package lancs.mobilemedia.core.ui.screens; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Choice; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.List; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * @author trevor * This screen shows a listing of all photos for a selected photo album. * This is the screen that contains most of the feature menu items. * From this screen, a user can choose to view photos, add or delete photos, * send photos to other users etc. */ public class MediaListScreen extends List { public static final int SHOWPHOTO=1; public static final int PLAYMUSIC=2; public static final int PLAYVIDEO=3; public static final Command addCommand=new Command("Add",Command.ITEM,1); public static final Command deleteCommand=new Command("Delete",Command.ITEM,1); public static final Command backCommand=new Command("Back",Command.BACK,0); public static final Command editLabelCommand=new Command("Edit Label",Command.ITEM,1); /** * Constructor */ private int typeOfScreen; public MediaListScreen( int typeOfScreen){ super("Choose Items",Choice.IMPLICIT); this.typeOfScreen=typeOfScreen; } /** * Initialize the menu items for this screen */ public void initMenu(){ this.hook51(); this.hook53(); this.hook49(); this.hook48(); this.addCommand(addCommand); this.addCommand(deleteCommand); this.addCommand(editLabelCommand); this.hook52(); this.hook50(); this.addCommand(backCommand); } protected void hook48(){ } protected void hook49(){ } protected void hook50(){ } protected void hook51(){ } protected void hook52(){ } protected void hook53(){ } }