package hex.deeplearning; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.Distribution; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters; import water.H2O; import water.MemoryManager; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.MathUtils; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; /** * This class implements the concept of a Neuron layer in a Neural Network * During training, every MRTask F/J thread is expected to create these neurons for every map call (Cheap to make). * These Neurons are NOT sent over the wire. * The weights connecting the neurons are in a separate class (DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningModelInfo), and will be shared per node. */ public abstract class Neurons { short _k; //number of parallel channels int[/*minibatch*/][/*k*/] _maxIncoming; //index of largest incoming signal (out of k channels) Distribution _dist; protected int units; /** * Constructor of a Neuron Layer * @param units How many neurons are in this layer? */ Neurons(int units) { this.units = units; } /** * Print the status of this neuron layer * @return populated String */ @Override public String toString() { String s = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); s += "\nNumber of Neurons: " + units; s += "\nParameters:\n" + params.toString(); if (_dropout != null) s += "\nDropout:\n" + _dropout.toString(); return s; } /** * Parameters (deep-cloned() from the user input, can be modified here, e.g. learning rate decay) */ protected transient DeepLearningParameters params; protected transient int _index; //which hidden layer it is /** * Layer state (one per neuron): activity, error */ public transient Storage.DenseVector[] _origa; public transient Storage.DenseVector[] _a; public transient Storage.DenseVector[] _e; /** * References for feed-forward connectivity */ public Neurons _previous; public Neurons _input; DeepLearningModelInfo _minfo; //reference to shared model info public Storage.DenseRowMatrix _w; public Storage.DenseRowMatrix _wEA; //weights for elastic averaging public Storage.DenseVector _b; public Storage.DenseVector _bEA; //bias for elastic averaging /** * References for momentum training */ Storage.DenseRowMatrix _wm; Storage.DenseVector _bm; /** * References for ADADELTA */ Storage.DenseRowMatrix _ada_dx_g; Storage.DenseVector _bias_ada_dx_g; /** * For Dropout training */ protected Dropout _dropout; /** * Helper to shortcut bprop */ private boolean _shortcut = false; public Storage.DenseVector _avg_a; /** * Helper to check sanity of Neuron layers * @param training whether training or testing is done */ void sanityCheck(boolean training) { if (this instanceof Input) { assert(_previous == null); } else { assert(_previous != null); if (_minfo.has_momenta()) { assert(_wm != null); assert(_bm != null); assert(_ada_dx_g == null); } if (_minfo.adaDelta()) { if (params._rho == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("rho must be > 0 if epsilon is >0."); if (params._epsilon == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("epsilon must be > 0 if rho is >0."); assert(_minfo.adaDelta()); assert(_bias_ada_dx_g != null); assert(_wm == null); assert(_bm == null); } if (this instanceof MaxoutDropout || this instanceof TanhDropout || this instanceof RectifierDropout) { assert (!training || _dropout != null); } } } /** * Initialization of the parameters and connectivity of a Neuron layer * @param neurons Array of all neuron layers, to establish feed-forward connectivity * @param index Which layer am I? * @param p User-given parameters (Job parental object hierarchy is not used) * @param minfo Model information (weights/biases and their momenta) * @param training Whether training is done or just testing (no need for dropout) */ public final void init(Neurons[] neurons, int index, DeepLearningParameters p, final DeepLearningModelInfo minfo, boolean training) { _index = index-1; params = (DeepLearningParameters)p.clone(); params._hidden_dropout_ratios = minfo.get_params()._hidden_dropout_ratios; params._rate *= Math.pow(params._rate_decay, index-1); params._distribution = minfo.get_params()._distribution; _dist = new Distribution(params); _a = new Storage.DenseVector[params._mini_batch_size]; for (int mb=0;mb<_a.length;++mb) _a[mb] = new Storage.DenseVector(units); if (!(this instanceof Input)) { _e = new Storage.DenseVector[params._mini_batch_size]; for (int mb=0;mb<_e.length;++mb) _e[mb] = new Storage.DenseVector(units); } else if (params._autoencoder && params._input_dropout_ratio > 0) { _origa = new Storage.DenseVector[params._mini_batch_size]; for (int mb=0;mb<_origa.length;++mb) _origa[mb] = new Storage.DenseVector(units); } if (training && (this instanceof MaxoutDropout || this instanceof TanhDropout || this instanceof RectifierDropout || this instanceof ExpRectifierDropout || this instanceof Input) ) { _dropout = this instanceof Input ? (params._input_dropout_ratio==0 ? null : new Dropout(units, params._input_dropout_ratio)) //input dropout : new Dropout(units, params._hidden_dropout_ratios[_index]); //hidden dropout } if (!(this instanceof Input)) { _previous = neurons[_index]; //incoming neurons _minfo = minfo; _w = minfo.get_weights(_index); //incoming weights _b = minfo.get_biases(_index); //bias for this layer (starting at hidden layer) if(params._autoencoder && params._sparsity_beta > 0 && _index < params._hidden.length) { _avg_a = minfo.get_avg_activations(_index); } if (minfo.has_momenta()) { _wm = minfo.get_weights_momenta(_index); //incoming weights _bm = minfo.get_biases_momenta(_index); //bias for this layer (starting at hidden layer) } if (minfo.adaDelta()) { _ada_dx_g = minfo.get_ada_dx_g(_index); _bias_ada_dx_g = minfo.get_biases_ada_dx_g(_index); } _shortcut = (params._fast_mode || ( // not doing fast mode, but also don't have anything else to update (neither momentum nor ADADELTA history), and no L1/L2 !params._adaptive_rate && !_minfo.has_momenta() && params._l1 == 0.0 && params._l2 == 0.0)); } sanityCheck(training); } /** * Forward propagation * @param seed For seeding the RNG inside (for dropout) * @param training Whether training is done or just testing (no need for dropout) * @param n number of actually trained samples in this mini-batch */ protected abstract void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n); /** * Back propagation of error terms stored in _e (for non-final layers) */ protected abstract void bprop(int n); /** * Back-propagate gradient in output layer */ final protected void bpropOutputLayer(int n) { assert(_index == params._hidden.length); assert(_a.length == params._mini_batch_size); final int rows = _a[0].size(); float m = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : momentum(); float r = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : rate(_minfo.get_processed_total()) * (1f - m); for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { double[] g = new double[n]; for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) g[mb]=_e[mb].raw()[row]; bprop(row, g, r, m, n); } } /** * Accumulation of reconstruction errors for a generic Neurons class * (This is only used for AutoEncoders) */ protected void setOutputLayerGradient(double ignored, int mb, int n) { assert (_minfo.get_params()._autoencoder && _index == _minfo.get_params()._hidden.length); final int rows = _a[mb].size(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) _e[mb].set(row, autoEncoderGradient(row, mb)/n); } /** * Backpropagation: w -= rate * dE/dw, where dE/dw = dE/dy * dy/dnet * dnet/dw * This method adds the dnet/dw = activation term per unit * @param row row index (update weights feeding to this neuron) * @param partial_grad partial derivative dE/dnet = dE/dy * dy/net * @param rate learning rate * @param momentum momentum factor (needed only if ADADELTA isn't used) * @param n Actual mini-batch size */ final void bprop(final int row, final double[/*actual mini-batch size*/] partial_grad, final float rate, final float momentum, int n) { final float rho = (float)params._rho; final float eps = (float)params._epsilon; final float l1 = (float)params._l1; final float l2 = (float)params._l2; final float max_w2 = params._max_w2; final boolean have_momenta = _minfo.has_momenta(); final boolean have_ada = _minfo.adaDelta(); final boolean nesterov = params._nesterov_accelerated_gradient; final boolean fast_mode = params._fast_mode; final int cols = _previous._a[0].size(); assert(partial_grad.length == n); double avg_grad2 = 0; final int idx = row * cols; for( int mb = 0; mb < n; mb++ ) { if (_shortcut && partial_grad[mb] == 0f) return; final boolean update_prev = _previous._e != null && _previous._e[mb] != null; for( int col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) { int w = idx + col; // for Maxout, return the "winning" linear index into the matrix if (_k != 0) w = _k * w + _maxIncoming[mb][row]; final double weight = _w.raw()[w]; if( update_prev ) _previous._e[mb].add(col, partial_grad[mb] * weight); // propagate the error dE/dnet to the previous layer, via connecting weights final double previous_a = _previous._a[mb].get(col); if (fast_mode && previous_a == 0) continue; //this is the actual gradient dE/dw double grad = partial_grad[mb] * previous_a + Math.signum(weight) * l1 + weight * l2; if (_wEA !=null) { grad += params._elastic_averaging_regularization * (_w.raw()[w] -_wEA.raw()[w]); //"weight: my: " + _w.raw()[w] + ", consensus: " + _wEA.raw()[w] + ", delta: " + (_w.raw()[w] -_wEA.raw()[w]) + ", relative delta: " + (_w.raw()[w] -_wEA.raw()[w])/_w.raw()[w]); } // store the gradient if (DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck != null) DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.apply(_index, row, col, grad); if (have_ada) { final double grad2 = grad*grad; avg_grad2 += grad2; float brate = computeAdaDeltaRateForWeight(grad, w, _ada_dx_g, rho, eps); _w.raw()[w] -= brate * grad; } else { if (!nesterov) { final double delta = -rate * grad; _w.raw()[w] += delta; if( have_momenta ) { _w.raw()[w] += momentum * _wm.raw()[w]; _wm.raw()[w] = (float)delta; } } else { double tmp = -grad; if( have_momenta ) { _wm.raw()[w] *= momentum; _wm.raw()[w] += tmp; tmp = _wm.raw()[w]; } _w.raw()[w] += rate * tmp; } } } } if (max_w2 != Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) for( int mb = 0; mb < n; mb++ ) rescale_weights(_w, row, max_w2, mb); if (have_ada) avg_grad2 /= cols * n; for( int mb = 0; mb < n; mb++ ) { update_bias(_b, _bEA, _bm, row, partial_grad, avg_grad2, rate, momentum, mb); } } private void rescale_weights(final Storage.DenseRowMatrix w, final int row, final float max_w2, int mb) { final int cols = _previous._a[0].size(); int start; int end; if (_k != 0) { start = _k * (row*cols ) + _maxIncoming[mb][row]; end = _k * (row*cols + (cols-1)) + _maxIncoming[mb][row]; } else { if (mb>0) return; //already done rescaling for mb=0 start = row * cols; end = row * cols + cols; } float r2 = MathUtils.sumSquares(w.raw(), start, end); // float r2 = MathUtils.approxSumSquares(w.raw(), idx, idx + cols); if( r2 > max_w2) { final float scale = MathUtils.approxSqrt(max_w2 / r2); for( int c = start; c < end; c++ ) w.raw()[c] *= scale; } } /** * Helper to compute the reconstruction error for auto-encoders (part of the gradient computation) * @param row neuron index * @param mb minibatch-internal index * @return difference between the output (auto-encoder output layer activation) and the target (input layer activation) */ protected double autoEncoderGradient(int row, int mb) { assert (_minfo.get_params()._autoencoder && _index == _minfo.get_params()._hidden.length); final double t = _input._origa != null ? _input._origa[mb].get(row) : _input._a[mb].get(row); final double y = _a[mb].get(row); return -2*_dist.negHalfGradient(t, y); } /** * Compute learning rate with AdaDelta, specialized for DenseRowMatrix * * @param grad gradient * @param w neuron index * @param ada_dx_g Matrix holding helper values (2 floats per weight) * @param rho hyper-parameter #1 * @param eps hyper-parameter #2 * @return learning rate */ private static float computeAdaDeltaRateForWeight(final double grad, final int w, final Storage.DenseRowMatrix ada_dx_g, final float rho, final float eps) { final double grad2 = grad*grad; ada_dx_g.raw()[2*w+1] = (float)(rho * ada_dx_g.raw()[2*w+1] + (1 - rho) * grad2); final float rate = MathUtils.approxSqrt((ada_dx_g.raw()[2 * w] + eps) / (ada_dx_g.raw()[2 * w + 1] + eps)); ada_dx_g.raw()[2*w ] = (float)(rho * ada_dx_g.raw()[2*w] + (1 - rho) * rate * rate * grad2); return rate; } /** * Compute learning rate with AdaDelta, specialized for DenseVector (Bias) * @param grad2 squared gradient * @param row neuron index * @param bias_ada_dx_g Matrix holding helper values (2 floats per weight) * @param rho hyper-parameter #1 * @param eps hyper-parameter #2 * @return learning rate */ private static double computeAdaDeltaRateForBias(final double grad2, final int row, final Storage.DenseVector bias_ada_dx_g, final float rho, final float eps) { bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2*row+1] = rho * bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2*row+1] + (1f - rho) * grad2; final double rate = MathUtils.approxSqrt((bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2 * row] + eps) / (bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2 * row + 1] + eps)); bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2*row] = rho * bias_ada_dx_g.raw()[2*row ] + (1f - rho) * rate * rate * grad2; return rate; } /** * Helper to enforce learning rule to satisfy sparsity constraint: * Computes the (rolling) average activation for each (hidden) neuron. */ void compute_sparsity() { if (_avg_a != null) { if (params._mini_batch_size > 1) throw H2O.unimpl("Sparsity constraint is not yet implemented for mini-batch size > 1."); for (int mb = 0; mb < _minfo.get_params()._mini_batch_size; ++mb) { for (int row = 0; row < _avg_a.size(); row++) { _avg_a.set(row, 0.999 * (_avg_a.get(row)) + 0.001 * (_a[mb].get(row))); //TODO: fix for mini-batch size > 1 } } } } /** * Helper to update the bias values * @param _b bias vector * @param _bEA elastic average bias vector * @param _bm bias momentum vector * @param row index of the neuron for which we back-propagate * @param partial_grad partial derivative dE/dnet = dE/dy * dy/net * @param avg_grad2 average squared gradient for this neuron's incoming weights (only for ADADELTA) * @param rate learning rate * @param momentum momentum factor (needed only if ADADELTA isn't used) * @param mb which mini-batch index */ private void update_bias(final Storage.DenseVector _b, final Storage.DenseVector _bEA, final Storage.DenseVector _bm, final int row, double[/*actual mini-batch size*/] partial_grad, final double avg_grad2, double rate, final double momentum, int mb) { final boolean have_momenta = _minfo.has_momenta(); final boolean have_ada = _minfo.adaDelta(); final float l1 = (float)params._l1; final float l2 = (float)params._l2; final int b = _k != 0 ? _k*row+_maxIncoming[mb][row] : row; final double bias = _b.get(b); partial_grad[mb] += Math.signum(bias) * l1 + bias * l2; if (_bEA != null) partial_grad[mb] += (bias - _bEA.get(b)) * params._elastic_averaging_regularization; // store the gradient if (DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck != null) DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.apply(_index, row, -1, partial_grad[mb]); if (have_ada) { final float rho = (float)params._rho; final float eps = (float)params._epsilon; rate = computeAdaDeltaRateForBias(avg_grad2, b, _bias_ada_dx_g, rho, eps); } if (!params._nesterov_accelerated_gradient) { final double delta = -rate * partial_grad[mb]; _b.add(b, delta); if (have_momenta) { _b.add(b, momentum * _bm.get(b)); _bm.set(b, delta); } } else { double d = -partial_grad[mb]; if (have_momenta) { _bm.set(b, _bm.get(b) * momentum); _bm.add(b, d); d = _bm.get(b); } _b.add(b, rate * d); } //update for sparsity constraint if (params._autoencoder && params._sparsity_beta > 0 && !(this instanceof Output) && !(this instanceof Input) && (_index != params._hidden.length)) { _b.add(b, -(rate * params._sparsity_beta * (_avg_a.raw()[b] - params._average_activation))); } if (Double.isInfinite(_b.get(b))) _minfo.setUnstable(); } /** * The learning rate * @param n The number of training samples seen so far (for rate_annealing greater than 0) * @return Learning rate */ public float rate(double n) { return (float)(params._rate / (1 + params._rate_annealing * n)); } protected float momentum() { return momentum(-1); } /** * The momentum - real number in [0, 1) * Can be a linear ramp from momentum_start to momentum_stable, over momentum_ramp training samples * @param n The number of training samples seen so far * @return momentum */ final public float momentum(double n) { double m = params._momentum_start; if( params._momentum_ramp > 0 ) { final double num = n != -1 ? _minfo.get_processed_total() : n; if( num >= params._momentum_ramp) m = params._momentum_stable; else m += (params._momentum_stable - params._momentum_start) * num / params._momentum_ramp; } return (float)m; } /** * Input layer of the Neural Network * This layer is different from other layers as it has no incoming weights, * but instead gets its activation values from the training points. */ public static class Input extends Neurons { private DataInfo _dinfo; //training data Input(DeepLearningParameters params, int units, final DataInfo d) { super(units); _dinfo = d; _a = new Storage.DenseVector[params._mini_batch_size]; for (int i=0;i<_a.length;++i) _a[i] = new Storage.DenseVector(units); } @Override protected void bprop(int n) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * One of two methods to set layer input values. This one is for raw double data, e.g. for scoring * @param seed For seeding the RNG inside (for input dropout) * @param data Data (training columns and responses) to extract the training columns * from to be mapped into the input neuron layer * @param mb Mini-Batch index (which point inside this mini-batch) */ public void setInput(long seed, final double[] data, int mb) { //"Data: " + ArrayUtils.toString(data)); assert(_dinfo != null); double [] nums = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo._nums); // a bit wasteful - reallocated each time int [] cats = MemoryManager.malloc4(_dinfo._cats); // a bit wasteful - reallocated each time int i = 0, ncats = 0; for(; i < _dinfo._cats; ++i){ assert(_dinfo._catMissing[i]); //we now *always* have a categorical level for NAs, just in case. if (Double.isNaN(data[i])) { cats[ncats] = (_dinfo._catOffsets[i+1]-1); //use the extra level for NAs made during training } else { int c = (int)data[i]; if (_dinfo._useAllFactorLevels) cats[ncats] = c + _dinfo._catOffsets[i]; else if (c!=0) cats[ncats] = c + _dinfo._catOffsets[i] - 1; // If factor level in test set was not seen by training, then turn it into an NA if (cats[ncats] >= _dinfo._catOffsets[i+1]) { cats[ncats] = (_dinfo._catOffsets[i+1]-1); } } ncats++; } for(;i < data.length;++i){ double d = data[i]; if(_dinfo._normMul != null) d = (d - _dinfo._normSub[i-_dinfo._cats])*_dinfo._normMul[i-_dinfo._cats]; nums[i-_dinfo._cats] = d; //can be NaN for missing numerical data } setInput(seed, null, nums, ncats, cats, mb); } /** * The second method used to set input layer values. This one is used directly by FrameTask.processRow() and by the method above. * @param seed For seeding the RNG inside (for input dropout) * @param nums Array containing numerical values, can be NaN * @param numcat Number of horizontalized categorical non-zero values (i.e., those not being the first factor of a class) * @param cats Array of indices, the first numcat values are the input layer unit (==column) indices for the non-zero categorical values * (This allows this array to be re-usable by the caller, without re-allocating each time) * @param mb Mini-Batch index (which point inside this mini-batch) */ public void setInput(long seed, final int[] numIds, final double[] nums, final int numcat, final int[] cats, int mb) { Arrays.fill(_a[mb].raw(), 0f); // random projection from fullN down to max_categorical_features if (params._max_categorical_features < _dinfo.fullN() - _dinfo._nums) { assert(nums.length == _dinfo._nums); final int M = nums.length + params._max_categorical_features; // final boolean random_projection = false; // final boolean hash_trick = true; // if (random_projection) { // final int N = _dinfo.fullN(); // assert (_a.size() == M); // // // sparse random projection // for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) { // for (int c = 0; c < numcat; ++c) { // int j = cats[c]; // Random rng = RandomUtils.getRNG(params._seed + i * N + j); // double val = 0; // final float rnd = rng.nextFloat(); // if (rnd < 1. / 6.) val = Math.sqrt(3); // if (rnd > 5. / 6.) val = -Math.sqrt(3); // _a.add(i, 1f * val); // } // Random rng = RandomUtils.getRNG(params._seed + i*N + _dinfo.numStart()); // for (int n = 0; n < nums.length; ++n) { // double val = 0; // final float rnd = rng.nextFloat(); // if (rnd < 1. / 6.) val = Math.sqrt(3); // if (rnd > 5. / 6.) val = - Math.sqrt(3); // _a.set(i, (Double.isNaN(nums[n]) ? 0f /*Always do MeanImputation during scoring*/ : nums[n]) * val); // } // } // } else if (hash_trick) { // Use hash trick for categorical features assert (_a[mb].size() == M); // hash N-nums.length down to M-nums.length = cM (#categorical slots - always use all numerical features) final int cM = params._max_categorical_features; assert (_a[mb].size() == M); MurmurHash murmur = MurmurHash.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < numcat; ++i) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); int hashval = murmur.hash(buf.putInt(cats[i]).array(), 4, (int)params._seed); // turn horizontalized categorical integer into another integer, based on seed _a[mb].add(Math.abs(hashval % cM), 1f); // restrict to limited range } for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) _a[mb].set(cM + i, Double.isNaN(nums[i]) ? 0f /*Always do MeanImputation during scoring*/ : nums[i]); // } } else { assert(_a[mb].size() == _dinfo.fullN()); for (int i = 0; i < numcat; ++i) _a[mb].set(cats[i], 1f); // one-hot encode categoricals if (numIds != null) { //sparse for (int i = 0; i < numIds.length; ++i) _a[mb].set(numIds[i], Double.isNaN(nums[i]) ? 0f /*Always do MeanImputation during scoring*/ : nums[i]); } else { //dense for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) _a[mb].set(_dinfo.numStart() + i, Double.isNaN(nums[i]) ? 0f /*Always do MeanImputation during scoring*/ : nums[i]); } } // Input Dropout if (_dropout == null) return; if (params._autoencoder && params._input_dropout_ratio > 0) { // copy input into _origa -- needed for reconstruction error System.arraycopy(_a[mb].raw(), 0, _origa[mb].raw(), 0, _a[mb].raw().length); } seed += params._seed + 0x1337B4BE; _dropout.randomlySparsifyActivation(_a[mb], seed); } } /** * Tanh neurons - most common, most stable */ public static class Tanh extends Neurons { public Tanh(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { // TODO: implement GEMM for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) gemv(_a[mb], _w, _previous._a[mb], _b, _dropout != null ? _dropout.bits() : null); final int rows = _a[0].size(); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) _a[mb].set(row, 1. - 2. / (1. + Math.exp(2*_a[mb].get(row)))); //evals faster than tanh(x), but is slightly less numerically stable - OK compute_sparsity(); } // Computing partial derivative g = dE/dnet = dE/dy * dy/dnet, where dE/dy is the backpropagated error // dy/dnet = (1 - a^2) for y(net) = tanh(net) @Override protected void bprop(int n) { assert (_index < _minfo.get_params()._hidden.length); float m = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : momentum(); float r = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : rate(_minfo.get_processed_total()) * (1f - m); final int rows = _a[0].size(); double[] g = new double[n]; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) g[mb] = _e[mb].get(row) * (1 - _a[mb].get(row) * _a[mb].get(row)); bprop(row, g, r, m, n); } } } /** * Tanh neurons with dropout */ public static class TanhDropout extends Tanh { public TanhDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { if (training) { seed += params._seed + 0xDA7A6000; _dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true, n); } else { super.fprop(seed, false, n); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) ArrayUtils.mult(_a[mb].raw(), 1-params._hidden_dropout_ratios[_index]); } } } /** * Maxout neurons (picks the max out of the k activation_j = sum(A_ij*x_i) + b_j) * Requires k times the model parameters (weights/biases) as a "normal" neuron */ public static class Maxout extends Neurons { public Maxout(DeepLearningParameters params, short k, int units) { super(units); _k = k; _maxIncoming=new int[params._mini_batch_size][]; for (int i=0;i<_maxIncoming.length;++i) _maxIncoming[i]=new int[units]; if (_k!=2) throw H2O.unimpl("Maxout is currently hardcoded for 2 channels. Trivial to enable k > 2 though."); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { assert(_b.size() == _a[0].size() * _k); assert(_w.size() == _a[0].size() * _previous._a[0].size() * _k); final int rows = _a[0].size(); double[] channel = new double[_k]; for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) { _a[mb].set(row, 0); if( !training || _dropout == null || _dropout.unit_active(row) ) { final int cols = _previous._a[mb].size(); // For each neuron in the previous layer, there's k channels // Each channel has its own weight and bias values // The channel leading to the highest incoming value (W*x + b) is the "winner" and will activate this neuron short maxK = 0; for( short k = 0; k < _k; k++ ) { channel[k] = 0; for( int col = 0; col < cols; col++ ) { channel[k] += _w.raw()[_k*(row * cols + col) + k] * _previous._a[mb].get(col); } channel[k] += _b.raw()[_k*row+k]; if (channel[k] > channel[maxK]) maxK=k; } _maxIncoming[mb][row] = maxK; _a[mb].set(row, channel[maxK]); } } compute_sparsity(); } } @Override protected void bprop(int n) { assert(_index != params._hidden.length); float m = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : momentum(); float r = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : rate(_minfo.get_processed_total()) * (1f - m); double[] g = new double[n]; final int rows = _a[0].size(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) g[mb] = _e[mb].get(row); bprop(row, g, r, m, n); } } } /** * Maxout neurons with dropout */ public static class MaxoutDropout extends Maxout { public MaxoutDropout(DeepLearningParameters params, short k, int units) { super(params,k,units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { if (training) { seed += params._seed + 0x51C8D00D; _dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true, n); } else { super.fprop(seed, false, n); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) ArrayUtils.mult(_a[mb].raw(), 1-params._hidden_dropout_ratios[_index]); } } } /** * Rectifier linear unit (ReLU) neurons */ public static class Rectifier extends Neurons { public Rectifier(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { // TODO: implement GEMM for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) gemv(_a[mb], _w, _previous._a[mb], _b, _dropout != null ? _dropout.bits() : null); final int rows = _a[0].size(); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) { for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { _a[mb].set(row, 0.5f* (_a[mb].get(row) + Math.abs(_a[mb].get(row)))); //faster than max(a, 0) // _a.set(row, Math.max(_a.get(row), 0f)); } } compute_sparsity(); } @Override protected void bprop(int n) { assert (_index < _minfo.get_params()._hidden.length); float m = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : momentum(); float r = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : rate(_minfo.get_processed_total()) * (1f - m); final int rows = _a[0].size(); double[] g = new double[n]; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) //(d/dx)(max(0,x)) = 1 if x > 0, otherwise 0 g[mb] = _a[mb].get(row) > 0f ? _e[mb].get(row) : 0f; bprop(row, g, r, m, n); } } } /** * Rectifier linear unit (ReLU) neurons with dropout */ public static class RectifierDropout extends Rectifier { public RectifierDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { if (training) { seed += params._seed + 0x3C71F1ED; _dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true, n); } else { super.fprop(seed, false, n); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) ArrayUtils.mult(_a[mb].raw(), 1-params._hidden_dropout_ratios[_index]); } } } public static class ExpRectifier extends Neurons { public ExpRectifier(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) gemv(_a[mb], _w, _previous._a[mb], _b, _dropout != null ? _dropout.bits() : null); final int rows = _a[0].size(); for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) { double x = _a[mb].get(row); double val = x >= 0 ? x : Math.exp(x) - 1; _a[mb].set(row, val); } } compute_sparsity(); } // Computing partial derivative g = dE/dnet = dE/dy * dy/dnet, where dE/dy is the backpropagated error @Override protected void bprop(int n) { assert (_index < _minfo.get_params()._hidden.length); float m = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : momentum(); float r = _minfo.adaDelta() ? 0 : rate(_minfo.get_processed_total()) * (1f - m); final int rows = _a[0].size(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { double [] g = new double[n]; for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) { double x = _a[mb].get(row); double val = x >= 0 ? 1 : Math.exp(x); g[mb] = _e[mb].get(row) * val; } bprop(row, g, r, m, n); } } } /** * Exponential Rectifier with dropout */ public static class ExpRectifierDropout extends ExpRectifier { public ExpRectifierDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { if (training) { seed += params._seed + 0xDA7A6000; _dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true, n); } else { super.fprop(seed, false, n); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) ArrayUtils.mult(_a[mb].raw(), 1-params._hidden_dropout_ratios[_index]); } } } /** * Abstract class for Output neurons */ public static abstract class Output extends Neurons { Output(int units) { super(units); } protected void bprop(int n) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * Output neurons for classification - Softmax */ public static class Softmax extends Output { public Softmax(int units) { super(units); } protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) gemv(_a[mb], _w, _previous._a[mb], _b, null); for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) { final double max = ArrayUtils.maxValue(_a[mb].raw()); double scaling = 0; final int rows = _a[mb].size(); for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { _a[mb].set(row, Math.exp(_a[mb].get(row) - max)); scaling += _a[mb].get(row); } for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { _a[mb].raw()[row] /= scaling; } } } /** * Part of backpropagation for classification * Update every weight as follows: w += -rate * dE/dw * Compute dE/dw via chain rule: dE/dw = dE/dy * dy/dnet * dnet/dw, where net = sum(xi*wi)+b and y = activation function * @param target actual class label (integer) */ @Override protected void setOutputLayerGradient(double target, int mb, int n) { assert(target == (int)target); double g; //partial derivative dE/dy * dy/dnet final int rows = _a[mb].size(); for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++ ) { final double t = (row == (int)target ? 1 : 0); final double y = _a[mb].get(row); //dy/dnet = derivative of softmax = (1-y)*y switch(params._loss) { case CrossEntropy: //shortcut possible -dCE/dy * dy/dnet = target - y g = y - t; break; case ModifiedHuber: g = -2*_dist.negHalfGradient(t, y) * (1 - y) * y; break; case Quadratic: g = (y - t) * (1f - y) * y; break; default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } _e[mb].set(row, g/n); //minibatch normalization } } } /** * Output neurons for regression - Linear units */ public static class Linear extends Output { public Linear() { super(1); } protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training, int n) { for (int mb=0;mb<n;++mb) gemv(_a[mb], _w, _previous._a[mb], _b, _dropout != null ? _dropout.bits() : null); } /** * Backpropagation for regression * @param target floating-point target value */ @Override protected void setOutputLayerGradient(double target, int mb, int n) { final int row = 0; final double y = _a[mb].get(row); double g = -2*_dist.negHalfGradient(target, y); _e[mb].set(row, g/n); //minibatch normalization } } /** * Mat-Vec Plus Add (with optional row dropout) * @param res = a*x+y (pre-allocated, will be overwritten) * @param a matrix of size rows x cols * @param x vector of length cols * @param y vector of length rows * @param row_bits if not null, check bits of this byte[] to determine whether a row is used or not */ static void gemv_naive(final double[] res, final float[] a, final double[] x, final double[] y, byte[] row_bits) { final int cols = x.length; final int rows = y.length; assert(res.length == rows); for(int row = 0; row<rows; row++) { res[row] = 0; if( row_bits != null && (row_bits[row / 8] & (1 << (row % 8))) == 0) continue; for(int col = 0; col<cols; col++) res[row] += a[row*cols+col] * x[col]; res[row] += y[row]; } } /** * Optimized Mat-Vec Plus Add (with optional row dropout) * Optimization: Partial sums can be evaluated in parallel * @param res = a*x+y (pre-allocated, will be overwritten) * @param a matrix of size rows x cols * @param x vector of length cols * @param y vector of length rows * @param row_bits if not null, check bits of this byte[] to determine whether a row is used or not */ static void gemv_row_optimized(final double[] res, final float[] a, final double[] x, final double[] y, final byte[] row_bits) { final int cols = x.length; final int rows = y.length; assert(res.length == rows); final int extra=cols-cols%8; final int multiple = (cols/8)*8-1; int idx = 0; for (int row = 0; row<rows; row++) { res[row] = 0; if( row_bits == null || (row_bits[row / 8] & (1 << (row % 8))) != 0) { double psum0 = 0, psum1 = 0, psum2 = 0, psum3 = 0, psum4 = 0, psum5 = 0, psum6 = 0, psum7 = 0; for (int col = 0; col < multiple; col += 8) { int off = idx + col; psum0 += a[off ] * x[col ]; psum1 += a[off + 1] * x[col + 1]; psum2 += a[off + 2] * x[col + 2]; psum3 += a[off + 3] * x[col + 3]; psum4 += a[off + 4] * x[col + 4]; psum5 += a[off + 5] * x[col + 5]; psum6 += a[off + 6] * x[col + 6]; psum7 += a[off + 7] * x[col + 7]; } res[row] += psum0 + psum1 + psum2 + psum3; res[row] += psum4 + psum5 + psum6 + psum7; for (int col = extra; col < cols; col++) res[row] += a[idx + col] * x[col]; res[row] += y[row]; } idx += cols; } } /** * Helper to do a generic gemv: res = a*x + y * @param res Dense result * @param a DenseMatrix * @param x DenseVector * @param y Dense vector to add to result * @param row_bits Bit mask for which rows to use */ static void gemv(final Storage.DenseVector res, final Storage.DenseRowMatrix a, final Storage.DenseVector x, final Storage.DenseVector y, byte[] row_bits) { gemv_row_optimized(res.raw(), a.raw(), x.raw(), y.raw(), row_bits); } static void gemv_naive(final Storage.DenseVector res, final Storage.DenseRowMatrix a, final Storage.DenseVector x, final Storage.DenseVector y, byte[] row_bits) { gemv_naive(res.raw(), a.raw(), x.raw(), y.raw(), row_bits); } }