package; public abstract class FileReader { protected ChecksumValidator cksumValidator; private boolean doValidateChecksum; private boolean alwaysValidateChecksum; /** * Whether to always validate the checksum, even for non-target entries. */ public void setAlwaysValidateChecksum( boolean validate){ alwaysValidateChecksum=validate; } /** * Reset the checksum and add the header bytes. This method must be called * with the entry header data at the buffer mark. */ private void startChecksum( ByteBuffer dataBuffer) throws DatabaseException { cksumValidator.reset(); int entryStart=threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer); dataBuffer.reset(); cksumValidator.update(env,dataBuffer,LogManager.HEADER_CONTENT_BYTES(),anticipateChecksumErrors); threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer,entryStart); } /** * Add the entry bytes to the checksum and check the value. This method must * be called with the buffer positioned at the start of the entry. */ private void validateChecksum( ByteBuffer entryBuffer) throws DatabaseException { cksumValidator.update(env,entryBuffer,currentEntrySize,anticipateChecksumErrors); cksumValidator.validate(env,currentEntryChecksum,readBufferFileNum,currentEntryOffset,anticipateChecksumErrors); } protected void hook472() throws IOException, DatabaseException { if (doValidateChecksum) { cksumValidator=new ChecksumValidator(); } original(); } protected void hook473( EnvironmentImpl env) throws IOException, DatabaseException { this.doValidateChecksum=env.getLogManager().getChecksumOnRead(); original(env); } @MethodObject static class FileReader_readNextEntry { protected void hook474() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { if (doValidate) { _this.validateChecksum(dataBuffer); } original(); } protected void hook475() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { collectData|=doValidate; if (doValidate) { _this.startChecksum(dataBuffer); } original(); } protected void hook476() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { doValidate=_this.doValidateChecksum && (isTargetEntry || _this.alwaysValidateChecksum); original(); } } }