import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import Jakarta.util.Util2; import*; public class UnmodifiedTypeExtension { // does the common work of harvesting output of tool for // UnmodifiedTypeExtensions public void harvest( String name, String type, String info ) { MMOutput m = Main.mmresult; m.setName( name ); m.setType( type ); m.setDefn( MMGlobals.Refines ); m.setlines( -1, -1 ); // entire file // go up 2 levels (parent is Ute, grandparent is ModTypeDecl m.setModifiers( (AstOptNode) up.up.arg[0] ); NamedVector nv = new NamedVector( info ); if ( arg[1].arg[0] != null ) arg[1].arg[0].harvestAST_QualifiedNames( nv ); if( !nv.isEmpty() ) m.union( nv ); } }