import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.*; public class production extends gObj { public static final int unk = -1; public static final int opt = 1; public static final int plus = 2; public static final int star = 3; public static final int norm = 0; static int counter = 0; static production current; public int type; // must be { opt, plus, star, norm } public ArrayList pat; static public HashMap Ptable; production( String name ) { super( name ); // Step 1: if this is the first production, then // define a grammar object if ( counter==0 ) { new grammar( name ); grammar.rootProduction = (production) this; Ptable = new HashMap(); } counter++; // Step 2: now define the production itself current = (production) this; this.type = unk; // unknown type at present name,(production)this ); pat = new ArrayList(); Ptable.put( name, (production) this ); } String getType() { if ( type == opt ) return "optional"; if ( type == plus ) return "plus"; if ( type == star ) return "star"; if ( type == norm ) return "choose1"; return "unknown"; } public void visit( GVisitor v ) { v.action( (production) this ); } public void traverse( GVisitor v ) { pattern p = null; Iterator i = pat.iterator(); while ( i.hasNext() ) { Object o =; try { p = ( pattern ) o; } catch( Exception e ) { Util.fatalError( e.getMessage() + " " + o.getClass().getName()); } p.visit( v ); } } public static void dumpPtable() { production p; int cnt = 0; System.out.println( "-------Begin Ptable Dump----------" ); Iterator i = Ptable.values().iterator(); while ( i.hasNext() ) { p = ( production ); p.print(); System.out.println(); cnt++; } System.out.println( cnt + " productions in all." ); System.out.println( "-------End Ptable Dump----------" ); } public void print() { String v = "null"; if (var!=null) v =; System.out.print(name + " var is " + v + " " + getType()); } static public production find( String name ) { return ( production ) production.Ptable.get( name ); } }