package; public class UtilizationTracker { /** * Evicts tracked detail if the budget for the tracker is exceeded. Evicts * only one file summary LN at most to keep eviction batches small. Returns * the number of bytes freed. * <p> * When flushFileSummary is called, the TrackedFileSummary is cleared via * its reset method, which is called by FileSummaryLN.writeToLog. This is * how memory is subtracted from the budget. * </p> */ public long evictMemory() throws DatabaseException { return new UtilizationTracker_evictMemory(this).execute(); } @MethodObject static class UtilizationTracker_evictMemory { UtilizationTracker_evictMemory( UtilizationTracker _this){ this._this=_this; } long execute() throws DatabaseException { if (!_this.cleaner.trackDetail) { return 0; } if (!_this.env.isOpen()) { return 0; } mb=_this.env.getMemoryBudget(); totalEvicted=0; totalBytes=0; largestBytes=0; bestFile=null; a=_this.snapshot; for (int i=0; i < a.length; i+=1) { tfs=a[i]; this.hook198(); b1=tfs.getAllowFlush(); this.hook197(); if (b1) { this.hook199(); bestFile=tfs; } } b2=bestFile != null; this.hook196(); if (b2) { _this.env.getUtilizationProfile().flushFileSummary(bestFile); totalEvicted+=largestBytes; } return totalEvicted; } protected UtilizationTracker _this; protected MemoryBudget mb; protected long totalEvicted; protected long totalBytes; protected int largestBytes; protected TrackedFileSummary bestFile; protected TrackedFileSummary[] a; protected TrackedFileSummary tfs; protected int mem; protected boolean b1; protected boolean b2; protected void hook196() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook197() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook198() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook199() throws DatabaseException { } } }