package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Javadoc for this public class is generated * via the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public class EnvironmentParams { public final static Map SUPPORTED_PARAMS=new HashMap(); public static final LongConfigParam MAX_MEMORY=new LongConfigParam("je.maxMemory",null,null,new Long(0),true,"# Specify the cache size in bytes, as an absolute number. The system\n" + "# attempts to stay within this budget and will evict database\n" + "# objects when it comes within a prescribed margin of the limit.\n"+ "# By default, this parameter is 0 and JE instead sizes the cache\n"+ "# proportionally to the memory available to the JVM, based on\n"+ "# je.maxMemoryPercent."); public static final IntConfigParam MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT=new IntConfigParam("je.maxMemoryPercent",new Integer(1),new Integer(90),new Integer(60),true,"# By default, JE sizes the cache as a percentage of the maximum\n" + "# memory available to the JVM. For example, if the JVM is\n" + "# started with -Xmx128M, the cache size will be\n"+ "# (je.maxMemoryPercent * 128M) / 100\n"+ "# Setting je.maxMemory to an non-zero value will override\n"+ "# je.maxMemoryPercent"); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RECOVERY=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.recovery",true,false,"# If true, an environment is created with recovery and the related\n" + "# daemons threads enabled."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RECOVERY_FORCE_CHECKPOINT=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.recoveryForceCheckpoint",false,false,"# If true, a checkpoint is forced following recovery, even if the\n" + "# log ends with a checkpoint."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RUN_INCOMPRESSOR=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.runINCompressor",true,true,"# If true, starts up the INCompressor.\n" + "# This parameter is true by default"); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RUN_EVICTOR=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.runEvictor",false,true,"# If true, starts up the evictor.\n" + "# This parameter is false by default\n" + "# (deprecated, eviction is performed in-line"); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RUN_CHECKPOINTER=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.runCheckpointer",true,true,"# If true, starts up the checkpointer.\n" + "# This parameter is true by default"); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RUN_CLEANER=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.runCleaner",true,true,"# If true, starts up the cleaner.\n" + "# This parameter is true by default"); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_CHECK_LEAKS=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.checkLeaks",true,false,"# Debugging support: check leaked locks and txns at env close."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_FORCED_YIELD=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.forcedYield",false,false,"# Debugging support: call Thread.yield() at strategic points."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_INIT_TXN=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.isTransactional",false,false,"# If true, create the environment w/ transactions."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_INIT_LOCKING=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.isLocking",true,false,"# If true, create the environment with locking."); public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_RDONLY=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.isReadOnly",false,false,"# If true, create the environment read only."); public static final int MIN_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE=2048; private static final int NUM_LOG_BUFFERS_DEFAULT=3; public static final long LOG_MEM_SIZE_MIN=NUM_LOG_BUFFERS_DEFAULT * MIN_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE; public static final String LOG_MEM_SIZE_MIN_STRING=Long.toString(LOG_MEM_SIZE_MIN); public static final LongConfigParam LOG_MEM_SIZE=new LongConfigParam("je.log.totalBufferBytes",new Long(LOG_MEM_SIZE_MIN),null,new Long(0),false,"# The total memory taken by log buffers, in bytes. If 0, use\n" + "# 7% of je.maxMemory"); public static final IntConfigParam NUM_LOG_BUFFERS=new IntConfigParam("je.log.numBuffers",new Integer(2),null,new Integer(NUM_LOG_BUFFERS_DEFAULT),false,"# The number of JE log buffers"); public static final IntConfigParam LOG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.log.bufferSize",new Integer(1 << 10),null,new Integer(1 << 20),false,"# maximum starting size of a JE log buffer"); public static final IntConfigParam LOG_FAULT_READ_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.log.faultReadSize",new Integer(32),null,new Integer(2048),false,"# The buffer size for faulting in objects from disk, in bytes."); public static final IntConfigParam LOG_ITERATOR_READ_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.log.iteratorReadSize",new Integer(128),null,new Integer(8192),false,"# The read buffer size for log iterators, which are used when\n" + "# scanning the log during activities like log cleaning and\n" + "# environment open, in bytes. This may grow as the system encounters\n"+ "# larger log entries"); public static final IntConfigParam LOG_ITERATOR_MAX_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.log.iteratorMaxSize",new Integer(128),null,new Integer(16777216),false,"# The maximum read buffer size for log iterators, which are used\n" + "# when scanning the log during activities like log cleaning\n" + "# and environment open, in bytes."); public static final LongConfigParam LOG_FILE_MAX=new LongConfigParam("je.log.fileMax",new Long(1000000),new Long(4294967296L),new Long(10000000),false,"# The maximum size of each individual JE log file, in bytes."); public static final BooleanConfigParam LOG_MEMORY_ONLY=new BooleanConfigParam("je.log.memOnly",false,false,"# If true, operates in an in-memory fashion without\n" + "# flushing the log to disk. The system operates until it runs\n" + "# out of memory, in which case a java.lang.OutOfMemory error is\n"+ "# thrown."); public static final IntConfigParam LOG_FILE_CACHE_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.log.fileCacheSize",new Integer(3),null,new Integer(100),false,"# The size of the file handle cache."); public static final LongConfigParam LOG_CHUNKED_NIO=new LongConfigParam("je.log.chunkedNIO",new Long(0L),new Long(1 << 26),new Long(0L),false,"# If non-0 (default is 0) break all IO into chunks of this size.\n" + "# This setting is only used if je.log.useNIO=true."); public static final IntConfigParam NODE_MAX=new IntConfigParam("je.nodeMaxEntries",new Integer(4),new Integer(32767),new Integer(128),false,"# The maximum number of entries in an internal btree node.\n" + "# This can be set per-database using the DatabaseConfig object."); public static final IntConfigParam NODE_MAX_DUPTREE=new IntConfigParam("je.nodeDupTreeMaxEntries",new Integer(4),new Integer(32767),new Integer(128),false,"# The maximum number of entries in an internal dup btree node.\n" + "# This can be set per-database using the DatabaseConfig object."); public static final IntConfigParam BIN_MAX_DELTAS=new IntConfigParam("je.tree.maxDelta",new Integer(0),new Integer(100),new Integer(10),false,"# After this many deltas, logs a full version."); public static final IntConfigParam BIN_DELTA_PERCENT=new IntConfigParam("je.tree.binDelta",new Integer(0),new Integer(75),new Integer(25),false,"# If less than this percentage of entries are changed on a BIN,\n" + "# logs a delta instead of a full version."); public static final IntConfigParam COMPRESSOR_RETRY=new IntConfigParam("je.compressor.deadlockRetry",new Integer(0),new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE),new Integer(3),false,"# Number of times to retry a compression run if a deadlock occurs."); public static final LongConfigParam COMPRESSOR_LOCK_TIMEOUT=new LongConfigParam("je.compressor.lockTimeout",new Long(0),new Long(4294967296L),new Long(500000L),false,"# The lock timeout for compressor transactions in microseconds."); public static final BooleanConfigParam COMPRESSOR_PURGE_ROOT=new BooleanConfigParam("je.compressor.purgeRoot",false,false,"# If true, when the compressor encounters an empty tree, the root\n" + "# node of the tree is deleted."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_MIN_UTILIZATION=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.minUtilization",new Integer(0),new Integer(90),new Integer(50),true,"# The cleaner will keep the total disk space utilization percentage\n" + "# above this value. The default is set to 50 percent."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_MIN_FILE_UTILIZATION=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.minFileUtilization",new Integer(0),new Integer(50),new Integer(5),true,"# A log file will be cleaned if its utilization percentage is below\n" + "# this value, irrespective of total utilization. The default is\n" + "# set to 5 percent."); public static final LongConfigParam CLEANER_BYTES_INTERVAL=new LongConfigParam("je.cleaner.bytesInterval",new Long(0),new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE),new Long(0),true,"# The cleaner checks disk utilization every time we write this many\n" + "# bytes to the log. If zero (and by default) it is set to the\n" + "# je.log.fileMax value divided by four."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_DEADLOCK_RETRY=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.deadlockRetry",new Integer(0),new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE),new Integer(3),true,"# The number of times to retry cleaning if a deadlock occurs.\n" + "# The default is set to 3."); public static final LongConfigParam CLEANER_LOCK_TIMEOUT=new LongConfigParam("je.cleaner.lockTimeout",new Long(0),new Long(4294967296L),new Long(500000L),true,"# The lock timeout for cleaner transactions in microseconds.\n" + "# The default is set to 0.5 seconds."); public static final BooleanConfigParam CLEANER_REMOVE=new BooleanConfigParam("je.cleaner.expunge",true,true,"# If true, the cleaner deletes log files after successful cleaning.\n" + "# If false, the cleaner changes log file extensions to .DEL\n" + "# instead of deleting them. The default is set to true."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_MIN_FILES_TO_DELETE=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.minFilesToDelete",new Integer(1),new Integer(1000000),new Integer(5),false,"# (deprecated, no longer used"); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_RETRIES=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.retries",new Integer(0),new Integer(1000),new Integer(10),false,"# (deprecated, no longer used"); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_RESTART_RETRIES=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.restartRetries",new Integer(0),new Integer(1000),new Integer(5),false,"# (deprecated, no longer used"); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_MIN_AGE=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.minAge",new Integer(1),new Integer(1000),new Integer(2),true,"# The minimum age of a file (number of files between it and the\n" + "# active file) to qualify it for cleaning under any conditions.\n" + "# The default is set to 2."); public static final BooleanConfigParam CLEANER_CLUSTER=new BooleanConfigParam("je.cleaner.cluster",false,true,"# *** Experimental and may be removed in a future release. ***\n" + "# If true, eviction and checkpointing will cluster records by key\n" + "# value, migrating them from low utilization files if they are\n"+ "# resident.\n"+ "# The cluster and clusterAll properties may not both be set to true."); public static final BooleanConfigParam CLEANER_CLUSTER_ALL=new BooleanConfigParam("je.cleaner.clusterAll",false,true,"# *** Experimental and may be removed in a future release. ***\n" + "# If true, eviction and checkpointing will cluster records by key\n" + "# value, migrating them from low utilization files whether or not\n"+ "# they are resident.\n"+ "# The cluster and clusterAll properties may not both be set to true."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_MAX_BATCH_FILES=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.maxBatchFiles",new Integer(0),new Integer(100000),new Integer(0),true,"# The maximum number of log files in the cleaner's backlog, or\n" + "# zero if there is no limit. Changing this property can impact the\n" + "# performance of some out-of-memory applications."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_READ_SIZE=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.readSize",new Integer(128),null,new Integer(0),true,"# The read buffer size for cleaning. If zero (the default), then\n" + "# je.log.iteratorReadSize value is used."); public static final BooleanConfigParam CLEANER_TRACK_DETAIL=new BooleanConfigParam("je.cleaner.trackDetail",true,false,"# If true, the cleaner tracks and stores detailed information that\n" + "# is used to decrease the cost of cleaning."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_DETAIL_MAX_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.detailMaxMemoryPercentage",new Integer(1),new Integer(90),new Integer(2),true,"# Tracking of detailed cleaning information will use no more than\n" + "# this percentage of the cache. The default value is two percent.\n" + "# This setting is only used if je.cleaner.trackDetail=true."); public static final BooleanConfigParam CLEANER_RMW_FIX=new BooleanConfigParam("je.cleaner.rmwFix",true,false,"# If true, detail information is discarded that was added by earlier\n" + "# versions of JE if it may be invalid. This may be set to false\n" + "# for increased performance, but only if LockMode.RMW was never used."); public static final ConfigParam CLEANER_FORCE_CLEAN_FILES=new ConfigParam("je.cleaner.forceCleanFiles","",false,"# Specifies a list of files or file ranges to force clean. This is\n" + "# intended for use in forcing the cleaning of a large number of log\n" + "# files. File numbers are in hex and are comma separated or hyphen\n"+ "# separated to specify ranges, e.g.: '9,a,b-d' will clean 5 files."); public static final IntConfigParam CLEANER_THREADS=new IntConfigParam("je.cleaner.threads",new Integer(1),null,new Integer(1),true,"# The number of threads allocated by the cleaner for log file\n" + "# processing. If the cleaner backlog becomes large, increase this\n" + "# value. The default is set to 1."); public static final IntConfigParam N_LOCK_TABLES=new IntConfigParam("je.lock.nLockTables",new Integer(1),new Integer(32767),new Integer(1),false,"# Number of Lock Tables. Set this to a value other than 1 when\n" + "# an application has multiple threads performing concurrent JE\n" + "# operations. It should be set to a prime number, and in general\n"+ "# not higher than the number of application threads performing JE\n"+ "# operations."); public static final LongConfigParam LOCK_TIMEOUT=new LongConfigParam("je.lock.timeout",new Long(0),new Long(4294967296L),new Long(500000L),false,"# The lock timeout in microseconds."); public static final LongConfigParam TXN_TIMEOUT=new LongConfigParam("je.txn.timeout",new Long(0),new Long(4294967296L),new Long(0),false,"# The transaction timeout, in microseconds. A value of 0 means no limit."); public static final BooleanConfigParam TXN_SERIALIZABLE_ISOLATION=new BooleanConfigParam("je.txn.serializableIsolation",false,false,"# Transactions have the Serializable (Degree 3) isolation level. The\n" + "# default is false, which implies the Repeatable Read isolation level."); public static final BooleanConfigParam TXN_DEADLOCK_STACK_TRACE=new BooleanConfigParam("je.txn.deadlockStackTrace",false,true,"# Set this parameter to true to add stacktrace information to deadlock\n" + "# (lock timeout) exception messages. The stack trace will show where\n" + "# each lock was taken. The default is false, and true should only be\n"+ "# used during debugging because of the added memory/processing cost.\n"+ "# This parameter is 'static' across all environments."); public static final BooleanConfigParam TXN_DUMPLOCKS=new BooleanConfigParam("je.txn.dumpLocks",false,true,"# Dump the lock table when a lock timeout is encountered, for\n" + "# debugging assistance."); public static void main( String argv[]){ if (argv.length != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: EnvironmentParams " + "<samplePropertyFile>"); } try { FileWriter exampleFile=new FileWriter(new File(argv[0])); TreeSet paramNames=new TreeSet(SUPPORTED_PARAMS.keySet()); Iterator iter=paramNames.iterator(); exampleFile.write("####################################################\n" + "# Example Berkeley DB, Java Edition property file\n" + "# Each parameter is set to its default value\n"+ "####################################################\n\n"); while (iter.hasNext()) { String paramName=(String); ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); exampleFile.write(param.getDescription() + "\n"); String extraDesc=param.getExtraDescription(); if (extraDesc != null) { exampleFile.write(extraDesc + "\n"); } exampleFile.write("#" + param.getName() + "="+ param.getDefault()+ "\n# (mutable at run time: "+ param.isMutable()+ ")\n\n"); } exampleFile.close(); } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } static void addSupportedParam( ConfigParam param){ SUPPORTED_PARAMS.put(param.getName(),param); } }