package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * An IN represents an Internal Node in the JE tree. */ public class IN extends Node implements Comparable, LoggableObject, LogReadable { private static final String BEGIN_TAG="<in>"; private static final String END_TAG="</in>"; private static final String TRACE_SPLIT="Split:"; private static final String TRACE_DELETE="Delete:"; private static final byte KNOWN_DELETED_BIT=0x1; private static final byte CLEAR_KNOWN_DELETED_BIT=~0x1; private static final byte DIRTY_BIT=0x2; private static final byte CLEAR_DIRTY_BIT=~0x2; private static final byte MIGRATE_BIT=0x4; private static final byte CLEAR_MIGRATE_BIT=~0x4; private static final byte PENDING_DELETED_BIT=0x8; private static final byte CLEAR_PENDING_DELETED_BIT=~0x8; private static final int BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY=4; private static final int MAX_FILE_OFFSET=0xfffffe; private static final int THREE_BYTE_NEGATIVE_ONE=0xffffff; private static final int GROWTH_INCREMENT=5; public static final int DBMAP_LEVEL=0x20000; public static final int MAIN_LEVEL=0x10000; public static final int LEVEL_MASK=0x0ffff; public static final int MIN_LEVEL=-1; public static final int MAX_LEVEL=Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int BIN_LEVEL=MAIN_LEVEL | 1; private long generation; private boolean dirty; private int nEntries; private byte[] identifierKey; private Node[] entryTargets; private byte[][] entryKeyVals; private long baseFileNumber; private byte[] entryLsnByteArray; private long[] entryLsnLongArray; private byte[] entryStates; private DatabaseImpl databaseImpl; private boolean isRoot; private int level; private long inMemorySize; private long lastFullVersion=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; private List provisionalObsolete; public static final int EXACT_MATCH=(1 << 16); public static final int INSERT_SUCCESS=(1 << 17); public static int ACCUMULATED_LIMIT=1000; /** * Create an empty IN, with no node id, to be filled in from the log. */ public IN(){ super(false); init(null,Key.EMPTY_KEY,0,0); } /** * Create a new IN. */ public IN( DatabaseImpl db, byte[] identifierKey, int capacity, int level){ super(true); init(db,identifierKey,capacity,generateLevel(db.getId(),level)); } /** * Initialize IN object. */ protected void init( DatabaseImpl db, byte[] identifierKey, int initialCapacity, int level){ setDatabase(db); EnvironmentImpl env=(databaseImpl == null) ? null : databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment(); this.hook618(env); generation=0; dirty=false; nEntries=0; this.identifierKey=identifierKey; entryTargets=new Node[initialCapacity]; entryKeyVals=new byte[initialCapacity][]; baseFileNumber=-1; entryLsnByteArray=new byte[initialCapacity << 2]; entryLsnLongArray=null; entryStates=new byte[initialCapacity]; isRoot=false; this.level=level; } private long getEqualityKey(){ int hash=System.identityHashCode(this); long hash2=(((long)hash) << 32) | hash; return hash2 ^ getNodeId(); } public boolean equals( Object obj){ if (!(obj instanceof IN)) { return false; } IN in=(IN)obj; return (this.getEqualityKey() == in.getEqualityKey()); } public int hashCode(){ return (int)getEqualityKey(); } /** * Sort based on node id. */ public int compareTo( Object o){ if (o == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } IN argIN=(IN)o; long argEqualityKey=argIN.getEqualityKey(); long myEqualityKey=getEqualityKey(); if (myEqualityKey < argEqualityKey) { return -1; } else if (myEqualityKey > argEqualityKey) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Create a new IN. Need this because we can't call newInstance() without * getting a 0 for nodeid. */ protected IN createNewInstance( byte[] identifierKey, int maxEntries, int level){ return new IN(databaseImpl,identifierKey,maxEntries,level); } /** * Initialize a node that has been read in from the log. */ public void postFetchInit( DatabaseImpl db, long sourceLsn) throws DatabaseException { setDatabase(db); setLastFullLsn(sourceLsn); EnvironmentImpl env=db.getDbEnvironment(); this.hook637(); env.getInMemoryINs().add(this); } /** * Initialize a node read in during recovery. */ public void postRecoveryInit( DatabaseImpl db, long sourceLsn){ setDatabase(db); setLastFullLsn(sourceLsn); } /** * Sets the last logged LSN. */ void setLastFullLsn( long lsn){ lastFullVersion=lsn; } /** * Returns the last logged LSN, or null if never logged. Is public for * unit testing. */ public long getLastFullVersion(){ return lastFullVersion; } /** * Latch this node, optionally setting the generation. */ public void latch( boolean updateGeneration) throws DatabaseException { if (updateGeneration) { setGeneration(); } } /** * Latch this node if it is not latched by another thread, optionally * setting the generation if the latch succeeds. */ public boolean latchNoWait( boolean updateGeneration) throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook619(updateGeneration); throw ReturnHack.returnBoolean; } catch ( ReturnBoolean r) { return r.value; } } public long getGeneration(){ return generation; } public void setGeneration(){ generation=Generation.getNextGeneration(); } public void setGeneration( long newGeneration){ generation=newGeneration; } public int getLevel(){ return level; } protected int generateLevel( DatabaseId dbId, int newLevel){ if (dbId.equals(DbTree.ID_DB_ID)) { return newLevel | DBMAP_LEVEL; } else { return newLevel | MAIN_LEVEL; } } public boolean getDirty(){ return dirty; } public void setDirty( boolean dirty){ this.dirty=dirty; } public boolean isRoot(){ return isRoot; } public boolean isDbRoot(){ return isRoot; } void setIsRoot( boolean isRoot){ this.isRoot=isRoot; setDirty(true); } /** * @return the identifier key for this node. */ public byte[] getIdentifierKey(){ return identifierKey; } /** * Set the identifier key for this node. * @param key - the new identifier key for this node. */ void setIdentifierKey( byte[] key){ identifierKey=key; setDirty(true); } /** * Get the key (dupe or identifier) in child that is used to locate it in * 'this' node. */ public byte[] getChildKey( IN child) throws DatabaseException { return child.getIdentifierKey(); } public byte[] selectKey( byte[] mainTreeKey, byte[] dupTreeKey){ return mainTreeKey; } /** * Return the key for this duplicate set. */ public byte[] getDupKey() throws DatabaseException { throw new DatabaseException(shortClassName() + ".getDupKey() called"); } /** * Return the key for navigating through the duplicate tree. */ public byte[] getDupTreeKey(){ return null; } /** * Return the key for navigating through the main tree. */ public byte[] getMainTreeKey(){ return getIdentifierKey(); } /** * Get the database for this IN. */ public DatabaseImpl getDatabase(){ return databaseImpl; } /** * Set the database reference for this node. */ public void setDatabase( DatabaseImpl db){ databaseImpl=db; } public DatabaseId getDatabaseId(){ return databaseImpl.getId(); } private void setEntryInternal( int from, int to){ entryTargets[to]=entryTargets[from]; entryKeyVals[to]=entryKeyVals[from]; entryStates[to]=entryStates[from]; if (entryLsnLongArray == null) { int fromOff=from << 2; int toOff=to << 2; entryLsnByteArray[toOff++]=entryLsnByteArray[fromOff++]; entryLsnByteArray[toOff++]=entryLsnByteArray[fromOff++]; entryLsnByteArray[toOff++]=entryLsnByteArray[fromOff++]; entryLsnByteArray[toOff]=entryLsnByteArray[fromOff]; } else { entryLsnLongArray[to]=entryLsnLongArray[from]; } } private void clearEntry( int idx){ entryTargets[idx]=null; entryKeyVals[idx]=null; setLsnElement(idx,DbLsn.NULL_LSN); entryStates[idx]=0; } /** * Return the idx'th key. */ public byte[] getKey( int idx){ return entryKeyVals[idx]; } /** * Set the idx'th key. */ private void setKey( int idx, byte[] keyVal){ entryKeyVals[idx]=keyVal; entryStates[idx]|=DIRTY_BIT; } /** * Get the idx'th migrate status. */ public boolean getMigrate( int idx){ return (entryStates[idx] & MIGRATE_BIT) != 0; } /** * Set the idx'th migrate status. */ public void setMigrate( int idx, boolean migrate){ if (migrate) { entryStates[idx]|=MIGRATE_BIT; } else { entryStates[idx]&=CLEAR_MIGRATE_BIT; } } public byte getState( int idx){ return entryStates[idx]; } /** * Return the idx'th target. */ public Node getTarget( int idx){ return entryTargets[idx]; } /** * Sets the idx'th target. No need to make dirty, that state only applies * to key and LSN. * <p>WARNING: This method does not update the memory budget. The caller * must update the budget.</p> */ void setTarget( int idx, Node target){ entryTargets[idx]=target; } /** * Return the idx'th LSN for this entry. * @return the idx'th LSN for this entry. */ public long getLsn( int idx){ if (entryLsnLongArray == null) { int offset=idx << 2; int fileOffset=getFileOffset(offset); if (fileOffset == -1) { return DbLsn.NULL_LSN; } else { return DbLsn.makeLsn((long)(baseFileNumber + getFileNumberOffset(offset)),fileOffset); } } else { return entryLsnLongArray[idx]; } } /** * Sets the idx'th target LSN. */ public void setLsn( int idx, long lsn){ new IN_setLsn(this,idx,lsn).execute(); } long[] getEntryLsnLongArray(){ return entryLsnLongArray; } byte[] getEntryLsnByteArray(){ return entryLsnByteArray; } void initEntryLsn( int capacity){ entryLsnLongArray=null; entryLsnByteArray=new byte[capacity << 2]; baseFileNumber=-1; } void setLsnElement( int idx, long value){ int offset=idx << 2; if (entryLsnLongArray != null) { entryLsnLongArray[idx]=value; return; } if (value == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { setFileNumberOffset(offset,(byte)0); setFileOffset(offset,-1); return; } long thisFileNumber=DbLsn.getFileNumber(value); if (baseFileNumber == -1) { baseFileNumber=thisFileNumber; setFileNumberOffset(offset,(byte)0); } else { if (thisFileNumber < baseFileNumber) { if (!adjustFileNumbers(thisFileNumber)) { mutateToLongArray(idx,value); return; } baseFileNumber=thisFileNumber; } long fileNumberDifference=thisFileNumber - baseFileNumber; if (fileNumberDifference > Byte.MAX_VALUE) { mutateToLongArray(idx,value); return; } setFileNumberOffset(offset,(byte)(thisFileNumber - baseFileNumber)); } int fileOffset=(int)DbLsn.getFileOffset(value); if (fileOffset > MAX_FILE_OFFSET) { mutateToLongArray(idx,value); return; } setFileOffset(offset,fileOffset); } private void mutateToLongArray( int idx, long value){ int nElts=entryLsnByteArray.length >> 2; long[] newArr=new long[nElts]; for (int i=0; i < nElts; i++) { newArr[i]=getLsn(i); } newArr[idx]=value; entryLsnLongArray=newArr; entryLsnByteArray=null; } /** * private void maybeAdjustCapacity(int offset) { * if (entryLsnLongArray == null) { * int bytesNeeded = offset + BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY; * int currentBytes = entryLsnByteArray.length; * if (currentBytes < bytesNeeded) { * int newBytes = bytesNeeded + * (GROWTH_INCREMENT * BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY); * byte[] newArr = new byte[newBytes]; * System.arraycopy(entryLsnByteArray, 0, newArr, 0, * currentBytes); * entryLsnByteArray = newArr; * for (int i = currentBytes; * i < newBytes; * i += BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY) { * setFileNumberOffset(i, (byte) 0); * setFileOffset(i, -1); * } * } * } else { * int currentEntries = entryLsnLongArray.length; * int idx = offset >> 2; * if (currentEntries < idx + 1) { * int newEntries = idx + GROWTH_INCREMENT; * long[] newArr = new long[newEntries]; * System.arraycopy(entryLsnLongArray, 0, newArr, 0, * currentEntries); * entryLsnLongArray = newArr; * for (int i = currentEntries; i < newEntries; i++) { * entryLsnLongArray[i] = DbLsn.NULL_LSN; * } * } * } * } */ private boolean adjustFileNumbers( long newBaseFileNumber){ long oldBaseFileNumber=baseFileNumber; for (int i=0; i < entryLsnByteArray.length; i+=BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY) { if (getFileOffset(i) == -1) { continue; } long curEntryFileNumber=oldBaseFileNumber + getFileNumberOffset(i); long newCurEntryFileNumberOffset=(curEntryFileNumber - newBaseFileNumber); if (newCurEntryFileNumberOffset > Byte.MAX_VALUE) { long undoOffset=oldBaseFileNumber - newBaseFileNumber; for (int j=i - BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY; j >= 0; j-=BYTES_PER_LSN_ENTRY) { if (getFileOffset(j) == -1) { continue; } setFileNumberOffset(j,(byte)(getFileNumberOffset(j) - undoOffset)); } return false; } setFileNumberOffset(i,(byte)newCurEntryFileNumberOffset); } return true; } private void setFileNumberOffset( int offset, byte fileNumberOffset){ entryLsnByteArray[offset]=fileNumberOffset; } private byte getFileNumberOffset( int offset){ return entryLsnByteArray[offset]; } private void setFileOffset( int offset, int fileOffset){ put3ByteInt(offset + 1,fileOffset); } private int getFileOffset( int offset){ return get3ByteInt(offset + 1); } private void put3ByteInt( int offset, int value){ entryLsnByteArray[offset++]=(byte)(value >>> 0); entryLsnByteArray[offset++]=(byte)(value >>> 8); entryLsnByteArray[offset]=(byte)(value >>> 16); } private int get3ByteInt( int offset){ int ret=(entryLsnByteArray[offset++] & 0xFF) << 0; ret+=(entryLsnByteArray[offset++] & 0xFF) << 8; ret+=(entryLsnByteArray[offset] & 0xFF) << 16; if (ret == THREE_BYTE_NEGATIVE_ONE) { ret=-1; } return ret; } /** * @return true if the idx'th entry has been deleted, although the * transaction that performed the deletion may not be committed. */ public boolean isEntryPendingDeleted( int idx){ return ((entryStates[idx] & PENDING_DELETED_BIT) != 0); } /** * Set pendingDeleted to true. */ public void setPendingDeleted( int idx){ entryStates[idx]|=PENDING_DELETED_BIT; entryStates[idx]|=DIRTY_BIT; } /** * Set pendingDeleted to false. */ public void clearPendingDeleted( int idx){ entryStates[idx]&=CLEAR_PENDING_DELETED_BIT; entryStates[idx]|=DIRTY_BIT; } /** * @return true if the idx'th entry is deleted for sure. If a transaction * performed the deletion, it has been committed. */ public boolean isEntryKnownDeleted( int idx){ return ((entryStates[idx] & KNOWN_DELETED_BIT) != 0); } /** * Set knownDeleted to true. */ void setKnownDeleted( int idx){ entryStates[idx]|=KNOWN_DELETED_BIT; entryStates[idx]|=DIRTY_BIT; } /** * Set knownDeleted to false. */ void clearKnownDeleted( int idx){ entryStates[idx]&=CLEAR_KNOWN_DELETED_BIT; entryStates[idx]|=DIRTY_BIT; } /** * @return true if the object is dirty. */ boolean isDirty( int idx){ return ((entryStates[idx] & DIRTY_BIT) != 0); } /** * @return the number of entries in this node. */ public int getNEntries(){ return nEntries; } /** * Returns true if the given state is known deleted. */ static boolean isStateKnownDeleted( byte state){ return ((state & KNOWN_DELETED_BIT) != 0); } /** * Returns true if the given state is known deleted. */ static boolean isStatePendingDeleted( byte state){ return ((state & KNOWN_DELETED_BIT) != 0); } /** * @return the maximum number of entries in this node. */ int getMaxEntries(){ return entryTargets.length; } /** * Returns the target of the idx'th entry or null if a pendingDeleted or * knownDeleted entry has been cleaned. Note that null can only be * returned for a slot that could contain a deleted LN, not other node * types and not a DupCountLN since DupCountLNs are never deleted. Null is * also returned for a KnownDeleted slot with a NULL_LSN. * @return the target node or null. */ public Node fetchTarget( int idx) throws DatabaseException { if (entryTargets[idx] == null) { long lsn=getLsn(idx); if (lsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { if (!isEntryKnownDeleted(idx)) { throw new DatabaseException(makeFetchErrorMsg("NULL_LSN without KnownDeleted",this,lsn,entryStates[idx])); } } else { try { EnvironmentImpl env=databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment(); Node node=(Node)env.getLogManager().get(lsn); node.postFetchInit(databaseImpl,lsn); entryTargets[idx]=node; this.hook638(node); } catch ( LogFileNotFoundException LNFE) { if (!isEntryKnownDeleted(idx) && !isEntryPendingDeleted(idx)) { throw new DatabaseException(makeFetchErrorMsg(LNFE.toString(),this,lsn,entryStates[idx])); } } catch ( Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException(makeFetchErrorMsg(e.toString(),this,lsn,entryStates[idx]),e); } } } return entryTargets[idx]; } static String makeFetchErrorMsg( String msg, IN in, long lsn, byte state){ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); sb.append("fetchTarget of "); if (lsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { sb.append("null lsn"); } else { sb.append(DbLsn.getNoFormatString(lsn)); } if (in != null) { sb.append(" IN=").append(in.getNodeId()); } sb.append(" state=").append(state); sb.append(" ").append(msg); return sb.toString(); } /** * Set the idx'th entry of this node. */ public void setEntry( int idx, Node target, byte[] keyVal, long lsn, byte state){ new IN_setEntry(this,idx,target,keyVal,lsn,state).execute(); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. * Note: does not dirty the node. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, Node node){ new IN_updateEntry(this,idx,node).execute(); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, Node node, long lsn){ new IN_updateEntry2(this,idx,node,lsn).execute(); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, Node node, long lsn, byte[] key){ new IN_updateEntry3(this,idx,node,lsn,key).execute(); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, long lsn){ setLsn(idx,lsn); setDirty(true); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, long lsn, byte state){ setLsn(idx,lsn); entryStates[idx]=state; setDirty(true); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. This flavor is used when the * target LN is being modified, by an operation like a delete or update. We * don't have to check whether the LSN has been nulled or not, because we * know an LSN existed before. Also, the modification of the target is done * in the caller, so instead of passing in the old and new nodes, we pass * in the old and new node sizes. */ public void updateEntry( int idx, long lsn, long oldLNSize, long newLNSize){ setLsn(idx,lsn); setDirty(true); } /** * Update the idx'th entry of this node. Only update the key if the new * key is less than the existing key. */ private void updateEntryCompareKey( int idx, Node node, long lsn, byte[] key){ new IN_updateEntryCompareKey(this,idx,node,lsn,key).execute(); } /** * Returns whether the given key is greater than or equal to the first key * in the IN and less than or equal to the last key in the IN. This method * is used to determine whether a key to be inserted belongs in this IN, * without doing a tree search. If false is returned it is still possible * that the key belongs in this IN, but a tree search must be performed to * find out. */ public boolean isKeyInBounds( byte[] keyVal){ if (nEntries < 2) { return false; } Comparator userCompareToFcn=getKeyComparator(); int cmp; byte[] myKey; myKey=entryKeyVals[0]; cmp=Key.compareKeys(keyVal,myKey,userCompareToFcn); if (cmp < 0) { return false; } myKey=entryKeyVals[nEntries - 1]; cmp=Key.compareKeys(keyVal,myKey,userCompareToFcn); if (cmp > 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Find the entry in this IN for which key arg is >= the key. * Currently uses a binary search, but eventually, this may use binary or * linear search depending on key size, number of entries, etc. * Note that the 0'th entry's key is treated specially in an IN. It always * compares lower than any other key. * This is public so that DbCursorTest can access it. * @param key - the key to search for. * @param indicateIfDuplicate - true if EXACT_MATCH should * be or'd onto the return value if key is already present in this node. * @param exact - true if an exact match must be found. * @return offset for the entry that has a key >= the arg. 0 if key * is less than the 1st entry. -1 if exact is true and no exact match * is found. If indicateIfDuplicate is true and an exact match was found * then EXACT_MATCH is or'd onto the return value. */ public int findEntry( byte[] key, boolean indicateIfDuplicate, boolean exact){ int high=nEntries - 1; int low=0; int middle=0; Comparator userCompareToFcn=getKeyComparator(); boolean entryZeroSpecialCompare=entryZeroKeyComparesLow() && !exact && !indicateIfDuplicate; assert nEntries >= 0; while (low <= high) { middle=(high + low) / 2; int s; byte[] middleKey=null; if (middle == 0 && entryZeroSpecialCompare) { s=1; } else { middleKey=entryKeyVals[middle]; s=Key.compareKeys(key,middleKey,userCompareToFcn); } if (s < 0) { high=middle - 1; } else if (s > 0) { low=middle + 1; } else { int ret; if (indicateIfDuplicate) { ret=middle | EXACT_MATCH; } else { ret=middle; } if ((ret >= 0) && exact && isEntryKnownDeleted(ret & 0xffff)) { return -1; } else { return ret; } } } if (exact) { return -1; } else { return high; } } /** * Inserts the argument ChildReference into this IN. Assumes this node is * already latched by the caller. * @param entry The ChildReference to insert into the IN. * @return true if the entry was successfully inserted, false * if it was a duplicate. * @throws InconsistentNodeException if the node is full * (it should have been split earlier). */ public boolean insertEntry( ChildReference entry) throws DatabaseException { return (insertEntry1(entry) & INSERT_SUCCESS) != 0; } /** * Same as insertEntry except that it returns the index where the dup was * found instead of false. The return value is |'d with either * INSERT_SUCCESS or EXACT_MATCH depending on whether the entry was * inserted or it was a duplicate, resp. * This returns a failure if there's a duplicate match. The caller must do * the processing to check if the entry is actually deleted and can be * overwritten. This is foisted upon the caller rather than handled in this * object because there may be some latch releasing/retaking in order to * check a child LN. * Inserts the argument ChildReference into this IN. Assumes this node is * already latched by the caller. * @param entry The ChildReference to insert into the IN. * @return either (1) the index of location in the IN where the entry was * inserted |'d with INSERT_SUCCESS, or (2) the index of the duplicate in * the IN |'d with EXACT_MATCH if the entry was found to be a duplicate. * @throws InconsistentNodeException if the node is full (it should have * been split earlier). */ public int insertEntry1( ChildReference entry) throws DatabaseException { return new IN_insertEntry1(this,entry).execute(); } /** * Deletes the ChildReference with the key arg from this IN. Assumes this * node is already latched by the caller. * This seems to only be used by INTest. * @param key The key of the reference to delete from the IN. * @param maybeValidate true if assert validation should occur prior to * delete. Set this to false during recovery. * @return true if the entry was successfully deleted, false if it was not * found. */ boolean deleteEntry( byte[] key, boolean maybeValidate) throws DatabaseException { if (nEntries == 0) { return false; } int index=findEntry(key,false,true); if (index < 0) { return false; } return deleteEntry(index,maybeValidate); } /** * Deletes the ChildReference at index from this IN. Assumes this node is * already latched by the caller. * @param index The index of the entry to delete from the IN. * @param maybeValidate true if asserts are enabled. * @return true if the entry was successfully deleted, false if it was not * found. */ public boolean deleteEntry( int index, boolean maybeValidate) throws DatabaseException { return new IN_deleteEntry(this,index,maybeValidate).execute(); } /** * Do nothing since INs don't support deltas. */ public void setProhibitNextDelta(){ } public boolean compress( BINReference binRef, boolean canFetch) throws DatabaseException { return false; } public boolean isCompressible(){ return false; } boolean validateSubtreeBeforeDelete( int index) throws DatabaseException { return new IN_validateSubtreeBeforeDelete(this,index).execute(); } /** * Return true if this node needs splitting. For the moment, needing to be * split is defined by there being no free entries available. */ public boolean needsSplitting(){ if ((entryTargets.length - nEntries) < 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Indicates whether whether entry 0's key is "special" in that it always * compares less than any other key. BIN's don't have the special key, but * IN's do. */ boolean entryZeroKeyComparesLow(){ return true; } /** * Split this into two nodes. Parent IN is passed in parent and should be * latched by the caller. * childIndex is the index in parent of where "this" can be found. * @return lsn of the newly logged parent */ void split( IN parent, int childIndex, int maxEntries) throws DatabaseException { splitInternal(parent,childIndex,maxEntries,-1); } protected void splitInternal( IN parent, int childIndex, int maxEntries, int splitIndex) throws DatabaseException { new IN_splitInternal(this,parent,childIndex,maxEntries,splitIndex).execute(); } /** * Called when we know we are about to split on behalf of a key that is the * minimum (leftSide) or maximum (!leftSide) of this node. This is * achieved by just forcing the split to occur either one element in from * the left or the right (i.e. splitIndex is 1 or nEntries - 1). */ void splitSpecial( IN parent, int parentIndex, int maxEntriesPerNode, byte[] key, boolean leftSide) throws DatabaseException { int index=findEntry(key,false,false); if (leftSide && index == 0) { splitInternal(parent,parentIndex,maxEntriesPerNode,1); } else if (!leftSide && index == (nEntries - 1)) { splitInternal(parent,parentIndex,maxEntriesPerNode,nEntries - 1); } else { split(parent,parentIndex,maxEntriesPerNode); } } void adjustCursors( IN newSibling, int newSiblingLow, int newSiblingHigh){ } void adjustCursorsForInsert( int insertIndex){ } /** * Return the relevant user defined comparison function for this type of * node. For IN's and BIN's, this is the BTree Comparison function. */ public Comparator getKeyComparator(){ return databaseImpl.getBtreeComparator(); } /** * Shift entries to the right starting with (and including) the entry at * index. Caller is responsible for incrementing nEntries. * @param index - The position to start shifting from. */ private void shiftEntriesRight( int index){ for (int i=nEntries; i > index; i--) { setEntryInternal(i - 1,i); } clearEntry(index); setDirty(true); } /** * Shift entries starting at the byHowMuch'th element to the left, thus * removing the first byHowMuch'th elements of the entries array. This * always starts at the 0th entry. Caller is responsible for decrementing * nEntries. * @param byHowMuch - The number of entries to remove from the left side * of the entries array. */ private void shiftEntriesLeft( int byHowMuch){ for (int i=0; i < nEntries - byHowMuch; i++) { setEntryInternal(i + byHowMuch,i); } for (int i=nEntries - byHowMuch; i < nEntries; i++) { clearEntry(i); } setDirty(true); } /** * Check that the IN is in a valid state. For now, validity means that the * keys are in sorted order and that there are more than 0 entries. * maxKey, if non-null specifies that all keys in this node must be less * than maxKey. */ public void verify( byte[] maxKey) throws DatabaseException { new IN_verify(this,maxKey).execute(); } /** * Add self and children to this in-memory IN list. Called by recovery, can * run with no latching. */ void rebuildINList( INList inList) throws DatabaseException { inList.add(this); for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { Node n=getTarget(i); if (n != null) { n.rebuildINList(inList); } } } /** * Remove self and children from the in-memory IN list. The INList latch is * already held before this is called. Also count removed nodes as * obsolete. */ void accountForSubtreeRemoval( INList inList, UtilizationTracker tracker) throws DatabaseException { if (nEntries > 1) { throw new DatabaseException("Found non-deletable IN " + getNodeId() + " while flushing INList. nEntries = "+ nEntries); } inList.removeLatchAlreadyHeld(this); if (lastFullVersion != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { tracker.countObsoleteNode(lastFullVersion,getLogType()); } for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { Node n=fetchTarget(i); if (n != null) { n.accountForSubtreeRemoval(inList,tracker); } } } /** * Check if this node fits the qualifications for being part of a deletable * subtree. It can only have one IN child and no LN children. */ boolean isValidForDelete() throws DatabaseException { return new IN_isValidForDelete(this).execute(); } /** * See if you are the parent of this child. If not, find a child of your's * that may be the parent, and return it. If there are no possiblities, * return null. Note that the keys of the target are passed in so we don't * have to latch the target to look at them. Also, this node is latched * upon entry. * @param doFetch If true, fetch the child in the pursuit of this search. * If false, give up if the child is not resident. In that case, we have * a potential ancestor, but are not sure if this is the parent. */ void findParent( Tree.SearchType searchType, long targetNodeId, boolean targetContainsDuplicates, boolean targetIsRoot, byte[] targetMainTreeKey, byte[] targetDupTreeKey, SearchResult result, boolean requireExactMatch, boolean updateGeneration, int targetLevel, List trackingList, boolean doFetch) throws DatabaseException { if (getNodeId() == targetNodeId) { this.hook620(); result.exactParentFound=false; result.keepSearching=false; result.parent=null; return; } if (getNEntries() == 0) { result.keepSearching=false; result.exactParentFound=false; if (requireExactMatch) { this.hook621(); result.parent=null; } else { result.parent=this; result.index=-1; } return; } else { if (searchType == Tree.SearchType.NORMAL) { result.index=findEntry(selectKey(targetMainTreeKey,targetDupTreeKey),false,false); } else if (searchType == Tree.SearchType.LEFT) { result.index=0; } else if (searchType == Tree.SearchType.RIGHT) { result.index=nEntries - 1; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value of searchType: " + searchType); } if (result.index < 0) { result.keepSearching=false; result.exactParentFound=false; if (requireExactMatch) { this.hook622(); result.parent=null; } else { result.parent=this; } return; } Node child=null; boolean isDeleted=false; if (isEntryKnownDeleted(result.index)) { isDeleted=true; } else if (doFetch) { child=fetchTarget(result.index); if (child == null) { isDeleted=true; } } else { child=getTarget(result.index); } if (isDeleted) { result.exactParentFound=false; result.keepSearching=false; if (requireExactMatch) { result.parent=null; this.hook623(); } else { result.parent=this; } return; } if (targetLevel >= 0 && level == targetLevel + 1) { result.exactParentFound=true; result.parent=this; result.keepSearching=false; return; } if (child == null) { assert !doFetch; result.keepSearching=false; result.exactParentFound=false; result.parent=this; result.childNotResident=true; return; } long childLsn=getLsn(result.index); if (child.isSoughtNode(targetNodeId,updateGeneration)) { result.exactParentFound=true; result.parent=this; result.keepSearching=false; return; } else { descendOnParentSearch(result,targetContainsDuplicates,targetIsRoot,targetNodeId,child,requireExactMatch); if (trackingList != null) { if ((result.parent != this) && (result.parent != null)) { trackingList.add(new TrackingInfo(childLsn,child.getNodeId())); } } return; } } } protected void descendOnParentSearch( SearchResult result, boolean targetContainsDuplicates, boolean targetIsRoot, long targetNodeId, Node child, boolean requireExactMatch) throws DatabaseException { if (child.canBeAncestor(targetContainsDuplicates)) { this.hook624(); result.parent=(IN)child; } else { this.hook625(child); result.exactParentFound=false; result.keepSearching=false; if (requireExactMatch) { this.hook626(); result.parent=null; } else { result.parent=this; } } } protected boolean isSoughtNode( long nid, boolean updateGeneration) throws DatabaseException { latch(updateGeneration); if (getNodeId() == nid) { this.hook627(); return true; } else { return false; } } protected boolean canBeAncestor( boolean targetContainsDuplicates){ return true; } /** * Returns whether any resident children are not LNs (are INs). */ boolean hasNonLNChildren(){ return hasResidentChildren(); } /** * Returns whether any child is non-null. */ private boolean hasResidentChildren(){ for (int i=0; i < getNEntries(); i++) { if (getTarget(i) != null) { return true; } } return false; } void accumulateStats( TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator acc){ acc.processIN(this,new Long(getNodeId()),getLevel()); } /** * Log this IN and clear the dirty flag. */ public long log( LogManager logManager) throws DatabaseException { return logInternal(logManager,false,false,false,null); } /** * Log this IN and clear the dirty flag. */ public long log( LogManager logManager, boolean allowDeltas, boolean proactiveMigration) throws DatabaseException { return logInternal(logManager,allowDeltas,false,proactiveMigration,null); } /** * Log this node provisionally and clear the dirty flag. * @param item object to be logged * @return LSN of the new log entry */ public long logProvisional( LogManager logManager, IN parent) throws DatabaseException { return logInternal(logManager,false,true,false,parent); } /** * Log this node with all available options. */ public long log( LogManager logManager, boolean allowDeltas, boolean isProvisional, boolean proactiveMigration, IN parent) throws DatabaseException { return logInternal(logManager,allowDeltas,isProvisional,proactiveMigration,parent); } /** * Decide how to log this node. INs are always logged in full. Migration * never performed since it only applies to BINs. */ protected long logInternal( LogManager logManager, boolean allowDeltas, boolean isProvisional, boolean proactiveMigration, IN parent) throws DatabaseException { long lsn=logManager.log(new INLogEntry(this),isProvisional,isProvisional ? DbLsn.NULL_LSN : lastFullVersion); if (isProvisional) { if (parent != null) { parent.trackProvisionalObsolete(this,lastFullVersion,DbLsn.NULL_LSN); } } else { flushProvisionalObsolete(logManager); } setLastFullLsn(lsn); setDirty(false); return lsn; } /** * Adds the given obsolete LSNs and any tracked obsolete LSNs for the given * child IN to this IN's tracking list. This method is called to track * obsolete LSNs when a child IN is logged provisionally. Such LSNs cannot * be considered obsolete until an ancestor IN is logged non-provisionally. */ void trackProvisionalObsolete( IN child, long obsoleteLsn1, long obsoleteLsn2){ new IN_trackProvisionalObsolete(this,child,obsoleteLsn1,obsoleteLsn2).execute(); } /** * Adds the provisional obsolete tracking information in this node to the * live tracker. This method is called when this node is logged * non-provisionally. */ void flushProvisionalObsolete( LogManager logManager) throws DatabaseException { new IN_flushProvisionalObsolete(this,logManager).execute(); } /** * @see LoggableObject#getLogType */ public LogEntryType getLogType(){ return LogEntryType.LOG_IN; } /** * @see LoggableObject#getLogSize */ public int getLogSize(){ int size=super.getLogSize(); size+=LogUtils.getByteArrayLogSize(identifierKey); size+=LogUtils.getBooleanLogSize(); size+=LogUtils.INT_BYTES; size+=LogUtils.INT_BYTES; size+=LogUtils.INT_BYTES; size+=LogUtils.getBooleanLogSize(); boolean compactLsnsRep=(entryLsnLongArray == null); if (compactLsnsRep) { size+=LogUtils.INT_BYTES; } for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { size+=LogUtils.getByteArrayLogSize(entryKeyVals[i]) + (compactLsnsRep ? LogUtils.INT_BYTES : LogUtils.getLongLogSize()) + 1; } return size; } /** * @see LoggableObject#writeToLog */ public void writeToLog( ByteBuffer logBuffer){ super.writeToLog(logBuffer); LogUtils.writeByteArray(logBuffer,identifierKey); LogUtils.writeBoolean(logBuffer,isRoot); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,nEntries); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,level); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,entryTargets.length); boolean compactLsnsRep=(entryLsnLongArray == null); LogUtils.writeBoolean(logBuffer,compactLsnsRep); if (compactLsnsRep) { LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,(int)baseFileNumber); } for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { LogUtils.writeByteArray(logBuffer,entryKeyVals[i]); assert !(getLsn(i) == DbLsn.NULL_LSN && (entryStates[i] & KNOWN_DELETED_BIT) == 0); if (compactLsnsRep) { int offset=i << 2; int fileOffset=getFileOffset(offset); logBuffer.put(getFileNumberOffset(offset)); logBuffer.put((byte)((fileOffset >>> 0) & 0xff)); logBuffer.put((byte)((fileOffset >>> 8) & 0xff)); logBuffer.put((byte)((fileOffset >>> 16) & 0xff)); } else { LogUtils.writeLong(logBuffer,entryLsnLongArray[i]); } logBuffer.put(entryStates[i]); entryStates[i]&=CLEAR_DIRTY_BIT; } } /** * @see LogReadable#readFromLog */ public void readFromLog( ByteBuffer itemBuffer, byte entryTypeVersion) throws LogException { super.readFromLog(itemBuffer,entryTypeVersion); identifierKey=LogUtils.readByteArray(itemBuffer); isRoot=LogUtils.readBoolean(itemBuffer); nEntries=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); level=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); int length=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); entryTargets=new Node[length]; entryKeyVals=new byte[length][]; baseFileNumber=-1; long storedBaseFileNumber=-1; entryLsnByteArray=new byte[length << 2]; entryLsnLongArray=null; entryStates=new byte[length]; boolean compactLsnsRep=false; if (entryTypeVersion > 1) { compactLsnsRep=LogUtils.readBoolean(itemBuffer); if (compactLsnsRep) { baseFileNumber=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer) & 0xffffffff; storedBaseFileNumber=baseFileNumber; } } for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { entryKeyVals[i]=LogUtils.readByteArray(itemBuffer); long lsn; if (compactLsnsRep) { byte fileNumberOffset=itemBuffer.get(); int fileOffset=(itemBuffer.get() & 0xff); fileOffset|=((itemBuffer.get() & 0xff) << 8); fileOffset|=((itemBuffer.get() & 0xff) << 16); if (fileOffset == THREE_BYTE_NEGATIVE_ONE) { lsn=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; } else { lsn=DbLsn.makeLsn(storedBaseFileNumber + fileNumberOffset,fileOffset); } } else { lsn=LogUtils.readLong(itemBuffer); } setLsnElement(i,lsn); byte entryState=itemBuffer.get(); entryState&=CLEAR_DIRTY_BIT; entryState&=CLEAR_MIGRATE_BIT; if (lsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { entryState|=KNOWN_DELETED_BIT; } entryStates[i]=entryState; } } /** * @see LogReadable#dumpLog */ public void dumpLog( StringBuffer sb, boolean verbose){ sb.append(beginTag()); super.dumpLog(sb,verbose); sb.append(Key.dumpString(identifierKey,0)); sb.append("<isRoot val=\""); sb.append(isRoot); sb.append("\"/>"); sb.append("<level val=\""); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(level)); sb.append("\"/>"); sb.append("<entries numEntries=\""); sb.append(nEntries); sb.append("\" length=\""); sb.append(entryTargets.length); boolean compactLsnsRep=(entryLsnLongArray == null); if (compactLsnsRep) { sb.append("\" baseFileNumber=\""); sb.append(baseFileNumber); } sb.append("\">"); if (verbose) { for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { sb.append("<ref knownDeleted=\"").append(isEntryKnownDeleted(i)); sb.append("\" pendingDeleted=\"").append(isEntryPendingDeleted(i)); sb.append("\">"); sb.append(Key.dumpString(entryKeyVals[i],0)); sb.append(DbLsn.toString(getLsn(i))); sb.append("</ref>"); } } sb.append("</entries>"); dumpLogAdditional(sb); sb.append(endTag()); } /** * @see LogReadable#logEntryIsTransactional. */ public boolean logEntryIsTransactional(){ return false; } /** * @see LogReadable#getTransactionId */ public long getTransactionId(){ return 0; } /** * Allows subclasses to add additional fields before the end tag. If they * just overload dumpLog, the xml isn't nested. */ protected void dumpLogAdditional( StringBuffer sb){ } public String beginTag(){ return BEGIN_TAG; } public String endTag(){ return END_TAG; } void dumpKeys() throws DatabaseException { for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { System.out.println(Key.dumpString(entryKeyVals[i],0)); } } /** * For unit test support: * @return a string that dumps information about this IN, without */ public String dumpString( int nSpaces, boolean dumpTags){ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); if (dumpTags) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces)); sb.append(beginTag()); sb.append('\n'); } sb.append(super.dumpString(nSpaces + 2,true)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<idkey>"); sb.append(identifierKey == null ? "" : Key.dumpString(identifierKey,0)); sb.append("</idkey>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<dirty val=\"").append(dirty).append("\"/>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<generation val=\"").append(generation).append("\"/>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<level val=\""); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(level)).append("\"/>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<isRoot val=\"").append(isRoot).append("\"/>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("<entries nEntries=\""); sb.append(nEntries); sb.append("\">"); sb.append('\n'); for (int i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 4)); sb.append("<entry id=\"" + i + "\">"); sb.append('\n'); if (getLsn(i) == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 6)); sb.append("<lsn/>"); } else { sb.append(DbLsn.dumpString(getLsn(i),nSpaces + 6)); } sb.append('\n'); if (entryKeyVals[i] == null) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 6)); sb.append("<key/>"); } else { sb.append(Key.dumpString(entryKeyVals[i],(nSpaces + 6))); } sb.append('\n'); if (entryTargets[i] == null) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 6)); sb.append("<target/>"); } else { sb.append(entryTargets[i].dumpString(nSpaces + 6,true)); } sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 6)); dumpDeletedState(sb,getState(i)); sb.append("<dirty val=\"").append(isDirty(i)).append("\"/>"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 4)); sb.append("</entry>"); sb.append('\n'); } sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces + 2)); sb.append("</entries>"); sb.append('\n'); if (dumpTags) { sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces)); sb.append(endTag()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Utility method for output of knownDeleted and pendingDelete. */ static void dumpDeletedState( StringBuffer sb, byte state){ sb.append("<knownDeleted val=\""); sb.append(isStateKnownDeleted(state)).append("\"/>"); sb.append("<pendingDeleted val=\""); sb.append(isStatePendingDeleted(state)).append("\"/>"); } public String toString(){ return dumpString(0,true); } public String shortClassName(){ return "IN"; } @MethodObject static class IN_setLsn { IN_setLsn( IN _this, int idx, long lsn){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx; this.lsn=lsn; } void execute(){ _this.setLsnElement(idx,lsn); this.hook639(); _this.entryStates[idx]|=_this.DIRTY_BIT; } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected long lsn; protected int oldSize; protected void hook639(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_setEntry { IN_setEntry( IN _this, int idx, Node target, byte[] keyVal, long lsn, byte state){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx;; this.keyVal=keyVal; this.lsn=lsn; this.state=state; } void execute(){ newNEntries=idx + 1; if (newNEntries > _this.nEntries) { _this.nEntries=newNEntries; this.hook641(); } _this.entryTargets[idx]=target; _this.entryKeyVals[idx]=keyVal; _this.setLsnElement(idx,lsn); _this.entryStates[idx]=state; this.hook640(); _this.setDirty(true); } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected Node target; protected byte[] keyVal; protected long lsn; protected byte state; protected long oldSize; protected int newNEntries; protected long newSize; protected void hook640(){ } protected void hook641(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_updateEntry { IN_updateEntry( IN _this, int idx, Node node){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx; this.node=node; } void execute(){ _this.setTarget(idx,node); } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected Node node; protected long oldSize; protected long newSize; } @MethodObject static class IN_updateEntry2 { IN_updateEntry2( IN _this, int idx, Node node, long lsn){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx; this.node=node; this.lsn=lsn; } void execute(){ _this.setLsn(idx,lsn); _this.setTarget(idx,node); this.hook642(); _this.setDirty(true); } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected Node node; protected long lsn; protected long oldSize; protected long newSize; protected void hook642(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_updateEntry3 { IN_updateEntry3( IN _this, int idx, Node node, long lsn, byte[] key){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx; this.node=node; this.lsn=lsn; this.key=key; } void execute(){ _this.setLsn(idx,lsn); _this.setTarget(idx,node); _this.setKey(idx,key); this.hook643(); _this.setDirty(true); } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected Node node; protected long lsn; protected byte[] key; protected long oldSize; protected long newSize; protected void hook643(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_updateEntryCompareKey { IN_updateEntryCompareKey( IN _this, int idx, Node node, long lsn, byte[] key){ this._this=_this; this.idx=idx; this.node=node; this.lsn=lsn; this.key=key; } void execute(){ _this.setLsn(idx,lsn); _this.setTarget(idx,node); existingKey=_this.getKey(idx); s=Key.compareKeys(key,existingKey,_this.getKeyComparator()); if (s < 0) { _this.setKey(idx,key); } this.hook644(); _this.setDirty(true); } protected IN _this; protected int idx; protected Node node; protected long lsn; protected byte[] key; protected long oldSize; protected byte[] existingKey; protected int s; protected long newSize; protected void hook644(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_insertEntry1 { IN_insertEntry1( IN _this, ChildReference entry){ this._this=_this; this.entry=entry; } int execute() throws DatabaseException { if (_this.nEntries >= _this.entryTargets.length) { _this.compress(null,true); } if (_this.nEntries < _this.entryTargets.length) { key=entry.getKey(); index=_this.findEntry(key,true,false); if (index >= 0 && (index & _this.EXACT_MATCH) != 0) { return index; } else { index++; } if (index < _this.nEntries) { this.hook647(); _this.shiftEntriesRight(index); this.hook646(); } _this.entryTargets[index]=entry.getTarget(); _this.entryKeyVals[index]=entry.getKey(); _this.setLsnElement(index,entry.getLsn()); _this.entryStates[index]=entry.getState(); _this.nEntries++; _this.adjustCursorsForInsert(index); this.hook645(); _this.setDirty(true); return (index | _this.INSERT_SUCCESS); } else { throw new InconsistentNodeException("Node " + _this.getNodeId() + " should have been split before calling insertEntry"); } } protected IN _this; protected ChildReference entry; protected byte[] key; protected int index; protected int oldSize; protected void hook645() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook646() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook647() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_deleteEntry { IN_deleteEntry( IN _this, int index, boolean maybeValidate){ this._this=_this; this.index=index; this.maybeValidate=maybeValidate; } boolean execute() throws DatabaseException { if (_this.nEntries == 0) { return false; } assert maybeValidate ? _this.validateSubtreeBeforeDelete(index) : true; if (index < _this.nEntries) { this.hook649(); for (int i=index; i < _this.nEntries - 1; i++) { _this.setEntryInternal(i + 1,i); } _this.clearEntry(_this.nEntries - 1); this.hook648(); _this.nEntries--; _this.setDirty(true); _this.setProhibitNextDelta(); this.hook616(); return true; } else { return false; } } protected IN _this; protected int index; protected boolean maybeValidate; protected int oldLSNArraySize; protected void hook616() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook648() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook649() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_validateSubtreeBeforeDelete { IN_validateSubtreeBeforeDelete( IN _this, int index){ this._this=_this; this.index=index; } boolean execute() throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook628(); throw ReturnHack.returnBoolean; } catch ( ReturnBoolean r) { return r.value; } } protected IN _this; protected int index; protected boolean needToLatch; protected Node child; protected void hook628() throws DatabaseException { this.hook629(); if (index >= _this.nEntries) { throw new ReturnBoolean(true); } else { child=_this.fetchTarget(index); throw new ReturnBoolean(child != null && child.isValidForDelete()); } } protected void hook629() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_splitInternal { IN_splitInternal( IN _this, IN parent, int childIndex, int maxEntries, int splitIndex){ this._this=_this; this.parent=parent; this.childIndex=childIndex; this.maxEntries=maxEntries; this.splitIndex=splitIndex; } void execute() throws DatabaseException { if (_this.identifierKey == null) { throw new InconsistentNodeException("idkey is null"); } idKeyIndex=_this.findEntry(_this.identifierKey,false,false); if (splitIndex < 0) { splitIndex=_this.nEntries / 2; } { } newSibling=null; if (idKeyIndex < splitIndex) { low=splitIndex; high=_this.nEntries; } else { low=0; high=splitIndex; } newIdKey=_this.entryKeyVals[low]; parentLsn=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; newSibling=_this.createNewInstance(newIdKey,maxEntries,_this.level); this.hook631(); oldMemorySize=_this.inMemorySize; this.hook630(); } protected IN _this; protected IN parent; protected int childIndex; protected int maxEntries; protected int splitIndex; protected int idKeyIndex; protected int low; protected int high; protected IN newSibling; protected byte[] newIdKey; protected long parentLsn; protected long oldMemorySize; protected int toIdx; protected boolean deletedEntrySeen; protected BINReference binRef; protected byte[] thisKey; protected int newSiblingNEntries; protected EnvironmentImpl env; protected LogManager logManager; protected INList inMemoryINs; protected long newSiblingLsn; protected long myNewLsn; protected boolean insertOk1; protected boolean insertOk2; protected long newSize; protected void hook617() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook630() throws DatabaseException { toIdx=0; deletedEntrySeen=false; binRef=null; for (int i=low; i < high; i++) { thisKey=_this.entryKeyVals[i]; if (_this.isEntryPendingDeleted(i)) { if (!deletedEntrySeen) { deletedEntrySeen=true; binRef=new BINReference(newSibling.getNodeId(),_this.databaseImpl.getId(),newIdKey); } binRef.addDeletedKey(new Key(thisKey)); } newSibling.setEntry(toIdx++,_this.entryTargets[i],thisKey,_this.getLsn(i),_this.entryStates[i]); _this.clearEntry(i); } this.hook636(); newSiblingNEntries=(high - low); if (low == 0) { _this.shiftEntriesLeft(newSiblingNEntries); } newSibling.nEntries=toIdx; _this.nEntries-=newSiblingNEntries; _this.setDirty(true); _this.adjustCursors(newSibling,low,high); env=_this.databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment(); logManager=env.getLogManager(); inMemoryINs=env.getInMemoryINs(); newSiblingLsn=newSibling.logProvisional(logManager,parent); myNewLsn=_this.logProvisional(logManager,parent); if (low == 0) { if (childIndex == 0) { parent.updateEntryCompareKey(childIndex,newSibling,newSiblingLsn,newIdKey); } else { parent.updateEntry(childIndex,newSibling,newSiblingLsn); } insertOk1=parent.insertEntry(new ChildReference(_this,_this.entryKeyVals[0],myNewLsn)); assert insertOk1; } else { if (childIndex == 0) { parent.updateEntryCompareKey(childIndex,_this,myNewLsn,_this.entryKeyVals[0]); } else { parent.updateEntry(childIndex,_this,myNewLsn); } insertOk2=parent.insertEntry(new ChildReference(newSibling,newIdKey,newSiblingLsn)); assert insertOk2; } parentLsn=parent.log(logManager); if (parent.isRoot()) { parent.setDirty(true); } this.hook650(); inMemoryINs.add(newSibling); this.hook617(); } protected void hook631() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook636() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook650() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_verify { IN_verify( IN _this, byte[] maxKey){ this._this=_this; this.maxKey=maxKey; } void execute() throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook632(); userCompareToFcn=(_this.databaseImpl == null ? null : _this.getKeyComparator()); key1=null; for (int i=1; i < _this.nEntries; i++) { key1=_this.entryKeyVals[i]; key2=_this.entryKeyVals[i - 1]; s=Key.compareKeys(key1,key2,userCompareToFcn); if (s <= 0) { throw new InconsistentNodeException("IN " + _this.getNodeId() + " key "+ (i - 1)+ " ("+ Key.dumpString(key2,0)+ ") and "+ i+ " ("+ Key.dumpString(key1,0)+ ") are out of order"); } } inconsistent=false; if (maxKey != null && key1 != null) { if (Key.compareKeys(key1,maxKey,userCompareToFcn) >= 0) { inconsistent=true; } } if (inconsistent) { throw new InconsistentNodeException("IN " + _this.getNodeId() + " has entry larger than next entry in parent."); } } catch ( DatabaseException DE) { DE.printStackTrace(System.out); } finally { this.hook633(); } } protected IN _this; protected byte[] maxKey; protected boolean unlatchThis; protected Comparator userCompareToFcn; protected byte[] key1; protected byte[] key2; protected int s; protected boolean inconsistent; protected void hook632() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook633() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_isValidForDelete { IN_isValidForDelete( IN _this){ this._this=_this; } boolean execute() throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook634(); throw ReturnHack.returnBoolean; } catch ( ReturnBoolean r) { return r.value; } } protected IN _this; protected boolean needToLatch; protected Node child; protected void hook634() throws DatabaseException { this.hook635(); if (_this.nEntries > 1) { throw new ReturnBoolean(false); } else if (_this.nEntries == 1) { child=_this.fetchTarget(0); throw new ReturnBoolean(child != null && child.isValidForDelete()); } else { throw new ReturnBoolean(true); } } protected void hook635() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class IN_trackProvisionalObsolete { IN_trackProvisionalObsolete( IN _this, IN child, long obsoleteLsn1, long obsoleteLsn2){ this._this=_this; this.child=child; this.obsoleteLsn1=obsoleteLsn1; this.obsoleteLsn2=obsoleteLsn2; } void execute(){ memDelta=0; if (child.provisionalObsolete != null) { this.hook652(); if (_this.provisionalObsolete != null) { _this.provisionalObsolete.addAll(child.provisionalObsolete); } else { _this.provisionalObsolete=child.provisionalObsolete; } child.provisionalObsolete=null; this.hook651(); } if (obsoleteLsn1 != DbLsn.NULL_LSN || obsoleteLsn2 != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { if (_this.provisionalObsolete == null) { _this.provisionalObsolete=new ArrayList(); } if (obsoleteLsn1 != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { _this.provisionalObsolete.add(new Long(obsoleteLsn1)); this.hook653(); } if (obsoleteLsn2 != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { _this.provisionalObsolete.add(new Long(obsoleteLsn2)); this.hook654(); } } } protected IN _this; protected IN child; protected long obsoleteLsn1; protected long obsoleteLsn2; protected int memDelta; protected int childMemDelta; protected void hook651(){ } protected void hook652(){ } protected void hook653(){ } protected void hook654(){ } } @MethodObject static class IN_flushProvisionalObsolete { IN_flushProvisionalObsolete( IN _this, LogManager logManager){ this._this=_this; this.logManager=logManager; } void execute() throws DatabaseException { if (_this.provisionalObsolete != null) { this.hook656(); logManager.countObsoleteINs(_this.provisionalObsolete); _this.provisionalObsolete=null; this.hook655(); } } protected IN _this; protected LogManager logManager; protected int memDelta; protected void hook655() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook656() throws DatabaseException { } } protected void hook618( EnvironmentImpl env){ } protected void hook619( boolean updateGeneration) throws DatabaseException { if (updateGeneration) { setGeneration(); } throw new ReturnBoolean(true); } protected void hook620() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook621() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook622() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook623() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook624() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook625( Node child) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook626() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook627() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook637() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook638( Node node) throws DatabaseException, LogFileNotFoundException, Exception { } }