package hex.grid; import hex.Model; import hex.ModelParametersBuilderFactory; import hex.ScoreKeeper; import hex.ScoringInfo; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.util.PojoUtils; import java.util.*; import static java.lang.StrictMath.floor; import static java.lang.StrictMath.min; public interface HyperSpaceWalker<MP extends Model.Parameters, C extends HyperSpaceSearchCriteria> { interface HyperSpaceIterator<MP extends Model.Parameters> { /** * Get next model parameters. * * <p>It should return model parameters for next point in hyper space. * Throws {@link java.util.NoSuchElementException} if there is no remaining point in space * to explore.</p> * * <p>The method can optimize based on previousModel, but should be * able to handle null-value.</p> * * @param previousModel model generated for the previous point in hyper space, can be null. * * @return model parameters for next point in hyper space or null if there is no such point. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException when model parameters cannot be constructed * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the iteration has no more elements */ MP nextModelParameters(Model previousModel); /** * Returns true if the iterator can continue. Takes into account strategy-specific stopping criteria, if any. * @param previousModel optional parameter which helps to determine next step, can be null * @return true if the iterator can produce one more model parameters configuration. */ boolean hasNext(Model previousModel); void reset(); /** * @return the total time allowed for building this grid, in seconds. */ double max_runtime_secs(); /** * @return the total time allowed for building this grid, in seconds. */ int max_models(); /** * @return the time remaining for building this grid, in seconds. */ double time_remaining_secs(); /** * Inform the Iterator that a model build failed in case it needs to adjust its internal state. * @param failedModel */ void modelFailed(Model failedModel); /** * Returns current "raw" state of iterator. * * The state is represented by a permutation of values of grid parameters. * * @return array of "untyped" values representing configuration of grid parameters */ Object[] getCurrentRawParameters(); } // interface HyperSpaceIterator /** * Search criteria for the hyperparameter search including directives for how to search and * when to stop the search. */ C search_criteria(); /** Based on the last model, the given array of ScoringInfo, and our stopping criteria should we stop early? */ boolean stopEarly(Model model, ScoringInfo[] sk); /** * Returns an iterator to traverse this hyper-space. * * @return an iterator */ HyperSpaceIterator<MP> iterator(); /** * Returns hyper parameters names which are used for walking the hyper parameters space. * * The names have to match the names of attributes in model parameters MP. * * @return names of used hyper parameters */ String[] getHyperParamNames(); /** * Return estimated maximum size of hyperspace, not subject to any early stopping criteria. * * Can return -1 if estimate is not available. * * @return size of hyper space to explore */ long getMaxHyperSpaceSize(); /** * Return initial model parameters for search. * @return return model parameters */ MP getParams(); ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> getParametersBuilderFactory(); /** * Superclass for for all hyperparameter space walkers. * <p> * The external Grid / Hyperparameter search API uses a HashMap<String,Object> to describe a set of hyperparameter * values, where the String is a valid field name in the corresponding Model.Parameter, and the Object is * the field value (boxed as needed). */ abstract class BaseWalker<MP extends Model.Parameters, C extends HyperSpaceSearchCriteria> implements HyperSpaceWalker<MP, C> { /** * @see #search_criteria() */ final protected C _search_criteria; /** * Search criteria for the hyperparameter search including directives for how to search and * when to stop the search. */ public C search_criteria() { return _search_criteria; } /** Based on the last model, the given array of ScoringInfo, and our stopping criteria should we stop early? */ @Override public boolean stopEarly(Model model, ScoringInfo[] sk) { return false; } /** * Parameters builder factory to create new instance of parameters. */ final transient ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> _paramsBuilderFactory; /** * Used "base" model parameters for this grid search. * The object is used as a prototype to create model parameters * for each point in hyper space. */ final MP _params; /** * Hyper space description - in this case only dimension and possible values. */ final protected Map<String, Object[]> _hyperParams; protected boolean _set_model_seed_from_search_seed = false; // true if model parameter seed is set to default value and false otherwise long model_number = 0l; // denote model number /** * Cached names of used hyper parameters. */ final protected String[] _hyperParamNames; /** * Compute max size of hyper space to walk. May include duplicates if points in space are specified multiple * times. */ final protected long _maxHyperSpaceSize; /** * Java hackery so we can have a factory method on a class with type params. */ public static class WalkerFactory<MP extends Model.Parameters, C extends HyperSpaceSearchCriteria> { /** * Factory method to create an instance based on the given HyperSpaceSearchCriteria instance. */ public static <MP extends Model.Parameters, C extends HyperSpaceSearchCriteria> HyperSpaceWalker create(MP params, Map<String, Object[]> hyperParams, ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> paramsBuilderFactory, C search_criteria) { HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.Strategy strategy = search_criteria.strategy(); if (strategy == HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.Strategy.Cartesian) return new HyperSpaceWalker.CartesianWalker<>(params, hyperParams, paramsBuilderFactory, (HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.CartesianSearchCriteria) search_criteria); else if (strategy == HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.Strategy.RandomDiscrete ) return new HyperSpaceWalker.RandomDiscreteValueWalker<>(params, hyperParams, paramsBuilderFactory, (HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria) search_criteria); else throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("strategy", "GridSearch", strategy); } } /** * * @param paramsBuilderFactory * @param hyperParams */ public BaseWalker(MP params, Map<String, Object[]> hyperParams, ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> paramsBuilderFactory, C search_criteria) { _params = params; _hyperParams = hyperParams; _paramsBuilderFactory = paramsBuilderFactory; _hyperParamNames = hyperParams.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); _maxHyperSpaceSize = computeMaxSizeOfHyperSpace(); _search_criteria = search_criteria; // Sanity check the hyperParams map, and check it against the params object MP defaults = null; try { defaults = (MP) params.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Failed to instantiate a new Model.Parameters object to get the default values."); } // if a parameter is specified in both model parameter and hyper-parameter, this is only allowed if the // parameter value is set to be default. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. for (String key : hyperParams.keySet()) { // Throw if the user passed an empty value list: Object[] values = hyperParams.get(key); if (0 == values.length) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Grid search hyperparameter value list is empty for hyperparameter: " + key); if ("seed".equals(key) || "_seed".equals(key)) continue; // initialized to the wall clock // Ugh. Java callers, like the JUnits or Sparkling Water users, use a leading _. REST users don't. String prefix = (key.startsWith("_") ? "" : "_"); // Throw if params has a non-default value which is not in the hyperParams map Object defaultVal = PojoUtils.getFieldValue(defaults, prefix + key, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); Object actualVal = PojoUtils.getFieldValue(params, prefix + key, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); if (defaultVal != null && actualVal != null) { // both are not set to null if (defaultVal.getClass().isArray() && // array !PojoUtils.arraysEquals(defaultVal, actualVal)) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Grid search model parameter '" + key + "' is set in both the model parameters and in the hyperparameters map. This is ambiguous; set it in one place or the other, not both."); } // array if (!defaultVal.getClass().isArray() && // ! array !defaultVal.equals(actualVal)) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Grid search model parameter '" + key + "' is set in both the model parameters and in the hyperparameters map. This is ambiguous; set it in one place or the other, not both."); } // ! array } // both are set: defaultVal != null && actualVal != null // defaultVal is null but actualVal is not, raise exception if (defaultVal == null && !(actualVal == null)) { // only actual is set throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Grid search model parameter '" + key + "' is set in both the model parameters and in the hyperparameters map. This is ambiguous; set it in one place or the other, not both."); } } // for all keys // check model parameter seed value and determine if it is set to default value for random gridsearch if ((search_criteria != null) && (search_criteria.strategy() == HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.Strategy.RandomDiscrete)) { Object defaultSeedVal = PojoUtils.getFieldValue(defaults, "_seed", PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); Object actualSeedVal = PojoUtils.getFieldValue(params, "_seed", PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); long gridSeed = ((HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria) search_criteria).seed(); if ((defaultSeedVal != null) && (actualSeedVal != null)) { if (defaultSeedVal.equals(actualSeedVal) && !defaultSeedVal.equals(gridSeed)) { // param seed = default, gridSeed != default _set_model_seed_from_search_seed = true; } } } } // BaseWalker() @Override public String[] getHyperParamNames() { return _hyperParamNames; } @Override public long getMaxHyperSpaceSize() { return _maxHyperSpaceSize; } @Override public MP getParams() { return _params; } @Override public ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> getParametersBuilderFactory() { return _paramsBuilderFactory; } protected MP getModelParams(MP params, Object[] hyperParams) { ModelParametersBuilderFactory.ModelParametersBuilder<MP> paramsBuilder = _paramsBuilderFactory.get(params); for (int i = 0; i < _hyperParamNames.length; i++) { String paramName = _hyperParamNames[i]; Object paramValue = hyperParams[i]; if (paramName.equals("valid")) { // change paramValue to key<Frame> for validation_frame paramName = "validation_frame"; // @#$, paramsSchema is still using validation_frame and training_frame } paramsBuilder.set(paramName, paramValue); } return; } protected long computeMaxSizeOfHyperSpace() { long work = 1; for (Map.Entry<String, Object[]> p : _hyperParams.entrySet()) { if (p.getValue() != null) { work *= p.getValue().length; } } return work; } /** Given a list of indices for the hyperparameter values return an Object[] of the actual values. */ protected Object[] hypers(int[] hidx, Object[] hypers) { for (int i = 0; i < hidx.length; i++) { hypers[i] = _hyperParams.get(_hyperParamNames[i])[hidx[i]]; } return hypers; } protected int integerHash(int[] ar) { Integer[] hashMe = new Integer[ar.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) hashMe[i] = ar[i] * _hyperParams.get(_hyperParamNames[i]).length; return Arrays.deepHashCode(hashMe); } } /** * Hyperparameter space walker which visits each combination of hyperparameters in order. */ public static class CartesianWalker<MP extends Model.Parameters> extends BaseWalker<MP, HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.CartesianSearchCriteria> { public CartesianWalker(MP params, Map<String, Object[]> hyperParams, ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> paramsBuilderFactory, HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.CartesianSearchCriteria search_criteria) { super(params, hyperParams, paramsBuilderFactory, search_criteria); } @Override public HyperSpaceIterator<MP> iterator() { return new HyperSpaceIterator<MP>() { /** Hyper params permutation. */ private int[] _currentHyperparamIndices = null; @Override public MP nextModelParameters(Model previousModel) { _currentHyperparamIndices = _currentHyperparamIndices != null ? nextModelIndices(_currentHyperparamIndices) : new int[_hyperParamNames.length]; if (_currentHyperparamIndices != null) { // Fill array of hyper-values Object[] hypers = hypers(_currentHyperparamIndices, new Object[_hyperParamNames.length]); // Get clone of parameters MP commonModelParams = (MP) _params.clone(); // Fill model parameters MP params = getModelParams(commonModelParams, hypers); return params; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more elements to explore in hyper-space!"); } } @Override public boolean hasNext(Model previousModel) { if (_currentHyperparamIndices == null) { return true; } int[] hyperparamIndices = _currentHyperparamIndices; for (int i = 0; i < hyperparamIndices.length; i++) { if (hyperparamIndices[i] + 1 < _hyperParams.get(_hyperParamNames[i]).length) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void reset() { _currentHyperparamIndices = null; } @Override public double time_remaining_secs() { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public double max_runtime_secs() { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } public int max_models() { return _maxHyperSpaceSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int)_maxHyperSpaceSize; } @Override public void modelFailed(Model failedModel) { // nada } @Override public Object[] getCurrentRawParameters() { Object[] hyperValues = new Object[_hyperParamNames.length]; return hypers(_currentHyperparamIndices, hyperValues); } }; // anonymous HyperSpaceIterator class } // iterator() /** * Cartesian iteration over the hyper-parameter space, varying one hyperparameter at a * time. Mutates the indices that are passed in and returns them. Returns NULL when * the entire space has been traversed. */ private int[] nextModelIndices(int[] hyperparamIndices) { // Find the next parm to flip int i; for (i = 0; i < hyperparamIndices.length; i++) { if (hyperparamIndices[i] + 1 < _hyperParams.get(_hyperParamNames[i]).length) { break; } } if (i == hyperparamIndices.length) { return null; // All done, report null } // Flip indices for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { hyperparamIndices[j] = 0; } hyperparamIndices[i]++; return hyperparamIndices; } } // class CartesianWalker /** * Hyperparameter space walker which visits random combinations of hyperparameters whose possible values are * given in explicit lists as they are with CartesianWalker. */ public static class RandomDiscreteValueWalker<MP extends Model.Parameters> extends BaseWalker<MP, HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria> { Random random; /** All visited hyper params permutations, including the current one. */ private List<int[]> _visitedPermutations = new ArrayList<>(); private Set<Integer> _visitedPermutationHashes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // for fast dupe lookup public RandomDiscreteValueWalker(MP params, Map<String, Object[]> hyperParams, ModelParametersBuilderFactory<MP> paramsBuilderFactory, HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria search_criteria) { super(params, hyperParams, paramsBuilderFactory, search_criteria); if (-1 == search_criteria.seed()) random = new Random(); // true random else random = new Random(search_criteria.seed()); // seeded repeatable pseudorandom } /** Based on the last model, the given array of ScoringInfo, and our stopping criteria should we stop early? */ @Override public boolean stopEarly(Model model, ScoringInfo[] sk) { return ScoreKeeper.stopEarly(ScoringInfo.scoreKeepers(sk), search_criteria().stopping_rounds(), model._output.isClassifier(), search_criteria().stopping_metric(), search_criteria().stopping_tolerance(), "grid's best", true); } @Override public HyperSpaceIterator<MP> iterator() { return new HyperSpaceIterator<MP>() { /** Current hyper params permutation. */ private int[] _currentHyperparamIndices = null; /** One-based count of the permutations we've visited, primarily used as an index into _visitedHyperparamIndices. */ private int _currentPermutationNum = 0; /** Start time of this grid */ private long _start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TODO: override into a common subclass: @Override public MP nextModelParameters(Model previousModel) { // NOTE: nextModel checks _visitedHyperparamIndices and does not return a duplicate set of indices. // NOTE: in RandomDiscreteValueWalker nextModelIndices() returns a new array each time, rather than // mutating the last one. _currentHyperparamIndices = nextModelIndices(); if (_currentHyperparamIndices != null) { _visitedPermutations.add(_currentHyperparamIndices); _visitedPermutationHashes.add(integerHash(_currentHyperparamIndices)); _currentPermutationNum++; // NOTE: 1-based counting // Fill array of hyper-values Object[] hypers = hypers(_currentHyperparamIndices, new Object[_hyperParamNames.length]); // Get clone of parameters MP commonModelParams = (MP) _params.clone(); // Fill model parameters MP params = getModelParams(commonModelParams, hypers); // add max_runtime_secs in search criteria into params if applicable if (_search_criteria != null && _search_criteria.strategy() == HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.Strategy.RandomDiscrete) { // ToDo: model seed setting will be different for parallel model building. // ToDo: This implementation only works for sequential model building. if (_set_model_seed_from_search_seed) { // set model seed = search_criteria.seed+(0, 1, 2,..., model number) params._seed=((HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria) _search_criteria).seed()+ (model_number++); } // set max_runtime_secs double timeleft = this.time_remaining_secs(); if (timeleft > 0) { if (params._max_runtime_secs > 0) { params._max_runtime_secs = (long) floor(min(params._max_runtime_secs, timeleft)); } else { params._max_runtime_secs = (long) floor(timeleft); } } } return params; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more elements to explore in hyper-space!"); } } @Override public boolean hasNext(Model previousModel) { // Note: we compare _currentPermutationNum to max_models, because it counts successfully created models, but // we compare _visitedPermutationHashes.size() to _maxHyperSpaceSize because we want to stop when we have attempted each combo. // // _currentPermutationNum is 1-based return (_visitedPermutationHashes.size() < _maxHyperSpaceSize && (search_criteria().max_models() == 0 || _currentPermutationNum < search_criteria().max_models()) ); } @Override public void reset() { _start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); _currentPermutationNum = 0; _currentHyperparamIndices = null; _visitedPermutations.clear(); _visitedPermutationHashes.clear(); } public double max_runtime_secs() { return search_criteria().max_runtime_secs(); } public int max_models() { return search_criteria().max_models(); } @Override public double time_remaining_secs() { return search_criteria().max_runtime_secs() - (System.currentTimeMillis() - _start_time) / 1000.0; } @Override public void modelFailed(Model failedModel) { // Leave _visitedPermutations, _visitedPermutationHashes and _currentHyperparamIndices alone // so we don't revisit bad parameters. Note that if a model build fails for other reasons we // won't retry. _currentPermutationNum--; } @Override public Object[] getCurrentRawParameters() { Object[] hyperValues = new Object[_hyperParamNames.length]; return hypers(_currentHyperparamIndices, hyperValues); } }; // anonymous HyperSpaceIterator class } // iterator() /** * Random iteration over the hyper-parameter space. Does not repeat * previously-visited combinations. Returns NULL when we've hit the stopping * criteria. */ private int[] nextModelIndices() { int[] hyperparamIndices = new int[_hyperParamNames.length]; do { // generate random indices for (int i = 0; i < _hyperParamNames.length; i++) { hyperparamIndices[i] = random.nextInt(_hyperParams.get(_hyperParamNames[i]).length); } // check for aliases and loop if we've visited this combo before } while (_visitedPermutationHashes.contains(integerHash(hyperparamIndices))); return hyperparamIndices; } // nextModel } // RandomDiscreteValueWalker }