import java.util.*; import*; public class UmodSmExt { public void compose( AstNode etree ) { // Step 1: do standard checking. etree is of type UmodSmExt // and remember the names of the base and extension // and that we're starting with an extension. if ( ! ( etree instanceof UmodSmExt ) ) AstNode.fatalError( tok[0], "Extension of state machine is not of type UmodSmExt" ); UmodSmExt e = ( UmodSmExt ) etree; kernelConstants.globals().compclass.isBaseAClass = false; String bname = UmodSmDecl.bname = arg[0].tok[0].tokenName(); String ename = UmodSmDecl.ename = e.arg[0].tok[0].tokenName(); if ( !bname.equals( ename ) ) AstNode.fatalError( tok[0], "trying to compose state machines with different names: " + bname + " " + ename ); // Step 2: Make sure that there is no root clause in either tree if ( arg[2].arg[0].arg[0] != null ) AstNode.error( tok[0], "state machine extension " + bname + " in " + getSource() + " should not have " + "Delivery_parameters and Unrecognizable_states clauses" ); if ( e.arg[2].arg[0].arg[0] != null ) AstNode.error( tok[0], "state machine extension " + ename + " in " + e.getSource() + " should not have " + "Delivery_parameters and Unrecognizable_states clauses" ); // Step 3: now compose implements clause, and then class body arg[1].compose( e.arg[1] ); arg[2].compose( e.arg[2] ); } }