package hex.deepwater; import hex.genmodel.GenModel; import water.*; import water.util.Log; import water.util.SBPrintStream; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; class DeepWaterImageIterator extends DeepWaterIterator { DeepWaterImageIterator(ArrayList<String> images, ArrayList<Float> labels, float[] meanData, int batch_size, int width, int height, int channels, boolean cache) throws IOException { super(batch_size, width*height*channels, cache); _img_lst = images; _label_lst = labels; _meanData = meanData; _num_obs = images.size(); _width = width; _height = height; _channels = channels; _file = new String[2][]; _file[0] = new String[batch_size]; _file[1] = new String[batch_size]; } public static class Dimensions extends Iced<Dimensions> implements Comparable<Dimensions> { int _width; int _height; int _channels; public int len() { return _width * _height * _channels; } @Override public int compareTo(Dimensions o) { return o._width == _width && o._height == _height && o._channels == _channels ? 0 : (len() < o.len() ? -1 : 1); } } //Helper for image conversion //TODO: add cropping, distortion, rotation, etc. private static class Conversion { Conversion() { _dim = new Dimensions(); } Dimensions _dim; public int len() { return _dim.len(); } } static class IcedImage extends Keyed<IcedImage> { public IcedImage() {} IcedImage(Dimensions dim, float[] data) { _dim = dim; _data = data; } Dimensions _dim; float[] _data; } static class ImageConverter extends H2O.H2OCountedCompleter<ImageConverter> { String _file; float _label; Conversion _conv; float[] _destData; float[] _meanData; float[] _destLabel; int _index; boolean _cache; ImageConverter(int index, String file, float label, Conversion conv, float[] destData, float[] meanData, float[] destLabel, boolean cache) { _index=index; _file=file; _label=label; _conv=conv; _destData=destData; _meanData=meanData; _destLabel=destLabel; _cache = cache; } @Override public void compute2() { _destLabel[_index] = _label; File file = new File(_file); try { final int start=_index*_conv.len(); Key<IcedImage> imgKey = Key.make(_file + DeepWaterModel.CACHE_MARKER); boolean status = false; if (_cache) { //try to get the data from cache first IcedImage icedIm = DKV.getGet(imgKey); if (icedIm != null && icedIm._dim.compareTo(_conv._dim)==0) { // place the cached image into the right minibatch slot System.arraycopy(icedIm._data, 0, _destData, start, icedIm._data.length); status = true; } } if (!status) { boolean isURL = _file.matches("^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]") && !file.exists(); BufferedImage img; if (isURL) img = URL(_file.trim())); else img = File(_file.trim())); GenModel.img2pixels(img, _conv._dim._width, _conv._dim._height, _conv._dim._channels, _destData, start, _meanData); if (_cache) { Value v = new Value(imgKey, new IcedImage(_conv._dim, Arrays.copyOfRange(_destData, start, start + _conv.len()))); DKV.put(imgKey, v); v.freeMem(); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // ignored: ImageIO's ICC_Profile can fail with NPEs - unclear why } catch (Throwable e) { Log.warn(e.getMessage()); } tryComplete(); } } public boolean Next(Futures fs) throws IOException { if (_start_index < _num_obs) { if (_start_index + _batch_size > _num_obs) _start_index = _num_obs - _batch_size; // Multi-Threaded data preparation Conversion conv = new Conversion(); conv._dim._height=this._height; conv._dim._width=this._width; conv._dim._channels=this._channels; for (int i = 0; i < _batch_size; i++) fs.add(H2O.submitTask(new ImageConverter(i, _img_lst.get(_start_index +i), _label_lst ==null?Float.NaN: _label_lst.get(_start_index +i),conv, _data[which()], _meanData, _label[which()], _cache))); fs.blockForPending(); flip(); _start_index = _start_index + _batch_size; return true; } else { return false; } } public String[] getFiles() { return _file[which() ^1]; } final private int _num_obs; private int _start_index; final private int _width, _height, _channels; final private float[] _meanData; //mean image final private String[][] _file; final private ArrayList<String> _img_lst; final private ArrayList<Float> _label_lst; }