package; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * The underlying object for a given database. */ public class DatabaseImpl implements LogWritable, LogReadable, Cloneable { private DatabaseId id; Tree tree; private EnvironmentImpl envImpl; private boolean duplicatesAllowed; private boolean transactional; private Set referringHandles; private long eofNodeId; private Comparator btreeComparator=null; private Comparator duplicateComparator=null; private String btreeComparatorName=""; private String duplicateComparatorName=""; private int binDeltaPercent; private int binMaxDeltas; private int maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode; private int maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode; private String debugDatabaseName; private TestHook pendingDeletedHook; /** * Create a database object for a new database. */ public DatabaseImpl( String dbName, DatabaseId id, EnvironmentImpl envImpl, DatabaseConfig dbConfig) throws DatabaseException {; this.envImpl=envImpl; this.btreeComparator=dbConfig.getBtreeComparator(); this.duplicateComparator=dbConfig.getDuplicateComparator(); duplicatesAllowed=dbConfig.getSortedDuplicates(); transactional=dbConfig.getTransactional(); maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode=dbConfig.getNodeMaxEntries(); maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode=dbConfig.getNodeMaxDupTreeEntries(); initDefaultSettings(); this.hook288(); tree=new Tree(this); referringHandles=Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); eofNodeId=Node.getNextNodeId(); debugDatabaseName=dbName; } /** * Create an empty database object for initialization from the log. Note * that the rest of the initialization comes from readFromLog(), except for * the debugDatabaseName, which is set by the caller. */ public DatabaseImpl() throws DatabaseException { id=new DatabaseId(); envImpl=null; this.hook289(); tree=new Tree(); referringHandles=Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); eofNodeId=Node.getNextNodeId(); } public void setDebugDatabaseName( String debugName){ debugDatabaseName=debugName; } public String getDebugName(){ return debugDatabaseName; } public void setPendingDeletedHook( TestHook hook){ pendingDeletedHook=hook; } /** * Initialize configuration settings when creating a new instance or after * reading an instance from the log. The envImpl field must be set before * calling this method. */ private void initDefaultSettings() throws DatabaseException { DbConfigManager configMgr=envImpl.getConfigManager(); binDeltaPercent=configMgr.getInt(EnvironmentParams.BIN_DELTA_PERCENT); binMaxDeltas=configMgr.getInt(EnvironmentParams.BIN_MAX_DELTAS); if (maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode == 0) { maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode=configMgr.getInt(EnvironmentParams.NODE_MAX); } if (maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode == 0) { maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode=configMgr.getInt(EnvironmentParams.NODE_MAX_DUPTREE); } } /** * Clone. For now just pass off to the super class for a field-by-field * copy. */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } /** * @return the database tree. */ public Tree getTree(){ return tree; } void setTree( Tree tree){ this.tree=tree; } /** * @return the database id. */ public DatabaseId getId(){ return id; } void setId( DatabaseId id){; } public long getEofNodeId(){ return eofNodeId; } /** * @return true if this database is transactional. */ public boolean isTransactional(){ return transactional; } /** * Sets the transactional property for the first opened handle. */ public void setTransactional( boolean transactional){ this.transactional=transactional; } /** * @return true if duplicates are allowed in this database. */ public boolean getSortedDuplicates(){ return duplicatesAllowed; } public int getNodeMaxEntries(){ return maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode; } public int getNodeMaxDupTreeEntries(){ return maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode; } /** * Set the duplicate comparison function for this database. * @param duplicateComparator - * The Duplicate Comparison function. */ public void setDuplicateComparator( Comparator duplicateComparator){ this.duplicateComparator=duplicateComparator; } /** * Set the btree comparison function for this database. * @param btreeComparator - * The btree Comparison function. */ public void setBtreeComparator( Comparator btreeComparator){ this.btreeComparator=btreeComparator; } /** * @return the btree Comparator object. */ public Comparator getBtreeComparator(){ return btreeComparator; } /** * @return the duplicate Comparator object. */ public Comparator getDuplicateComparator(){ return duplicateComparator; } /** * Set the db environment during recovery, after instantiating the database * from the log */ public void setEnvironmentImpl( EnvironmentImpl envImpl) throws DatabaseException { this.envImpl=envImpl; initDefaultSettings(); tree.setDatabase(this); } /** * @return the database environment. */ public EnvironmentImpl getDbEnvironment(){ return envImpl; } /** * Returns whether one or more handles are open. */ public boolean hasOpenHandles(){ return referringHandles.size() > 0; } /** * Add a referring handle */ public void addReferringHandle( Database db){ referringHandles.add(db); } /** * Decrement the reference count. */ public void removeReferringHandle( Database db){ referringHandles.remove(db); } /** * @return the referring handle count. */ synchronized int getReferringHandleCount(){ return referringHandles.size(); } /** * For this secondary database return the primary that it is associated * with, or null if not associated with any primary. Note that not all * handles need be associated with a primary. */ public Database findPrimaryDatabase() throws DatabaseException { for (Iterator i=referringHandles.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object; if (obj instanceof SecondaryDatabase) { return ((SecondaryDatabase)obj).getPrimaryDatabase(); } } return null; } public String getName() throws DatabaseException { return envImpl.getDbMapTree().getDbName(id); } private static class ObsoleteProcessor implements TreeNodeProcessor { private UtilizationTracker tracker; ObsoleteProcessor( UtilizationTracker tracker){ this.tracker=tracker; } public void processLSN( long childLsn, LogEntryType childType){ assert childLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN; tracker.countObsoleteNodeInexact(childLsn,childType); } } /** * Return the count of nodes in the database. Used for truncate, perhaps * should be made available through other means? Database should be * quiescent. */ long countRecords() throws DatabaseException { LNCounter lnCounter=new LNCounter(); SortedLSNTreeWalker walker=new SortedLSNTreeWalker(this,false,false,tree.getRootLsn(),lnCounter); walker.walk(); return lnCounter.getCount(); } private static class LNCounter implements TreeNodeProcessor { private long counter; public void processLSN( long childLsn, LogEntryType childType){ assert childLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN; if (childType.equals(LogEntryType.LOG_LN_TRANSACTIONAL) || childType.equals(LogEntryType.LOG_LN)) { counter++; } } long getCount(){ return counter; } } private boolean walkDatabaseTree( TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator statsAcc, PrintStream out, boolean verbose) throws DatabaseException { boolean ok=true; Locker locker=new ThreadLocker(envImpl); Cursor cursor=null; CursorImpl impl=null; try { EnvironmentImpl.incThreadLocalReferenceCount(); cursor=DbInternal.newCursor(this,locker,null); impl=DbInternal.getCursorImpl(cursor); tree.setTreeStatsAccumulator(statsAcc); impl.setTreeStatsAccumulator(statsAcc); DatabaseEntry foundData=new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry key=new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus status=DbInternal.position(cursor,key,foundData,LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED,true); while (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { try { status=DbInternal.retrieveNext(cursor,key,foundData,LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED,GetMode.NEXT); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { ok=false; if (DbInternal.advanceCursor(cursor,key,foundData)) { if (verbose) { out.println("Error encountered (continuing):"); out.println(DBE); printErrorRecord(out,key,foundData); } } else { throw DBE; } } } } finally { if (impl != null) { impl.setTreeStatsAccumulator(null); } tree.setTreeStatsAccumulator(null); EnvironmentImpl.decThreadLocalReferenceCount(); if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return ok; } /** * Prints the key and data, if available, for a BIN entry that could not be * read/verified. Uses the same format as DbDump and prints both the hex and * printable versions of the entries. */ private void printErrorRecord( PrintStream out, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data){ byte[] bytes=key.getData(); StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("Error Key "); if (bytes == null) { sb.append("UNKNOWN"); } else { CmdUtil.formatEntry(sb,bytes,false); sb.append(' '); CmdUtil.formatEntry(sb,bytes,true); } out.println(sb); bytes=data.getData(); sb=new StringBuffer("Error Data "); if (bytes == null) { sb.append("UNKNOWN"); } else { CmdUtil.formatEntry(sb,bytes,false); sb.append(' '); CmdUtil.formatEntry(sb,bytes,true); } out.println(sb); } /** * Undeclared exception used to throw through SortedLSNTreeWalker code when * preload has either filled the user's max byte or time request. */ private static class HaltPreloadException extends RuntimeException { private PreloadStatus status; HaltPreloadException( PreloadStatus status){ super(status.toString()); this.status=status; } PreloadStatus getStatus(){ return status; } } static final HaltPreloadException timeExceededPreloadException=new HaltPreloadException(PreloadStatus.EXCEEDED_TIME); static final HaltPreloadException memoryExceededPreloadException=new HaltPreloadException(PreloadStatus.FILLED_CACHE); /** * Preload the cache, using up to maxBytes bytes or maxMillsecs msec. */ public PreloadStats preload( PreloadConfig config) throws DatabaseException { return new DatabaseImpl_preload(this,config).execute(); } public String dumpString( int nSpaces){ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); sb.append(TreeUtils.indent(nSpaces)); sb.append("<database id=\""); sb.append(id.toString()); sb.append("\""); if (btreeComparator != null) { sb.append(" btc=\""); sb.append(serializeComparator(btreeComparator)); sb.append("\""); } if (duplicateComparator != null) { sb.append(" dupc=\""); sb.append(serializeComparator(duplicateComparator)); sb.append("\""); } sb.append("/>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @see LogWritable#getLogSize */ public int getLogSize(){ return id.getLogSize() + tree.getLogSize() + LogUtils.getBooleanLogSize()+ LogUtils.getStringLogSize(serializeComparator(btreeComparator))+ LogUtils.getStringLogSize(serializeComparator(duplicateComparator))+ (LogUtils.getIntLogSize() * 2); } /** * @see LogWritable#writeToLog */ public void writeToLog( ByteBuffer logBuffer){ id.writeToLog(logBuffer); tree.writeToLog(logBuffer); LogUtils.writeBoolean(logBuffer,duplicatesAllowed); LogUtils.writeString(logBuffer,serializeComparator(btreeComparator)); LogUtils.writeString(logBuffer,serializeComparator(duplicateComparator)); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode); } /** * @see LogReadable#readFromLog */ public void readFromLog( ByteBuffer itemBuffer, byte entryTypeVersion) throws LogException { id.readFromLog(itemBuffer,entryTypeVersion); tree.readFromLog(itemBuffer,entryTypeVersion); duplicatesAllowed=LogUtils.readBoolean(itemBuffer); btreeComparatorName=LogUtils.readString(itemBuffer); duplicateComparatorName=LogUtils.readString(itemBuffer); try { if (!EnvironmentImpl.getNoComparators()) { if (btreeComparatorName.length() != 0) { Class btreeComparatorClass=Class.forName(btreeComparatorName); btreeComparator=instantiateComparator(btreeComparatorClass,"Btree"); } if (duplicateComparatorName.length() != 0) { Class duplicateComparatorClass=Class.forName(duplicateComparatorName); duplicateComparator=instantiateComparator(duplicateComparatorClass,"Duplicate"); } } } catch ( ClassNotFoundException CNFE) { throw new LogException("couldn't instantiate class comparator",CNFE); } if (entryTypeVersion >= 1) { maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); } } /** * @see LogReadable#dumpLog */ public void dumpLog( StringBuffer sb, boolean verbose){ sb.append("<database>"); id.dumpLog(sb,verbose); tree.dumpLog(sb,verbose); sb.append("<dupsort v=\"").append(duplicatesAllowed); sb.append("\"/>"); sb.append("<btcf name=\""); sb.append(btreeComparatorName); sb.append("\"/>"); sb.append("<dupcf name=\""); sb.append(duplicateComparatorName); sb.append("\"/>"); sb.append("</database>"); } /** * @see LogReadable#logEntryIsTransactional */ public boolean logEntryIsTransactional(){ return false; } /** * @see LogReadable#getTransactionId */ public long getTransactionId(){ return 0; } /** * Used both to write to the log and to validate a comparator when set in * DatabaseConfig. */ public static String serializeComparator( Comparator comparator){ if (comparator != null) { return comparator.getClass().getName(); } else { return ""; } } /** * Used both to read from the log and to validate a comparator when set in * DatabaseConfig. */ public static Comparator instantiateComparator( Class comparator, String comparatorType) throws LogException { if (comparator == null) { return null; } try { return (Comparator)comparator.newInstance(); } catch ( InstantiationException IE) { throw new LogException("Exception while trying to load " + comparatorType + " Comparator class: "+ IE); } catch ( IllegalAccessException IAE) { throw new LogException("Exception while trying to load " + comparatorType + " Comparator class: "+ IAE); } } public int getBinDeltaPercent(){ return binDeltaPercent; } public int getBinMaxDeltas(){ return binMaxDeltas; } @MethodObject static class DatabaseImpl_preload { DatabaseImpl_preload( DatabaseImpl _this, PreloadConfig config){ this._this=_this; this.config=config; } PreloadStats execute() throws DatabaseException { maxBytes=config.getMaxBytes(); maxMillisecs=config.getMaxMillisecs(); targetTime=Long.MAX_VALUE; if (maxMillisecs > 0) { targetTime=System.currentTimeMillis() + maxMillisecs; } this.hook290(); ret=new PreloadStats(); callback=new PreloadProcessor(_this.envImpl,maxBytes,targetTime,ret); walker=new PreloadLSNTreeWalker(_this,callback,config); this.hook287(); return ret; } protected DatabaseImpl _this; protected PreloadConfig config; protected long maxBytes; protected long maxMillisecs; protected long targetTime; protected long cacheBudget; protected PreloadStats ret; protected PreloadProcessor callback; protected SortedLSNTreeWalker walker; protected void hook287() throws DatabaseException { walker.walk(); } protected void hook290() throws DatabaseException { } } protected void hook288() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook289() throws DatabaseException { } }