import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// // Builder classes for code generation: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// /** * Provides an interface analogous to {@link StringBuffer}, though not as * complete, that is tailored to producing lines of source code. * * @layer<codegen> */ public class CodeBuffer { public CodeBuffer append( char character ) { return append( String.valueOf( character ) ) ; } public CodeBuffer append( List tokensInPhrase ) { Iterator p = tokensInPhrase.iterator() ; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( ) ; while ( p.hasNext() ) buffer.append( SPACE ).append( ) ; return append( buffer.toString() ) ; } public CodeBuffer append( String string ) { int spaces = hasSeparation( string ) ? 0 : 1 ; if ( ! beginLine() ) if ( lineLength() + string.length() + spaces > LINE_LIMIT ) endLine() ; if ( beginLine() ) buffer.append( indentation ) ; if ( ! hasSeparation() ) buffer.append( SPACE ) ; buffer.append( string ) ; return this ; } public CodeBuffer append( StringEnumeration value ) { return append( value.toString() ) ; } public CodeBuffer appendLines( String text ) { List lines = Arrays.asList( EOL_PATTERN.split( text, -1 ) ) ; if ( lines.size() > 0 ) { int leader = leadingSpaces( lines ) ; Iterator p = lines.iterator() ; append( ( ( String ) ) . substring( leader ) ) ; while ( p.hasNext() ) { String line = ( String ) ; endLine() ; append( line.substring( leader ) ) ; } } return this ; } public CodeBuffer clear() { buffer.setLength( 0 ) ; return this ; } public CodeBuffer endLine() { buffer.append( Main.LINE_SEPARATOR ) ; return this ; } public CodeBuffer indent( String indentString ) { indentation.append( indentString ) ; return this ; } public CodeBuffer indent() { return indent( INDENTATION ) ; } public int length() { return buffer.length() ; } final public int lineLength() { int index = buffer.lastIndexOf( Main.LINE_SEPARATOR ) ; return ( index >= 0 ) ? buffer.length() - index + Main.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() : buffer.length() ; } public CodeBuffer outdent( String indentString ) { int index = indentation.length() - indentString.length() ; String previous = indentation.substring( index ) ; if ( ! previous.equals( indentString ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "outdent != indent" ) ; indentation.delete( index, indentation.length() ) ; return this ; } public CodeBuffer outdent() { return outdent( INDENTATION ) ; } public int size() { return buffer.length() ; } public CodeBuffer spaceToColumn( int column ) { for ( int spaces = column - lineLength() ; --spaces >= 0 ; ) buffer.append( SPACE ) ; return this ; } public String toString() { return buffer.toString() ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// final private boolean beginLine() { int index = buffer.length() - Main.LINE_SEPARATOR.length() ; return index >= 0 && Main.LINE_SEPARATOR.equals( buffer.substring( index ) ) ; } final private static int leadingSpaces( List strings ) { Iterator p = strings.iterator() ; if ( ! p.hasNext() ) return 0 ; int lead = leadingSpaces( ( String ) ) ; while ( p.hasNext() ) lead = Math.min( lead, leadingSpaces( ( String ) ) ) ; return lead ; } final private boolean hasSeparation() { return buffer.length() < 1 || Character.isWhitespace( buffer.charAt( buffer.length()-1 ) ) ; } final private boolean hasSeparation( String text ) { return hasSeparation() || ( text.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace( text.charAt( 0 ) ) ) ; } final private static int leadingSpaces( String string ) { for ( int n = 0 ; n < string.length() ; ++n ) if ( string.charAt( n ) != SPACE ) return n ; return string.length() ; } final private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer() ; final private StringBuffer indentation = new StringBuffer() ; final private static java.util.regex.Pattern EOL_PATTERN = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "\\r*\\n\\r*|\\n*\\r\\n*" ) ; final private static String INDENTATION = " " ; final public static int LINE_LIMIT = 78 ; final private static char SPACE = ' ' ; }