package; import com.skaringa.javaxml.DeserializerException; import com.skaringa.javaxml.NoImplementationException; import com.skaringa.javaxml.ObjectTransformer; import com.skaringa.javaxml.ObjectTransformerFactory; import com.skaringa.javaxml.SerializerException; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Writes and reads objects using XML. This serializer can be used for snapshots, journals or both. * <p>This implementation requires the <a href="">Skaringa</a> * Java and XML language binding framework which provides for Java object XML serialization.</p> * <p>Note that Skaringa has some dependencies of its own. It requires the standard XML API's * (xml-apis.jar from the <a href="">Apache Xerces2-j</a> project or j2sdk1.4+), * an XML Transformation engine (<a href="">Apache Xalan-j</a>), * and a logging api (<a href="">Apache Jakarta Commons Logging</a>), * and, if desired, a logging implementation (<a href="">Apache Log4j</a> or j2sdk1.4+ logging).</p> * <p>One more quick note. j2sdk1.4+ comes with an old buggy version of Xalan which you should override using the * endorsed package override mechanism. To do this, add your preferred version of xalan.jar to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed. * You will need to create the 'endorsed' directory if it doesn't already exist. That is the *only* way to override packages * that the JDK already provides in j2sdk1.4.x and above. In JDK1.3.x, this isn't a problem, although you will need to supply * everything mentioned above on the classpath.</p> */ public class SkaringaSerializer implements Serializer { public void writeObject( OutputStream stream, Object object) throws IOException { try { createTransformer().serialize(object,new StreamResult(stream)); } catch ( SerializerException se) { throw new IOException("Unable to serialize with Skaringa: " + se.getMessage()); } } public Object readObject( InputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { return createTransformer().deserialize(new StreamSource(stream)); } catch ( DeserializerException de) { throw new IOException("Unable to deserialize with Skaringa: " + de.getMessage()); } } protected ObjectTransformer createTransformer() throws IOException { try { return ObjectTransformerFactory.getInstance().getImplementation(); } catch ( NoImplementationException nie) { throw new IOException("Unable to start Skaringa: " + nie.getMessage()); } } }