// $Header: /home/apel/cvs/fstcomp/examples/Java/Graph/Recursive/Graph/Node.java,v 1.1 2010-03-29 20:44:21 apel Exp $ /** * Please complete these missing tags * @author * @rref * @copyright * @concurrency * @see */ package Graph; class Node { private Graph childGraph = null; /** * Please complete the missing tags for getChildGraph * @param * @return * @throws * @pre * @post */ Graph getChildGraph() { return childGraph; } /** * Please complete the missing tags for setChildGraph * @param * @return * @throws * @pre * @post */ void setChildGraph( Graph g ) { childGraph = g; } /** * Please complete the missing tags for print * @param * @return * @throws * @pre * @post */ void print() { original(); if( childGraph != null ) { System.out.print( " ++ " ); childGraph.print(); System.out.print( " -- " ); } } }