package; import; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * A FileReader is an abstract class that traverses the log files, reading in * chunks of the file at a time. Concrete subclasses perform a particular action * to each entry. */ public abstract class FileReader { protected EnvironmentImpl env; protected FileManager fileManager; private ByteBuffer readBuffer; private ByteBuffer saveBuffer; private int maxReadBufferSize; private boolean singleFile; protected boolean eof; private boolean forward; protected long readBufferFileNum; protected long readBufferFileStart; protected long readBufferFileEnd; private int nRead; private long nRepeatIteratorReads; protected byte currentEntryTypeNum; protected byte currentEntryTypeVersion; protected long currentEntryPrevOffset; protected int currentEntrySize; protected long currentEntryChecksum; protected long currentEntryOffset; protected long nextEntryOffset; protected long startLsn; private long finishLsn; protected boolean anticipateChecksumErrors; /** * A FileReader just needs to know what size chunks to read in. * @param endOfFileLsnindicates the end of the log file */ public FileReader( EnvironmentImpl env, int readBufferSize, boolean forward, long startLsn, Long singleFileNumber, long endOfFileLsn, long finishLsn) throws IOException, DatabaseException { this.env=env; this.fileManager=env.getFileManager(); this.hook473(env); this.singleFile=(singleFileNumber != null); this.forward=forward; readBuffer=ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize); threadSafeBufferFlip(readBuffer); saveBuffer=ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize); DbConfigManager configManager=env.getConfigManager(); maxReadBufferSize=configManager.getInt(EnvironmentParams.LOG_ITERATOR_MAX_SIZE); this.startLsn=startLsn; this.finishLsn=finishLsn; initStartingPosition(endOfFileLsn,singleFileNumber); nRead=0; this.hook472(); anticipateChecksumErrors=false; } /** * Helper for determining the starting position and opening up a file at the * desired location. */ protected void initStartingPosition( long endOfFileLsn, Long ignoreSingleFileNumber) throws IOException, DatabaseException { eof=false; if (forward) { if (startLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { readBufferFileNum=DbLsn.getFileNumber(startLsn); readBufferFileEnd=DbLsn.getFileOffset(startLsn); } else { Long firstNum=fileManager.getFirstFileNum(); if (firstNum == null) { eof=true; } else { readBufferFileNum=firstNum.longValue(); readBufferFileEnd=0; } } nextEntryOffset=readBufferFileEnd; } else { assert startLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN; readBufferFileNum=DbLsn.getFileNumber(endOfFileLsn); readBufferFileStart=DbLsn.getFileOffset(endOfFileLsn); readBufferFileEnd=readBufferFileStart; if (DbLsn.getFileNumber(startLsn) == DbLsn.getFileNumber(endOfFileLsn)) { currentEntryPrevOffset=DbLsn.getFileOffset(startLsn); } else { currentEntryPrevOffset=0; } currentEntryOffset=DbLsn.getFileOffset(endOfFileLsn); } } /** * @return the number of entries processed by this reader. */ public int getNumRead(){ return nRead; } public long getNRepeatIteratorReads(){ return nRepeatIteratorReads; } /** * Get LSN of the last entry read. */ public long getLastLsn(){ return DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,currentEntryOffset); } /** * readNextEntry scans the log files until either it's reached the end of * the log or has hit an invalid portion. It then returns false. * @return true if an element has been read */ public boolean readNextEntry() throws DatabaseException, IOException { return new FileReader_readNextEntry(this).execute(); } protected boolean resyncReader( long nextGoodRecordPostCorruption, boolean dumpCorruptedBounds) throws DatabaseException, IOException { return false; } /** * Make sure that the start of the target log entry is in the header. This * is a no-op if we're reading forwards */ private void getLogEntryInReadBuffer() throws IOException, DatabaseException, EOFException { if (!forward) { if ((currentEntryPrevOffset != 0) && (currentEntryPrevOffset >= readBufferFileStart)) { long nextLsn=DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,currentEntryPrevOffset); if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn,finishLsn) == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer,(int)(currentEntryPrevOffset - readBufferFileStart)); } else { if (currentEntryPrevOffset == 0) { currentEntryPrevOffset=fileManager.getFileHeaderPrevOffset(readBufferFileNum); Long prevFileNum=fileManager.getFollowingFileNum(readBufferFileNum,false); if (prevFileNum == null) { throw new EOFException(); } if (readBufferFileNum - prevFileNum.longValue() != 1) { if (!resyncReader(DbLsn.makeLsn(prevFileNum.longValue(),DbLsn.MAX_FILE_OFFSET),false)) { throw new DatabaseException("Cannot read backward over cleaned file" + " from " + readBufferFileNum + " to "+ prevFileNum); } } readBufferFileNum=prevFileNum.longValue(); readBufferFileStart=currentEntryPrevOffset; } else if ((currentEntryOffset - currentEntryPrevOffset) > readBuffer.capacity()) { readBufferFileStart=currentEntryPrevOffset; } else { long newPosition=currentEntryOffset - readBuffer.capacity(); readBufferFileStart=(newPosition < 0) ? 0 : newPosition; } long nextLsn=DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,currentEntryPrevOffset); if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn,finishLsn) == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } FileHandle fileHandle=fileManager.getFileHandle(readBufferFileNum); this.hook469(fileHandle); readBufferFileEnd=readBufferFileStart + threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer); threadSafeBufferFlip(readBuffer); threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer,(int)(currentEntryPrevOffset - readBufferFileStart)); } currentEntryOffset=currentEntryPrevOffset; } else { if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { long nextLsn=DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,nextEntryOffset); if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn,finishLsn) >= 0) { throw new EOFException(); } } } } /** * Read the log entry header, leaving the buffer mark at the beginning of * the checksummed header data. */ private void readHeader( ByteBuffer dataBuffer) throws DatabaseException { currentEntryChecksum=LogUtils.getUnsignedInt(dataBuffer); dataBuffer.mark(); currentEntryTypeNum=dataBuffer.get(); if (!LogEntryType.isValidType(currentEntryTypeNum)) throw new DbChecksumException((anticipateChecksumErrors ? null : env),"FileReader read invalid log entry type: " + currentEntryTypeNum); currentEntryTypeVersion=dataBuffer.get(); currentEntryPrevOffset=LogUtils.getUnsignedInt(dataBuffer); currentEntrySize=LogUtils.readInt(dataBuffer); } /** * Try to read a specified number of bytes. * @param amountToReadis the number of bytes we need * @param collectDatais true if we need to actually look at the data. If false, we * know we're skipping this entry, and all we need to do is to * count until we get to the right spot. * @return a byte buffer positioned at the head of the desired portion, or * null if we reached eof. */ private ByteBuffer readData( int amountToRead, boolean collectData) throws IOException, DatabaseException, EOFException { int alreadyRead=0; ByteBuffer completeBuffer=null; saveBuffer.clear(); while ((alreadyRead < amountToRead) && !eof) { int bytesNeeded=amountToRead - alreadyRead; if (readBuffer.hasRemaining()) { if (collectData) { if ((alreadyRead > 0) || (readBuffer.remaining() < bytesNeeded)) { copyToSaveBuffer(bytesNeeded); alreadyRead=threadSafeBufferPosition(saveBuffer); completeBuffer=saveBuffer; } else { completeBuffer=readBuffer; alreadyRead=amountToRead; } } else { int positionIncrement=(readBuffer.remaining() > bytesNeeded) ? bytesNeeded : readBuffer.remaining(); alreadyRead+=positionIncrement; threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer,threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer) + positionIncrement); completeBuffer=readBuffer; } } else { fillReadBuffer(bytesNeeded); } } threadSafeBufferFlip(saveBuffer); return completeBuffer; } /** * Change the read buffer size if we start hitting large log entries so we * don't get into an expensive cycle of multiple reads and piecing together * of log entries. */ private void adjustReadBufferSize( int amountToRead){ int readBufferSize=readBuffer.capacity(); if (amountToRead > readBufferSize) { if (readBufferSize < maxReadBufferSize) { if (amountToRead < maxReadBufferSize) { readBufferSize=amountToRead; int remainder=readBufferSize % 1024; readBufferSize+=1024 - remainder; readBufferSize=Math.min(readBufferSize,maxReadBufferSize); } else { readBufferSize=maxReadBufferSize; } readBuffer=ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize); } if (amountToRead > readBuffer.capacity()) { nRepeatIteratorReads++; } } } /** * Copy the required number of bytes into the save buffer. */ private void copyToSaveBuffer( int bytesNeeded){ int bytesFromThisBuffer; if (bytesNeeded <= readBuffer.remaining()) { bytesFromThisBuffer=bytesNeeded; } else { bytesFromThisBuffer=readBuffer.remaining(); } ByteBuffer temp; if (saveBuffer.capacity() - threadSafeBufferPosition(saveBuffer) < bytesFromThisBuffer) { temp=ByteBuffer.allocate(saveBuffer.capacity() + bytesFromThisBuffer); threadSafeBufferFlip(saveBuffer); temp.put(saveBuffer); saveBuffer=temp; } temp=readBuffer.slice(); temp.limit(bytesFromThisBuffer); saveBuffer.put(temp); threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer,threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer) + bytesFromThisBuffer); } /** * Fill up the read buffer with more data. */ private void fillReadBuffer( int bytesNeeded) throws DatabaseException, EOFException { FileHandle fileHandle=null; try { adjustReadBufferSize(bytesNeeded); fileHandle=fileManager.getFileHandle(readBufferFileNum); boolean fileOk=false; if (readBufferFileEnd < fileHandle.getFile().length()) { fileOk=true; } else { if (!singleFile) { Long nextFile=fileManager.getFollowingFileNum(readBufferFileNum,forward); if (nextFile != null) { readBufferFileNum=nextFile.longValue(); this.hook470(fileHandle); fileHandle=fileManager.getFileHandle(readBufferFileNum); fileOk=true; readBufferFileEnd=0; nextEntryOffset=0; } } } if (fileOk) { readBuffer.clear(); fileManager.readFromFile(fileHandle.getFile(),readBuffer,readBufferFileEnd); assert EnvironmentImpl.maybeForceYield(); readBufferFileStart=readBufferFileEnd; readBufferFileEnd=readBufferFileStart + threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer); threadSafeBufferFlip(readBuffer); } else { throw new EOFException(); } } catch ( IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DatabaseException("Problem in fillReadBuffer, readBufferFileNum = " + readBufferFileNum + ": "+ e.getMessage()); } finally { this.hook471(fileHandle); } } /** * @return true if this reader should process this entry, or just skip over * it. */ protected boolean isTargetEntry( byte logEntryTypeNumber, byte logEntryTypeVersion) throws DatabaseException { return true; } /** * Each file reader implements this method to process the entry data. * @param enteryBuffercontains the entry data and is positioned at the data * @return true if this entry should be returned */ protected abstract boolean processEntry( ByteBuffer entryBuffer) throws DatabaseException ; private static class EOFException extends Exception { } /** * Note that we catch Exception here because it is possible that another * thread is modifying the state of buffer simultaneously. Specifically, * this can happen if another thread is writing this log buffer out and it * does (e.g.) a flip operation on it. The actual mark/pos of the buffer may * be caught in an unpredictable state. We could add another latch to * protect this buffer, but that's heavier weight than we need. So the * easiest thing to do is to just retry the duplicate operation. See * [#9822]. */ private Buffer threadSafeBufferFlip( ByteBuffer buffer){ while (true) { try { return buffer.flip(); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException IAE) { continue; } } } private int threadSafeBufferPosition( ByteBuffer buffer){ while (true) { try { return buffer.position(); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException IAE) { continue; } } } private Buffer threadSafeBufferPosition( ByteBuffer buffer, int newPosition){ while (true) { try { return buffer.position(newPosition); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException IAE) { continue; } } } @MethodObject static class FileReader_readNextEntry { FileReader_readNextEntry( FileReader _this){ this._this=_this; } boolean execute() throws DatabaseException, IOException { foundEntry=false; try { while ((!_this.eof) && (!foundEntry)) { _this.getLogEntryInReadBuffer(); dataBuffer=_this.readData(LogManager.HEADER_BYTES,true); _this.readHeader(dataBuffer); isTargetEntry=_this.isTargetEntry(_this.currentEntryTypeNum,_this.currentEntryTypeVersion); this.hook476(); collectData=isTargetEntry; this.hook475(); dataBuffer=_this.readData(_this.currentEntrySize,collectData); if (_this.forward) { _this.currentEntryOffset=_this.nextEntryOffset; _this.nextEntryOffset+=LogManager.HEADER_BYTES + _this.currentEntrySize; } this.hook474(); if (isTargetEntry) { if (_this.processEntry(dataBuffer)) { foundEntry=true; _this.nRead++; } } else if (collectData) { _this.threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer,_this.threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer) + _this.currentEntrySize); } } } catch ( EOFException e) { _this.eof=true; } catch ( DatabaseException e) { this.hook468(); throw e; } return foundEntry; } protected FileReader _this; protected boolean foundEntry; protected ByteBuffer dataBuffer; protected boolean isTargetEntry; protected boolean doValidate; protected boolean collectData; protected LogEntryType problemType; protected void hook468() throws DatabaseException, IOException { } protected void hook474() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { } protected void hook475() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { } protected void hook476() throws DatabaseException, IOException, EOFException { } } protected void hook469( FileHandle fileHandle) throws IOException, DatabaseException, EOFException { readBuffer.clear(); fileManager.readFromFile(fileHandle.getFile(),readBuffer,readBufferFileStart); assert EnvironmentImpl.maybeForceYield(); } protected void hook470( FileHandle fileHandle) throws DatabaseException, EOFException, IOException { } protected void hook471( FileHandle fileHandle) throws DatabaseException, EOFException { } protected void hook472() throws IOException, DatabaseException { } protected void hook473( EnvironmentImpl env) throws IOException, DatabaseException { } }