package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Javadoc for this public class is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public class SecondaryCursor extends Cursor { private SecondaryDatabase secondaryDb; private Database primaryDb; /** * Cursor constructor. Not public. To get a cursor, the user should * call SecondaryDatabase.cursor(); */ SecondaryCursor( SecondaryDatabase dbHandle, Transaction txn, CursorConfig cursorConfig) throws DatabaseException { super(dbHandle,txn,cursorConfig); secondaryDb=dbHandle; primaryDb=dbHandle.getPrimaryDatabase(); } /** * Copy constructor. */ private SecondaryCursor( SecondaryCursor cursor, boolean samePosition) throws DatabaseException { super(cursor,samePosition); secondaryDb=cursor.secondaryDb; primaryDb=cursor.primaryDb; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public Database getPrimaryDatabase(){ return primaryDb; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public Cursor dup( boolean samePosition) throws DatabaseException { checkState(true); return new SecondaryCursor(this,samePosition); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public SecondaryCursor dupSecondary( boolean samePosition) throws DatabaseException { return (SecondaryCursor)dup(samePosition); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus delete() throws DatabaseException { checkState(true); checkUpdatesAllowed("delete"); this.hook65(); DatabaseEntry key=new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry pKey=new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus status=getCurrentInternal(key,pKey,LockMode.RMW); if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { status=primaryDb.deleteInternal(cursorImpl.getLocker(),pKey); } return status; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus put( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus putNoOverwrite( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus putNoDupData( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus putCurrent( DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getCurrent( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getCurrent(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getCurrent( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(true); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook66(lockMode); return getCurrentInternal(key,pKey,data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getFirst( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getFirst(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getFirst( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook67(lockMode); return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,true); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getLast( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getLast(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getLast( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook68(lockMode); return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,false); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNext( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getNext(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNext( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook69(lockMode); if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) { return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,true); } else { return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.NEXT); } } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNextDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getNextDup(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNextDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(true); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook70(lockMode); return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.NEXT_DUP); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNextNoDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getNextNoDup(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getNextNoDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook71(lockMode); if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) { return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,true); } else { return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.NEXT_NODUP); } } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrev( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getPrev(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrev( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook72(lockMode); if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) { return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,false); } else { return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.PREV); } } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrevDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getPrevDup(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrevDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(true); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook73(lockMode); return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.PREV_DUP); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrevNoDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getPrevNoDup(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getPrevNoDup( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); checkArgsNoValRequired(key,pKey,data); this.hook74(lockMode); if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) { return position(key,pKey,data,lockMode,false); } else { return retrieveNext(key,pKey,data,lockMode,GetMode.PREV_NODUP); } } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchKey( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getSearchKey(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchKey( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key,"key",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey,"pKey",false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data,"data",false); this.hook75(key,lockMode); return search(key,pKey,data,lockMode,SearchMode.SET); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchKeyRange( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { return getSearchKeyRange(key,new DatabaseEntry(),data,lockMode); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchKeyRange( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key,"key",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey,"pKey",false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data,"data",false); this.hook76(key,data,lockMode); return search(key,pKey,data,lockMode,SearchMode.SET_RANGE); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchBoth( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchBoth( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key,"key",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey,"pKey",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data,"data",false); this.hook77(key,data,lockMode); return search(key,pKey,data,lockMode,SearchMode.BOTH); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchBothRange( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException(); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public OperationStatus getSearchBothRange( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { checkState(false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key,"key",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey,"pKey",true); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data,"data",false); this.hook78(key,data,lockMode); return search(key,pKey,data,lockMode,SearchMode.BOTH_RANGE); } /** * Returns the current key and data. */ private OperationStatus getCurrentInternal( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { OperationStatus status=getCurrentInternal(key,pKey,lockMode); if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { status=readPrimaryAfterGet(key,pKey,data,lockMode); } return status; } /** * Calls search() and retrieves primary data. */ OperationStatus search( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode, SearchMode searchMode) throws DatabaseException { while (true) { OperationStatus status=search(key,pKey,lockMode,searchMode); if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } status=readPrimaryAfterGet(key,pKey,data,lockMode); if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } } } /** * Calls position() and retrieves primary data. */ OperationStatus position( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode, boolean first) throws DatabaseException { while (true) { OperationStatus status=position(key,pKey,lockMode,first); if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } status=readPrimaryAfterGet(key,pKey,data,lockMode); if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } } } /** * Calls retrieveNext() and retrieves primary data. */ OperationStatus retrieveNext( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode, GetMode getMode) throws DatabaseException { while (true) { OperationStatus status=retrieveNext(key,pKey,lockMode,getMode); if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } status=readPrimaryAfterGet(key,pKey,data,lockMode); if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return status; } } } /** * Reads the primary data for a primary key that was read via a secondary. * When SUCCESS is returned by this method, the caller should return * SUCCESS. When KEYEMPTY is returned, the caller should treat this as a * deleted record and either retry the operation (in the case of position, * search, and retrieveNext) or return KEYEMPTY (in the case of * getCurrent). KEYEMPTY is only returned when read-uncommitted is used. * @return SUCCESS if the primary was read succesfully, or KEYEMPTY if * using read-uncommitted and the primary has been deleted, or KEYEMPTY if * using read-uncommitted and the primary has been updated and no longer * contains the secondary key. * @throws DatabaseException to indicate a corrupt secondary reference if * the primary record is not found and read-uncommitted is not used (or * read-uncommitted is used, but we cannot verify that a valid deletion has * occured). */ private OperationStatus readPrimaryAfterGet( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { Locker locker=cursorImpl.getLocker(); Cursor cursor=null; try { cursor=new Cursor(primaryDb,locker,null); OperationStatus,data,lockMode,SearchMode.SET); if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if (isReadUncommittedMode(lockMode)) { status=getCurrentInternal(key,pKey,lockMode); if (status == OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY) { return status; } } SecondaryDatabase secDb=(SecondaryDatabase)getDatabase(); throw secDb.secondaryCorruptException(); } if (isReadUncommittedMode(lockMode)) { SecondaryConfig config=secondaryDb.getPrivateSecondaryConfig(); if (config.getImmutableSecondaryKey()) { } else if (config.getKeyCreator() != null) { DatabaseEntry secKey=new DatabaseEntry(); if (!config.getKeyCreator().createSecondaryKey(secondaryDb,pKey,data,secKey) || !secKey.equals(key)) { return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } } else if (config.getMultiKeyCreator() != null) { Set results=new HashSet(); config.getMultiKeyCreator().createSecondaryKeys(secondaryDb,pKey,data,results); if (!results.contains(key)) { return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } } } return OperationStatus.SUCCESS; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } /** * Note that this flavor of checkArgs doesn't require that the * dbt data is set. */ private void checkArgsNoValRequired( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data){ DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key,"key",false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey,"pKey",false); DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data,"data",false); } protected void hook65() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook66( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook67( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook68( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook69( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook70( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook71( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook72( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook73( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook74( LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook75( DatabaseEntry key, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook76( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook77( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook78( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode) throws DatabaseException { } }