package; public class BIN { protected void hook603( Node child) throws DatabaseException { ((IN)child).releaseLatch(); original(child); } protected void hook604() throws DatabaseException { releaseLatch(); original(); } protected void hook605() throws DatabaseException { releaseLatch(); original(); } protected void hook606() throws DatabaseException { releaseLatch(); original(); } /** * Register a cursor with this bin. Caller has this bin already latched. * @param cursorCursor to register. */ public void addCursor( CursorImpl cursor){ assert isLatchOwner(); original(cursor); } /** * Unregister a cursor with this bin. Caller has this bin already latched. * @param cursorCursor to unregister. */ public void removeCursor( CursorImpl cursor){ assert isLatchOwner(); original(cursor); } /** * Adjust any cursors that are referring to this BIN. This method is called * during a split operation. "this" is the BIN being split. newSibling is * the new BIN into which the entries from "this" between newSiblingLow and * newSiblingHigh have been copied. * @param newSibling - * the newSibling into which "this" has been split. * @param newSiblingLow, * newSiblingHigh - the low and high entry of "this" that were * moved into newSibling. */ void adjustCursors( IN newSibling, int newSiblingLow, int newSiblingHigh){ assert newSibling.isLatchOwner(); assert this.isLatchOwner(); original(newSibling,newSiblingLow,newSiblingHigh); } /** * Adjust cursors referring to this BIN following an insert. * @param insertIndex - * The index of the new entry. */ void adjustCursorsForInsert( int insertIndex){ assert this.isLatchOwner(); original(insertIndex); } /** * Adjust cursors referring to the given binIndex in this BIN following a * mutation of the entry from an LN to a DIN. The entry was moved from a BIN * to a newly created DBIN so each cursor must be added to the new DBIN. * @param binIndex - * The index of the DIN (previously LN) entry in the BIN. * @param dupBin - * The DBIN into which the LN entry was moved. * @param dupBinIndex - * The index of the moved LN entry in the DBIN. * @param excludeCursor - * The cursor being used for insertion and that should not be * updated. */ void adjustCursorsForMutation( int binIndex, DBIN dupBin, int dupBinIndex, CursorImpl excludeCursor){ assert this.isLatchOwner(); original(binIndex,dupBin,dupBinIndex,excludeCursor); } protected void hook607( int validIndex, int numValidEntries, boolean needToLatch) throws DatabaseException { needToLatch=!isLatchOwner(); try { original(validIndex,numValidEntries,needToLatch); } finally { if (needToLatch && isLatchOwner()) { releaseLatch(); } } } protected void hook608( boolean needToLatch) throws DatabaseException { if (needToLatch) { latch(); } original(needToLatch); } }