import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import Jakarta.util.Util2; import*; public class UmodClassDecl { public String GetName() { return arg[0].tok[0].tokenName(); } public String GetType() { return "class"; } public void compose( AstNode etree ) { // etree is of type Ute -- convert this into UmodClassExt // composition of class declarations involves three steps. // (a) etree is of type Ute -- translate into UmodClassExt // (b) compose implements lists // (c) compose classbody // Step 0: set flag for error checking kernelConstants.globals().compclass.isBaseAClass = true; // Step 1: convert etree and check to see if // names are the same UmodClassExt e = ( UmodClassExt ) etree.arg[0]; String bname = arg[0].tok[0].tokenName(); String ename = e.arg[0].tok[0].tokenName(); if ( !bname.equals( ename ) ) AstNode.fatalError( tok[0], "attempting to compose files with different names: " + bname + " " + ename ); // Step 2: if both the base implements list and extension // implements list are not empty, then compose them // otherwise set the base to be the non-empty list // of the two. arg[2].compose( e.arg[1] ); // Step 3: compose corresponding AST_FieldDeclarations -- there // are no additional extension code fragments, so pass in // a null linked list arg[3].arg[0].arg[0] = AST_FieldDecl.compose( arg[3].arg[0].arg[0], e.arg[2].arg[0].arg[0], null ); } /* // called when the base class/extension is empty ({}) // it merely checks if references to Base() are correct -- private void checkExtension( $TEqn.AstNode n ) { // Step 1: collect signatures of all class member declarations // in both the base and extension declarations Hashtable hb = new Hashtable(); Hashtable he = new Hashtable(); $TEqn.AstCursor c = new $TEqn.AstCursor(); // Step 2: n is a ClassBody, n.arg[0] is an AstOptNode // n.arg[0].arg[0] is a AST_FieldDecl $TEqn.AST_FieldDecl e = ($TEqn.AST_FieldDecl) n.arg[0].arg[0]; for ( c.FirstElement(e); c.MoreElement(); c.NextElement() ) { (($TEqn.ClassBodyDeclaration) c.node).add2Hash(he); } // Step 2: invoke baseRewrite to rewrite all "Base(...).method(...)" // invocations in the extension e.baseRewrite( hb, he, 0 ); } */ }