; row< ys._len; row++ ) if( !ys.isNA(row) ) { d._val = ys.atd(row); IcedAtomicInt oldV = _dist.get(d); if(oldV == null) oldV = _dist.putIfAbsent(new IcedDouble(d._val), new IcedAtomicInt(1)); if(oldV != null) oldV.incrementAndGet(); } } @Override public void reduce(Dist mrt) { if( _dist != mrt._dist ) { IcedHashMap<IcedDouble,IcedAtomicInt> l = _dist; IcedHashMap<IcedDouble,IcedAtomicInt> r = mrt._dist; if( l.size() < r.size() ) { l=r; r=_dist; } for( IcedDouble v: r.keySet() ) { IcedAtomicInt oldVal = l.putIfAbsent(v, r.get(v)); if( oldVal!=null ) oldVal.addAndGet(r.get(v).get()); } _dist=l; mrt._dist=null; } } public double[] dist() { int i=0; double[] dist = new double[_dist.size()]; for( IcedAtomicInt v: _dist.values() ) dist[i++] = v.get(); return dist; } public double[] keys() { int i=0; double[] keys = new double[_dist.size()]; for( IcedDouble k: _dist.keySet() ) keys[i++] = k._val; return keys; } } /** * Stratified sampling for classifiers - FIXME: For weights, this is not accurate, as the sampling is done with uniform weights * @param fr Input frame * @param label Label vector (must be categorical) * @param weights Weights vector, can be null * @param sampling_ratios Optional: array containing the requested sampling ratios per class (in order of domains), will be overwritten if it contains all 0s * @param maxrows Maximum number of rows in the returned frame * @param seed RNG seed for sampling * @param allowOversampling Allow oversampling of minority classes * @param verbose Whether to print verbose info * @return Sampled frame, with approximately the same number of samples from each class (or given by the requested sampling ratios) */ public static Frame sampleFrameStratified(final Frame fr, Vec label, Vec weights, float[] sampling_ratios, long maxrows, final long seed, final boolean allowOversampling, final boolean verbose) { if (fr == null) return null; assert(label.isCategorical()); if (maxrows < label.domain().length) { Log.warn("Attempting to do stratified sampling to fewer samples than there are class labels - automatically increasing to #rows == #labels (" + label.domain().length + ")."); maxrows = label.domain().length; } ClassDist cd = new ClassDist(label); double[] dist = weights != null ? cd.doAll(label, weights).dist() : cd.doAll(label).dist(); assert(dist.length > 0);"Doing stratified sampling for data set containing " + fr.numRows() + " rows from " + dist.length + " classes. Oversampling: " + (allowOversampling ? "on" : "off")); if (verbose) for (int i=0; i<dist.length;++i)"Class " + label.factor(i) + ": count: " + dist[i] + " prior: " + (float)dist[i]/fr.numRows()); // create sampling_ratios for class balance with max. maxrows rows (fill // existing array if not null). Make a defensive copy. sampling_ratios = sampling_ratios == null ? new float[dist.length] : sampling_ratios.clone(); assert sampling_ratios.length == dist.length; if( ArrayUtils.minValue(sampling_ratios) == 0 && ArrayUtils.maxValue(sampling_ratios) == 0 ) { // compute sampling ratios to achieve class balance for (int i=0; i<dist.length;++i) sampling_ratios[i] = ((float)fr.numRows() / label.domain().length) / (float)dist[i]; // prior^-1 / num_classes final float inv_scale = ArrayUtils.minValue(sampling_ratios); //majority class has lowest required oversampling factor to achieve balance if (!Float.isNaN(inv_scale) && !Float.isInfinite(inv_scale)) ArrayUtils.div(sampling_ratios, inv_scale); //want sampling_ratio 1.0 for majority class (no downsampling) } if (!allowOversampling) for (int i=0; i<sampling_ratios.length; ++i) sampling_ratios[i] = Math.min(1.0f, sampling_ratios[i]); // given these sampling ratios, and the original class distribution, this is the expected number of resulting rows float numrows = 0; for (int i=0; i<sampling_ratios.length; ++i) { numrows += sampling_ratios[i] * dist[i]; } if (Float.isNaN(numrows)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error during sampling - too few points?"); } final long actualnumrows = Math.min(maxrows, Math.round(numrows)); //cap #rows at maxrows assert(actualnumrows >= 0); //can have no matching rows in case of sparse data where we had to fill in a makeZero() vector"Stratified sampling to a total of " + String.format("%,d", actualnumrows) + " rows" + (actualnumrows < numrows ? " (limited by max_after_balance_size).":".")); if (actualnumrows != numrows) { ArrayUtils.mult(sampling_ratios, (float)actualnumrows/numrows); //adjust the sampling_ratios by the global rescaling factor if (verbose)"Downsampling majority class by " + (float)actualnumrows/numrows + " to limit number of rows to " + String.format("%,d", maxrows)); } for (int i=0;i<label.domain().length;++i) {"Class '" + label.domain()[i] + "' sampling ratio: " + sampling_ratios[i]); } return sampleFrameStratified(fr, label, weights, sampling_ratios, seed, verbose); } /** * Stratified sampling * @param fr Input frame * @param label Label vector (from the input frame) * @param weights Weight vector (from the input frame), can be null * @param sampling_ratios Given sampling ratios for each class, in order of domains * @param seed RNG seed * @param debug Whether to print debug info * @return Stratified frame */ public static Frame sampleFrameStratified(final Frame fr, Vec label, Vec weights, final float[] sampling_ratios, final long seed, final boolean debug) { return sampleFrameStratified(fr, label, weights, sampling_ratios, seed, debug, 0); } // internal version with repeat counter // currently hardcoded to do up to 10 tries to get a row from each class, which can be impossible for certain wrong sampling ratios private static Frame sampleFrameStratified(final Frame fr, Vec label, Vec weights, final float[] sampling_ratios, final long seed, final boolean debug, int count) { if (fr == null) return null; assert(label.isCategorical()); assert(sampling_ratios != null && sampling_ratios.length == label.domain().length); final int labelidx = fr.find(label); //which column is the label? assert(labelidx >= 0); final int weightsidx = fr.find(weights); //which column is the weight? final boolean poisson = false; //beta feature //FIXME - this is doing uniform sampling, even if the weights are given Frame r = new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) { final Random rng = getRNG(seed); for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; r++) { if (cs[labelidx].isNA(r)) continue; //skip missing labels rng.setSeed(cs[0].start()+r+seed); final int label = (int)cs[labelidx].at8(r); assert(sampling_ratios.length > label && label >= 0); int sampling_reps; if (poisson) { throw H2O.unimpl(); // sampling_reps = ArrayUtils.getPoisson(sampling_ratios[label], rng); } else { final float remainder = sampling_ratios[label] - (int)sampling_ratios[label]; sampling_reps = (int)sampling_ratios[label] + (rng.nextFloat() < remainder ? 1 : 0); } for (int i = 0; i < ncs.length; i++) { if (cs[i] instanceof CStrChunk) { for (int j = 0; j < sampling_reps; ++j) { ncs[i].addStr(cs[i],cs[0].start()+r); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < sampling_reps; ++j) { ncs[i].addNum(cs[i].atd(r)); } } } } } }.doAll(fr.types(), fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; // Confirm the validity of the distribution Vec lab = r.vecs()[labelidx]; Vec wei = weightsidx != -1 ? r.vecs()[weightsidx] : null; double[] dist = wei != null ? new ClassDist(lab).doAll(lab, wei).dist() : new ClassDist(lab).doAll(lab).dist(); // if there are no training labels in the test set, then there is no point in sampling the test set if (dist == null) return fr; if (debug) { double sumdist = ArrayUtils.sum(dist);"After stratified sampling: " + sumdist + " rows."); for (int i=0; i<dist.length;++i) {"Class " + r.vecs()[labelidx].factor(i) + ": count: " + dist[i] + " sampling ratio: " + sampling_ratios[i] + " actual relative frequency: " + (float)dist[i] / sumdist * dist.length); } } // Re-try if we didn't get at least one example from each class if (ArrayUtils.minValue(dist) == 0 && count < 10) {"Re-doing stratified sampling because not all classes were represented (unlucky draw)."); r.remove(); return sampleFrameStratified(fr, label, weights, sampling_ratios, seed+1, debug, ++count); } // shuffle intra-chunk Frame shuffled = shuffleFramePerChunk(r, seed+0x580FF13); r.remove(); return shuffled; } }