package; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * A CursorImpl is the internal implementation of the cursor. */ public class CursorImpl implements Cloneable { private static final byte CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED=1; private static final byte CURSOR_INITIALIZED=2; private static final byte CURSOR_CLOSED=3; private static final String TRACE_DELETE="Delete"; private static final String TRACE_MOD="Mod:"; volatile private BIN bin; volatile private int index; volatile private DBIN dupBin; volatile private int dupIndex; volatile private BIN binToBeRemoved; volatile private DBIN dupBinToBeRemoved; private BIN targetBin; private int targetIndex; private byte[] dupKey; private DatabaseImpl database; private Locker locker; private CursorImpl lockerPrev; private CursorImpl lockerNext; private boolean retainNonTxnLocks; private byte status; private TestHook testHook; private boolean nonCloning=false; private int thisId; private static long lastAllocatedId=0; private ThreadLocal treeStatsAccumulatorTL=new ThreadLocal(); private static long getNextCursorId(){ return ++lastAllocatedId; } public int hashCode(){ return thisId; } private TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator getTreeStatsAccumulator(){ if (EnvironmentImpl.getThreadLocalReferenceCount() > 0) { return (TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator)treeStatsAccumulatorTL.get(); } else { return null; } } public void incrementLNCount(){ TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator=getTreeStatsAccumulator(); if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) { treeStatsAccumulator.incrementLNCount(); } } public void setNonCloning( boolean nonCloning){ this.nonCloning=nonCloning; } /** * public for Cursor et al */ public static class SearchMode { public static final SearchMode SET=new SearchMode(true,false,"SET"); public static final SearchMode BOTH=new SearchMode(true,true,"BOTH"); public static final SearchMode SET_RANGE=new SearchMode(false,false,"SET_RANGE"); public static final SearchMode BOTH_RANGE=new SearchMode(false,true,"BOTH_RANGE"); private boolean exactSearch; private boolean dataSearch; private String name; private SearchMode( boolean exactSearch, boolean dataSearch, String name){ this.exactSearch=exactSearch; this.dataSearch=dataSearch;"SearchMode." + name; } /** * Returns true when the key or key/data search is exact, i.e., for SET * and BOTH. */ public final boolean isExactSearch(){ return exactSearch; } /** * Returns true when the data value is included in the search, i.e., for * BOTH and BOTH_RANGE. */ public final boolean isDataSearch(){ return dataSearch; } public String toString(){ return name; } } /** * Holder for an OperationStatus and a keyChange flag. Is used for search * and getNextWithKeyChangeStatus operations. */ public static class KeyChangeStatus { /** * Operation status; */ public OperationStatus status; /** * Whether the operation moved to a new key. */ public boolean keyChange; public KeyChangeStatus( OperationStatus status, boolean keyChange){ this.status=status; this.keyChange=keyChange; } } /** * Creates a cursor with retainNonTxnLocks=true. */ public CursorImpl( DatabaseImpl database, Locker locker) throws DatabaseException { this(database,locker,true); } /** * Creates a cursor. * @param retainNonTxnLocksis true if non-transactional locks should be retained (not * released automatically) when the cursor is closed. */ public CursorImpl( DatabaseImpl database, Locker locker, boolean retainNonTxnLocks) throws DatabaseException { thisId=(int)getNextCursorId(); bin=null; index=-1; dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; assert !(retainNonTxnLocks && (locker instanceof ThreadLocker)); assert !(!retainNonTxnLocks && locker.getClass() == BasicLocker.class); this.retainNonTxnLocks=retainNonTxnLocks; this.database=database;;; status=CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } /** * Shallow copy. addCursor() is optionally called. */ public CursorImpl cloneCursor( boolean addCursor) throws DatabaseException { return cloneCursor(addCursor,null); } /** * Shallow copy. addCursor() is optionally called. Allows inheriting the BIN * position from some other cursor. */ public CursorImpl cloneCursor( boolean addCursor, CursorImpl usePosition) throws DatabaseException { CursorImpl ret=null; if (nonCloning) { ret=this; } else { try { this.hook206(); ret=(CursorImpl)super.clone(); if (!retainNonTxnLocks) {; }; if (usePosition != null && usePosition.status == CURSOR_INITIALIZED) { ret.bin=usePosition.bin; ret.index=usePosition.index; ret.dupBin=usePosition.dupBin; ret.dupIndex=usePosition.dupIndex; } if (addCursor) { ret.addCursor(); } } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException cannotOccur) { return null; } finally { this.hook207(); } } return ret; } public int getIndex(){ return index; } public void setIndex( int idx){ index=idx; } public BIN getBIN(){ return bin; } public void setBIN( BIN newBin){ bin=newBin; } public BIN getBINToBeRemoved(){ return binToBeRemoved; } public int getDupIndex(){ return dupIndex; } public void setDupIndex( int dupIdx){ dupIndex=dupIdx; } public DBIN getDupBIN(){ return dupBin; } public void setDupBIN( DBIN newDupBin){ dupBin=newDupBin; } public DBIN getDupBINToBeRemoved(){ return dupBinToBeRemoved; } public void setTreeStatsAccumulator( TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator tSA){ treeStatsAccumulatorTL.set(tSA); } /** * Figure out which BIN/index set to use. */ private boolean setTargetBin(){ targetBin=null; targetIndex=0; boolean isDup=(dupBin != null); dupKey=null; if (isDup) { targetBin=dupBin; targetIndex=dupIndex; dupKey=dupBin.getDupKey(); } else { targetBin=bin; targetIndex=index; } return isDup; } /** * Advance a cursor. Used so that verify can advance a cursor even in the * face of an exception [12932]. * @param keyon return contains the key if available, or null. * @param dataon return contains the data if available, or null. */ public boolean advanceCursor( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data){ BIN oldBin=bin; BIN oldDupBin=dupBin; int oldIndex=index; int oldDupIndex=dupIndex; key.setData(null); data.setData(null); try { getNext(key,data,LockType.NONE,true,false); } catch ( DatabaseException ignored) { } if (bin != oldBin || dupBin != oldDupBin || index != oldIndex || dupIndex != oldDupIndex) { if (key.getData() == null && bin != null && index > 0) { setDbt(key,bin.getKey(index)); } if (data.getData() == null && dupBin != null && dupIndex > 0) { setDbt(data,dupBin.getKey(dupIndex)); } return true; } else { return false; } } public BIN latchBIN() throws DatabaseException { return new CursorImpl_latchBIN(this).execute(); } public DBIN latchDBIN() throws DatabaseException { return new CursorImpl_latchDBIN(this).execute(); } public Locker getLocker(){ return locker; } public void addCursor( BIN bin){ if (bin != null) { this.hook208(bin); bin.addCursor(this); } } /** * Add to the current cursor. (For dups) */ public void addCursor(){ if (dupBin != null) { addCursor(dupBin); } if (bin != null) { addCursor(bin); } } public void updateBin( BIN bin, int index) throws DatabaseException { removeCursorDBIN(); setDupIndex(-1); setDupBIN(null); setIndex(index); setBIN(bin); addCursor(bin); } public void updateDBin( DBIN dupBin, int dupIndex){ setDupIndex(dupIndex); setDupBIN(dupBin); addCursor(dupBin); } private void removeCursor() throws DatabaseException { removeCursorBIN(); removeCursorDBIN(); } private void removeCursorBIN() throws DatabaseException { BIN abin=latchBIN(); if (abin != null) { abin.removeCursor(this); this.hook209(abin); } } private void removeCursorDBIN() throws DatabaseException { DBIN abin=latchDBIN(); if (abin != null) { abin.removeCursor(this); this.hook210(abin); } } /** * Clear the reference to the dup tree, if any. */ public void clearDupBIN( boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { if (dupBin != null) { if (alreadyLatched) { dupBin.removeCursor(this); this.hook211(); } else { removeCursorDBIN(); } dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; } } public void dumpTree() throws DatabaseException { database.getTree().dump(); } /** * @return true if this cursor is closed */ public boolean isClosed(){ return (status == CURSOR_CLOSED); } /** * @return true if this cursor is not initialized */ public boolean isNotInitialized(){ return (status == CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED); } /** * Reset a cursor to an uninitialized state, but unlike close(), allow it to * be used further. */ public void reset() throws DatabaseException { removeCursor(); if (!retainNonTxnLocks) { locker.releaseNonTxnLocks(); } bin=null; index=-1; dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; status=CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } /** * Close a cursor. * @throws DatabaseExceptionif the cursor was previously closed. */ public void close() throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); removeCursor(); locker.unRegisterCursor(this); if (!retainNonTxnLocks) { locker.releaseNonTxnLocks(); } status=CURSOR_CLOSED; } public int count( LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { try { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (!database.getSortedDuplicates()) { return 1; } if (bin == null) { return 0; } this.hook212(lockType); throw ReturnHack.returnInt; } catch ( ReturnInt r) { return r.value; } } /** * Delete the item pointed to by the cursor. If cursor is not initialized or * item is already deleted, return appropriate codes. Returns with nothing * latched. bin and dupBin are latched as appropriate. * @return 0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise. */ public OperationStatus delete() throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); boolean isDup=setTargetBin(); if (targetBin == null) { return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } if (targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(targetIndex)) { this.hook214(); return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } LN ln=(LN)targetBin.fetchTarget(targetIndex); if (ln == null) { this.hook215(); return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } LockResult lockResult=lockLN(ln,LockType.WRITE); ln=lockResult.getLN(); if (ln == null) { this.hook216(); return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } LockResult dclLockResult=null; DIN dupRoot=null; this.hook213(isDup,ln,lockResult,dclLockResult,dupRoot); return OperationStatus.SUCCESS; } /** * Return a new copy of the cursor. If position is true, position the * returned cursor at the same position. */ public CursorImpl dup( boolean samePosition) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); CursorImpl ret=cloneCursor(samePosition); if (!samePosition) { ret.bin=null; ret.index=-1; ret.dupBin=null; ret.dupIndex=-1; ret.status=CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return ret; } /** * Search for the next key (or duplicate) following the given key (and * datum), and acquire a range insert lock on it. If there are no more * records following the given key and datum, lock the special EOF node for * the database. */ public void lockNextKeyForInsert( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { new CursorImpl_lockNextKeyForInsert(this,key,data).execute(); } /** * Insert the given LN in the tree or return KEYEXIST if the key is already * present. * <p> * This method is called directly internally for putting tree map LNs and * file summary LNs. It should not be used otherwise, and in the future we * should find a way to remove this special case. * </p> */ public OperationStatus putLN( byte[] key, LN ln, boolean allowDuplicates) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); this.hook217(); LockResult lockResult=locker.lock(ln.getNodeId(),LockType.WRITE,false,database); if (database.getTree().insert(ln,key,allowDuplicates,this,lockResult)) { status=CURSOR_INITIALIZED; return OperationStatus.SUCCESS; } else { locker.releaseLock(ln.getNodeId()); return OperationStatus.KEYEXIST; } } /** * Insert or overwrite the key/data pair. * @param key * @param data * @return 0 if successful, failure status value otherwise */ public OperationStatus put( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry foundData) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); OperationStatus result=putLN(Key.makeKey(key),new LN(data),database.getSortedDuplicates()); if (result == OperationStatus.KEYEXIST) { status=CURSOR_INITIALIZED; result=putCurrent(data,null,foundData); } return result; } /** * Insert the key/data pair in No Overwrite mode. * @param key * @param data * @return 0 if successful, failure status value otherwise */ public OperationStatus putNoOverwrite( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); return putLN(Key.makeKey(key),new LN(data),false); } /** * Insert the key/data pair as long as no entry for key/data exists yet. */ public OperationStatus putNoDupData( DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); if (!database.getSortedDuplicates()) { throw new DatabaseException("putNoDupData() called, but database is not configured " + "for duplicate data."); } return putLN(Key.makeKey(key),new LN(data),true); } /** * Modify the current record with this data. * @param data */ public OperationStatus putCurrent( DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData) throws DatabaseException { try { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (foundKey != null) { foundKey.setData(null); } if (foundData != null) { foundData.setData(null); } if (bin == null) { return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } this.hook219(); boolean isDup=setTargetBin(); this.hook218(data,foundKey,foundData,isDup); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch ( ReturnObject r) { return (OperationStatus)r.value; } } /** * Retrieve the current record. */ public OperationStatus getCurrent( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (bin == null) { return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } this.hook220(); return getCurrentAlreadyLatched(foundKey,foundData,lockType,true); } /** * Retrieve the current record. Assume the bin is already latched. Return * with the target bin unlatched. */ public OperationStatus getCurrentAlreadyLatched( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean first) throws DatabaseException { try { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); this.hook221(foundKey,foundData,lockType,first); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch ( ReturnObject r) { return (OperationStatus)r.value; } } /** * Retrieve the current LN, return with the target bin unlatched. */ public LN getCurrentLN( LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (bin == null) { return null; } else { this.hook222(); return getCurrentLNAlreadyLatched(lockType); } } /** * Retrieve the current LN, assuming the BIN is already latched. Return with * the target BIN unlatched. */ public LN getCurrentLNAlreadyLatched( LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook223(lockType); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch ( ReturnObject r) { return (LN)r.value; } } public OperationStatus getNext( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean forward, boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { return getNextWithKeyChangeStatus(foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward,alreadyLatched).status; } /** * Move the cursor forward and return the next record. This will cross BIN * boundaries and dip into duplicate sets. * @param foundKeyDatabaseEntry to use for returning key * @param foundDataDatabaseEntry to use for returning data * @param forwardif true, move forward, else move backwards * @param alreadyLatchedif true, the bin that we're on is already latched. * @return the status and an indication of whether we advanced to a new key * during the operation. */ public KeyChangeStatus getNextWithKeyChangeStatus( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean forward, boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); this.hook224(alreadyLatched); KeyChangeStatus result=new KeyChangeStatus(OperationStatus.NOTFOUND,true); try { while (bin != null) { if (dupBin != null) { this.hook277(); if (getNextDuplicate(foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward,alreadyLatched) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { result.status=OperationStatus.SUCCESS; result.keyChange=false; break; } else { removeCursorDBIN(); alreadyLatched=this.hook226(alreadyLatched); dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; continue; } } alreadyLatched=this.hook225(alreadyLatched); this.hook276(); if ((forward && ++index < bin.getNEntries()) || (!forward && --index > -1)) { OperationStatus ret=getCurrentAlreadyLatched(foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward); if (ret == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { incrementLNCount(); result.status=OperationStatus.SUCCESS; break; } else { this.hook227(); if (binToBeRemoved != null) { flushBINToBeRemoved(); } continue; } } else { if (binToBeRemoved != null) { this.hook229(); flushBINToBeRemoved(); this.hook228(); } binToBeRemoved=bin; bin=null; BIN newBin; assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(testHook); if (forward) { newBin=database.getTree().getNextBin(binToBeRemoved,false); } else { newBin=database.getTree().getPrevBin(binToBeRemoved,false); } if (newBin == null) { result.status=OperationStatus.NOTFOUND; break; } else { if (forward) { index=-1; } else { index=newBin.getNEntries(); } addCursor(newBin); bin=newBin; this.hook230(alreadyLatched); } } } } finally { this.hook231(); if (binToBeRemoved != null) { flushBINToBeRemoved(); } } return result; } private void flushBINToBeRemoved() throws DatabaseException { binToBeRemoved.removeCursor(this); this.hook232(); binToBeRemoved=null; } public OperationStatus getNextNoDup( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean forward, boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (dupBin != null) { clearDupBIN(alreadyLatched); alreadyLatched=false; } return getNext(foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward,alreadyLatched); } /** * Retrieve the first duplicate at the current cursor position. */ public OperationStatus getFirstDuplicate( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); if (dupBin != null) { removeCursorDBIN(); dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; } return getCurrent(foundKey,foundData,lockType); } /** * Enter with dupBin unlatched. Pass foundKey == null to just advance cursor * to next duplicate without fetching data. */ public OperationStatus getNextDuplicate( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean forward, boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { return new CursorImpl_getNextDuplicate(this,foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward,alreadyLatched).execute(); } private void flushDBINToBeRemoved() throws DatabaseException { dupBinToBeRemoved.removeCursor(this); this.hook233(); dupBinToBeRemoved=null; } /** * Position the cursor at the first or last record of the database. It's * okay if this record is deleted. Returns with the target BIN latched. * @return true if a first or last position is found, false if the tree * being searched is empty. */ public boolean positionFirstOrLast( boolean first, DIN duplicateRoot) throws DatabaseException { try { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); IN in=null; boolean found=false; this.hook234(first,duplicateRoot,in,found); throw ReturnHack.returnBoolean; } catch ( ReturnBoolean r) { return r.value; } } public static final int FOUND=0x1; public static final int EXACT_KEY=0x2; public static final int EXACT_DATA=0x4; public static final int FOUND_LAST=0x8; /** * Position the cursor at the key. This returns a three part value that's * bitwise or'ed into the int. We find out if there was any kind of match * and if the match was exact. Note that this match focuses on whether the * searching criteria (key, or key and data, depending on the search type) * is met. * <p> * Note this returns with the BIN latched! * </p> * <p> * If this method returns without the FOUND bit set, the caller can assume * that no match is possible. Otherwise, if the FOUND bit is set, the caller * should check the EXACT_KEY and EXACT_DATA bits. If EXACT_KEY is not set * (or for BOTH and BOTH_RANGE, if EXACT_DATA is not set), an approximate * match was found. In an approximate match, the cursor is always positioned * before the target key/data. This allows the caller to perform a 'next' * operation to advance to the value that is equal or higher than the target * key/data. * </p> * <p> * Even if the search returns an exact result, the record may be deleted. * The caller must therefore check for both an approximate match and for * whether the cursor is positioned on a deleted record. * </p> * <p> * If SET or BOTH is specified, the FOUND bit will only be returned if an * exact match is found. However, the record found may be deleted. * </p> * <p> * There is one special case where this method may be called without * checking the EXACT_KEY (and EXACT_DATA) bits and without checking for a * deleted record: If SearchMode.SET is specified then only the FOUND bit * need be checked. When SET is specified and FOUND is returned, it is * guaranteed to be an exact match on a non-deleted record. It is for this * case only that this method is public. * </p> * <p> * If FOUND is set, FOUND_LAST may also be set if the cursor is positioned * on the last record in the database. Note that this state can only be * counted on as long as the BIN is latched, so it is not set if this method * must release the latch to lock the record. Therefore, it should only be * used for optimizations. If FOUND_LAST is set, the cursor is positioned on * the last record and the BIN is latched. If FOUND_LAST is not set, the * cursor may or may not be positioned on the last record. Note that exact * searches always perform an unlatch and a lock, so FOUND_LAST will only be * set for inexact (range) searches. * </p> * <p> * Be aware that when an approximate match is returned, the index or * dupIndex may be set to -1. This is done intentionally so that a 'next' * operation will increment it. * </p> */ public int searchAndPosition( DatabaseEntry matchKey, DatabaseEntry matchData, SearchMode searchMode, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { try { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); removeCursor(); bin=null; boolean foundSomething=false; boolean foundExactKey=false; boolean foundExactData=false; boolean foundLast=false; boolean exactSearch=searchMode.isExactSearch(); BINBoundary binBoundary=new BINBoundary(); this.hook235(matchKey,matchData,searchMode,lockType,foundSomething,foundExactKey,foundExactData,foundLast,exactSearch,binBoundary); throw ReturnHack.returnInt; } catch ( ReturnInt r) { return r.value; } } /** * For this type of search, we need to match both key and data. This method * is called after the key is matched to perform the data portion of the * match. We may be matching just against an LN, or doing further searching * into the dup tree. See searchAndPosition for more details. */ private int searchAndPositionBoth( boolean containsDuplicates, Node n, DatabaseEntry matchData, boolean exactSearch, LockType lockType, long oldLsn) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(false) : dumpToString(true); boolean found=false; boolean exact=false; assert (matchData != null); byte[] data=Key.makeKey(matchData); if (containsDuplicates) { DIN duplicateRoot=(DIN)n; this.hook236(duplicateRoot); dupBin=(DBIN)database.getTree().searchSubTree(duplicateRoot,data,Tree.SearchType.NORMAL,-1,null,true); if (dupBin != null) { addCursor(dupBin); dupIndex=dupBin.findEntry(data,true,exactSearch); if (dupIndex >= 0) { if ((dupIndex & IN.EXACT_MATCH) != 0) { exact=true; } dupIndex&=~IN.EXACT_MATCH; found=true; } else { dupIndex=-1; found=!exactSearch; } } } else { LN ln=(LN)n; LockResult lockResult=lockLN(ln,lockType); ln=lockResult.getLN(); if (ln == null) { found=!exactSearch; } else { dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; int cmp=Key.compareKeys(ln.getData(),data,database.getDuplicateComparator()); if (cmp == 0 || (cmp <= 0 && !exactSearch)) { if (cmp == 0) { exact=true; } found=true; } else { index--; found=!exactSearch; } } } return (found ? FOUND : 0) | (exact ? EXACT_DATA : 0); } private OperationStatus fetchCurrent( DatabaseEntry foundKey, DatabaseEntry foundData, LockType lockType, boolean first) throws DatabaseException { return new CursorImpl_fetchCurrent(this,foundKey,foundData,lockType,first).execute(); } /** * Locks the given LN's node ID; a deleted LN will not be locked or * returned. Attempts to use a non-blocking lock to avoid * unlatching/relatching. Retries if necessary, to handle the case where the * LN is changed while the BIN is unlatched. * Preconditions: The target BIN must be latched. When positioned in a dup * tree, the BIN may be latched on entry also and if so it will be latched * on exit. * Postconditions: The target BIN is latched. When positioned in a dup tree, * the BIN will be latched if it was latched on entry or a blocking lock was * needed. Therefore, when positioned in a dup tree, releaseDBIN should be * called. * @param lnthe LN to be locked. * @param lockTypethe type of lock requested. * @return the LockResult containing the LN that was locked, or containing a * null LN if the LN was deleted or cleaned. If the LN is deleted, a * lock will not be held. */ private LockResult lockLN( LN ln, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { LockResult lockResult=lockLNDeletedAllowed(ln,lockType); ln=lockResult.getLN(); if (ln != null) { setTargetBin(); if (targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(targetIndex) || ln.isDeleted()) { revertLock(ln.getNodeId(),lockResult.getLockGrant()); lockResult.setLN(null); } } return lockResult; } /** * Locks the given LN's node ID; a deleted LN will be locked and returned. * Attempts to use a non-blocking lock to avoid unlatching/relatching. * Retries if necessary, to handle the case where the LN is changed while * the BIN is unlatched. * Preconditions: The target BIN must be latched. When positioned in a dup * tree, the BIN may be latched on entry also and if so it will be latched * on exit. * Postconditions: The target BIN is latched. When positioned in a dup tree, * the BIN will be latched if it was latched on entry or a blocking lock was * needed. Therefore, when positioned in a dup tree, releaseDBIN should be * called. * @param lnthe LN to be locked. * @param lockTypethe type of lock requested. * @return the LockResult containing the LN that was locked, or containing a * null LN if the LN was cleaned. */ public LockResult lockLNDeletedAllowed( LN ln, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { LockResult lockResult; if (lockType == LockType.NONE) { lockResult=new LockResult(LockGrantType.NONE_NEEDED,null); lockResult.setLN(ln); return lockResult; } if (locker.getDefaultNoWait()) { lockResult=locker.lock(ln.getNodeId(),lockType,true,database); } else { lockResult=locker.nonBlockingLock(ln.getNodeId(),lockType,database); } if (lockResult.getLockGrant() != LockGrantType.DENIED) { lockResult.setLN(ln); return lockResult; } while (true) { long nodeId=ln.getNodeId(); this.hook238(); lockResult=locker.lock(nodeId,lockType,false,database); this.hook237(); setTargetBin(); ln=(LN)targetBin.fetchTarget(targetIndex); if (ln != null && nodeId != ln.getNodeId()) { revertLock(nodeId,lockResult.getLockGrant()); continue; } else { lockResult.setLN(ln); return lockResult; } } } /** * Locks the DupCountLN for the given duplicate root. Attempts to use a * non-blocking lock to avoid unlatching/relatching. * Preconditions: The dupRoot, BIN and DBIN are latched. Postconditions: The * dupRoot, BIN and DBIN are latched. * Note that the dupRoot may change during locking and should be refetched * if needed. * @param dupRootthe duplicate root containing the DupCountLN to be locked. * @param lockTypethe type of lock requested. * @return the LockResult containing the LN that was locked. */ public LockResult lockDupCountLN( DIN dupRoot, LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { DupCountLN ln=dupRoot.getDupCountLN(); LockResult lockResult; if (locker.getDefaultNoWait()) { lockResult=locker.lock(ln.getNodeId(),lockType,true,database); } else { lockResult=locker.nonBlockingLock(ln.getNodeId(),lockType,database); } if (lockResult.getLockGrant() == LockGrantType.DENIED) { this.hook241(dupRoot); lockResult=locker.lock(ln.getNodeId(),lockType,false,database); this.hook240(); dupRoot=(DIN)bin.fetchTarget(index); this.hook239(dupRoot); ln=dupRoot.getDupCountLN(); } lockResult.setLN(ln); return lockResult; } /** * Fetch, latch and return the DIN root of the duplicate tree at the cursor * position. * Preconditions: The BIN must be latched and the current BIN entry must * contain a DIN. * Postconditions: The BIN and DIN will be latched. The DBIN will remain * latched if isDBINLatched is true. * @param isDBINLatchedis true if the DBIN is currently latched. */ public DIN getLatchedDupRoot( boolean isDBINLatched) throws DatabaseException { assert bin != null; this.hook243(); assert index >= 0; DIN dupRoot=(DIN)bin.fetchTarget(index); this.hook242(isDBINLatched,dupRoot); return dupRoot; } /** * Helper to return a Data DBT from a BIN. */ private void setDbt( DatabaseEntry data, byte[] bytes){ if (bytes != null) { boolean partial=data.getPartial(); int off=partial ? data.getPartialOffset() : 0; int len=partial ? data.getPartialLength() : bytes.length; if (off + len > bytes.length) { len=(off > bytes.length) ? 0 : bytes.length - off; } byte[] newdata=null; if (len == 0) { newdata=LogUtils.ZERO_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { newdata=new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(bytes,off,newdata,0,len); } data.setData(newdata); data.setOffset(0); data.setSize(len); } else { data.setData(null); data.setOffset(0); data.setSize(0); } } /** * Calls checkCursorState and returns false is an exception is thrown. */ private boolean assertCursorState( boolean mustBeInitialized){ try { checkCursorState(mustBeInitialized); return true; } catch ( DatabaseException e) { return false; } } /** * Check that the cursor is open and optionally if it is initialized. */ public void checkCursorState( boolean mustBeInitialized) throws DatabaseException { if (status == CURSOR_INITIALIZED) { this.hook278(); return; } else if (status == CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED) { if (mustBeInitialized) { throw new DatabaseException("Cursor Not Initialized."); } } else if (status == CURSOR_CLOSED) { throw new DatabaseException("Cursor has been closed."); } else { throw new DatabaseException("Unknown cursor status: " + status); } } /** * Return this lock to its prior status. If the lock was just obtained, * release it. If it was promoted, demote it. */ private void revertLock( LN ln, LockResult lockResult) throws DatabaseException { revertLock(ln.getNodeId(),lockResult.getLockGrant()); } /** * Return this lock to its prior status. If the lock was just obtained, * release it. If it was promoted, demote it. */ private void revertLock( long nodeId, LockGrantType lockStatus) throws DatabaseException { if ((lockStatus == LockGrantType.NEW) || (lockStatus == LockGrantType.WAIT_NEW)) { locker.releaseLock(nodeId); } else if ((lockStatus == LockGrantType.PROMOTION) || (lockStatus == LockGrantType.WAIT_PROMOTION)) { locker.demoteLock(nodeId); } } /** * Locks the logical EOF node for the database. */ public void lockEofNode( LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { locker.lock(database.getEofNodeId(),lockType,false,database); } /** * @throws RunRecoveryExceptionif the underlying environment is invalid. */ public void checkEnv() throws RunRecoveryException { database.getDbEnvironment().checkIfInvalid(); } public CursorImpl getLockerPrev(){ return lockerPrev; } public CursorImpl getLockerNext(){ return lockerNext; } public void setLockerPrev( CursorImpl p){ lockerPrev=p; } public void setLockerNext( CursorImpl n){ lockerNext=n; } /** * Dump the cursor for debugging purposes. Dump the bin and dbin that the * cursor refers to if verbose is true. */ public void dump( boolean verbose){ System.out.println(dumpToString(verbose)); } /** * dump the cursor for debugging purposes. */ public void dump(){ System.out.println(dumpToString(true)); } private String statusToString( byte status){ switch (status) { case CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED: return "CURSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED"; case CURSOR_INITIALIZED: return "CURSOR_INITIALIZED"; case CURSOR_CLOSED: return "CURSOR_CLOSED"; default : return "UNKNOWN (" + Byte.toString(status) + ")"; } } public String dumpToString(boolean verbose){ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<Cursor idx=\"").append(index).append("\""); if (dupBin != null) { sb.append(" dupIdx=\"").append(dupIndex).append("\""); } sb.append(" status=\"").append(statusToString(status)).append("\""); sb.append(">\n"); if (verbose) { sb.append((bin == null) ? "" : bin.dumpString(2,true)); sb.append((dupBin == null) ? "" : dupBin.dumpString(2,true)); } sb.append("\n</Cursor>"); return sb.toString(); } public void setTestHook(TestHook hook){ testHook=hook; } @MethodObject static class CursorImpl_latchBIN { CursorImpl_latchBIN(CursorImpl _this){ this._this=_this; } BIN execute() throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook244(); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch (ReturnObject r) { return (BIN)r.value; } } protected CursorImpl _this; protected BIN waitingOn; protected void hook244() throws DatabaseException { this.hook245(); } protected void hook245() throws DatabaseException { throw new ReturnObject(_this.bin); } } @MethodObject static class CursorImpl_latchDBIN { CursorImpl_latchDBIN(CursorImpl _this){ this._this=_this; } DBIN execute() throws DatabaseException { try { this.hook246(); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch (ReturnObject r) { return (DBIN)r.value; } } protected CursorImpl _this; protected BIN waitingOn; protected void hook246() throws DatabaseException { this.hook247(); } protected void hook247() throws DatabaseException { throw new ReturnObject(_this.dupBin); } } @MethodObject static class CursorImpl_lockNextKeyForInsert { CursorImpl_lockNextKeyForInsert(CursorImpl _this,DatabaseEntry key,DatabaseEntry data){ this._this=_this; this.key=key;; } void execute() throws DatabaseException { tempKey=new DatabaseEntry(key.getData(),key.getOffset(),key.getSize()); tempData=new DatabaseEntry(data.getData(),data.getOffset(),data.getSize()); tempKey.setPartial(0,0,true); tempData.setPartial(0,0,true); lockedNextKey=false; searchMode=_this.database.getSortedDuplicates() ? SearchMode.BOTH_RANGE : SearchMode.SET_RANGE; this.hook248(); if (!lockedNextKey) { _this.lockEofNode(LockType.RANGE_INSERT); } } protected CursorImpl _this; protected DatabaseEntry key; protected DatabaseEntry data; protected DatabaseEntry tempKey; protected DatabaseEntry tempData; protected boolean lockedNextKey; protected SearchMode searchMode; protected boolean latched; protected int searchResult; protected OperationStatus status; protected void hook248() throws DatabaseException { searchResult=_this.searchAndPosition(tempKey,tempData,searchMode,LockType.RANGE_INSERT); if ((searchResult & _this.FOUND) != 0 && (searchResult & _this.FOUND_LAST) == 0) { { } if ((searchResult & _this.EXACT_KEY) != 0) { status=_this.getNext(tempKey,tempData,LockType.RANGE_INSERT,true,true); } else { status=_this.getNextNoDup(tempKey,tempData,LockType.RANGE_INSERT,true,true); } if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { lockedNextKey=true; } this.hook249(); } } protected void hook249() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class CursorImpl_getNextDuplicate { CursorImpl_getNextDuplicate(CursorImpl _this,DatabaseEntry foundKey,DatabaseEntry foundData,LockType lockType,boolean forward,boolean alreadyLatched){ this._this=_this; this.foundKey=foundKey; this.foundData=foundData; this.lockType=lockType; this.forward=forward; this.alreadyLatched=alreadyLatched; } OperationStatus execute() throws DatabaseException { try { assert _this.assertCursorState(true) : _this.dumpToString(true); this.hook250(); try { while (_this.dupBin != null) { this.hook251(); this.hook279(); if ((forward && ++_this.dupIndex < _this.dupBin.getNEntries()) || (!forward && --_this.dupIndex > -1)) { ret=OperationStatus.SUCCESS; if (foundKey != null) { ret=_this.getCurrentAlreadyLatched(foundKey,foundData,lockType,forward); } else { this.hook252(); } if (ret == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { _this.incrementLNCount(); return ret; } else { this.hook253(); if (_this.dupBinToBeRemoved != null) { _this.flushDBINToBeRemoved(); } continue; } } else { if (_this.dupBinToBeRemoved != null) { _this.flushDBINToBeRemoved(); } _this.dupBinToBeRemoved=_this.dupBin; _this.dupBin=null; this.hook255(); this.hook275(); this.hook254(); { } if (forward) { newDupBin=(DBIN)_this.database.getTree().getNextBin(_this.dupBinToBeRemoved,true); } else { newDupBin=(DBIN)_this.database.getTree().getPrevBin(_this.dupBinToBeRemoved,true); } if (newDupBin == null) { return OperationStatus.NOTFOUND; } else { if (forward) { _this.dupIndex=-1; } else { _this.dupIndex=newDupBin.getNEntries(); } _this.addCursor(newDupBin); _this.dupBin=newDupBin; this.hook256(); } } } } finally { this.hook257(); if (_this.dupBinToBeRemoved != null) { _this.flushDBINToBeRemoved(); } } return OperationStatus.NOTFOUND; } catch (ReturnObject r) { return (OperationStatus)r.value; } } protected CursorImpl _this; protected DatabaseEntry foundKey; protected DatabaseEntry foundData; protected LockType lockType; protected boolean forward; protected boolean alreadyLatched; protected OperationStatus ret; protected TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator; protected DIN duplicateRoot; protected DupCountLN dcl; protected DBIN newDupBin; protected void hook250() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook251() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook252() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook253() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook254() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook255() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook256() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook257() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook275() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook279() throws DatabaseException { } } @MethodObject static class CursorImpl_fetchCurrent { CursorImpl_fetchCurrent(CursorImpl _this,DatabaseEntry foundKey,DatabaseEntry foundData,LockType lockType,boolean first){ this._this=_this; this.foundKey=foundKey; this.foundData=foundData; this.lockType=lockType; this.first=first; } OperationStatus execute() throws DatabaseException { try { treeStatsAccumulator=_this.getTreeStatsAccumulator(); duplicateFetch=_this.setTargetBin(); if (_this.targetBin == null) { return OperationStatus.NOTFOUND; } this.hook259(); n=null; if (_this.targetIndex < 0 || _this.targetIndex >= _this.targetBin.getNEntries() || _this.targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(_this.targetIndex)) { } else { if (_this.targetBin.isEntryPendingDeleted(_this.targetIndex)) { this.hook280(); } this.hook260(); } if (n == null) { if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) { treeStatsAccumulator.incrementDeletedLNCount(); } this.hook261(); return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY; } _this.addCursor(_this.targetBin); if (n.containsDuplicates()) { assert !duplicateFetch; duplicateRoot=(DIN)n; this.hook262(); if (_this.positionFirstOrLast(first,duplicateRoot)) { this.hook263(); } else { return OperationStatus.NOTFOUND; } } ln=(LN)n; assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(_this.testHook); lockResult=_this.lockLN(ln,lockType); this.hook258(); throw ReturnHack.returnObject; } catch (ReturnObject r) { return (OperationStatus)r.value; } } protected CursorImpl _this; protected DatabaseEntry foundKey; protected DatabaseEntry foundData; protected LockType lockType; protected boolean first; protected TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator; protected boolean duplicateFetch; protected Node n; protected EnvironmentImpl envImpl; protected DIN duplicateRoot; protected LN ln; protected LockResult lockResult; protected byte[] lnData; protected void hook258() throws DatabaseException { ln=lockResult.getLN(); lnData=(ln != null) ? ln.getData() : null; if (ln == null || lnData == null) { if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) { treeStatsAccumulator.incrementDeletedLNCount(); } throw new ReturnObject(OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY); } duplicateFetch=_this.setTargetBin(); if (duplicateFetch) { if (foundData != null) { _this.setDbt(foundData,_this.targetBin.getKey(_this.targetIndex)); } if (foundKey != null) { _this.setDbt(foundKey,_this.targetBin.getDupKey()); } } else { if (foundData != null) { _this.setDbt(foundData,lnData); } if (foundKey != null) { _this.setDbt(foundKey,_this.targetBin.getKey(_this.targetIndex)); } } throw new ReturnObject(OperationStatus.SUCCESS); } protected void hook259() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook260() throws DatabaseException { n=_this.targetBin.fetchTarget(_this.targetIndex); } protected void hook261() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook262() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook263() throws DatabaseException { throw new ReturnObject(_this.fetchCurrent(foundKey,foundData,lockType,first)); } protected void hook280() throws DatabaseException { } } protected void hook204(LN ln,long oldLsn,long newLsn) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook205(LN ln,long oldLsn,long newLsn) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook206() throws DatabaseException, CloneNotSupportedException { } protected void hook207() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook208(BIN bin){ } protected void hook209(BIN abin) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook210(DBIN abin) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook211() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook212(LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { if (bin.getNEntries() <= index) { throw new ReturnInt(0); } Node n=bin.fetchTarget(index); if (n != null && n.containsDuplicates()) { DIN dupRoot=(DIN)n; this.hook265(dupRoot); DupCountLN dupCountLN=(DupCountLN)dupRoot.getDupCountLNRef().fetchTarget(database,dupRoot); this.hook264(dupRoot); if (lockType != LockType.NONE) { locker.lock(dupCountLN.getNodeId(),lockType,false,database); } throw new ReturnInt(dupCountLN.getDupCount()); } else { throw new ReturnInt(1); } } protected void hook213(boolean isDup,LN ln,LockResult lockResult,LockResult dclLockResult,DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { isDup=(dupBin != null); if (isDup) { dupRoot=getLatchedDupRoot(true); dclLockResult=lockDupCountLN(dupRoot,LockType.WRITE); dupRoot=(DIN)bin.getTarget(index); this.hook267(); } setTargetBin(); long oldLsn=targetBin.getLsn(targetIndex); byte[] lnKey=targetBin.getKey(targetIndex); lockResult.setAbortLsn(oldLsn,targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(targetIndex)); long oldLNSize=0; oldLNSize=this.hook284(ln,oldLNSize); long newLsn=ln.delete(database,lnKey,dupKey,oldLsn,locker); long newLNSize=0; newLNSize=this.hook283(ln,newLNSize); targetBin.updateEntry(targetIndex,newLsn,oldLNSize,newLNSize); targetBin.setPendingDeleted(targetIndex); this.hook266(); if (isDup) { dupRoot.incrementDuplicateCount(dclLockResult,dupKey,locker,false); this.hook268(dupRoot); dupRoot=null; this.hook281(lnKey); } else { this.hook282(lnKey); } this.hook204(ln,oldLsn,newLsn); } protected void hook214() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook215() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook216() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook217() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook218(DatabaseEntry data,DatabaseEntry foundKey,DatabaseEntry foundData,boolean isDup) throws DatabaseException { LN ln=(LN)targetBin.fetchTarget(targetIndex); byte[] lnKey=targetBin.getKey(targetIndex); Comparator userComparisonFcn=targetBin.getKeyComparator(); if (targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(targetIndex) || ln == null) { this.hook270(); throw new ReturnObject(OperationStatus.NOTFOUND); } LockResult lockResult=lockLN(ln,LockType.WRITE); ln=lockResult.getLN(); if (ln == null) { this.hook271(); throw new ReturnObject(OperationStatus.NOTFOUND); } byte[] foundDataBytes; byte[] foundKeyBytes; isDup=setTargetBin(); if (isDup) { foundDataBytes=lnKey; foundKeyBytes=targetBin.getDupKey(); } else { foundDataBytes=ln.getData(); foundKeyBytes=lnKey; } byte[] newData; if (data.getPartial()) { int dlen=data.getPartialLength(); int doff=data.getPartialOffset(); int origlen=(foundDataBytes != null) ? foundDataBytes.length : 0; int oldlen=(doff + dlen > origlen) ? doff + dlen : origlen; int len=oldlen - dlen + data.getSize(); if (len == 0) { newData=LogUtils.ZERO_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { newData=new byte[len]; } int pos=0; int slicelen=(doff < origlen) ? doff : origlen; if (slicelen > 0) System.arraycopy(foundDataBytes,0,newData,pos,slicelen); pos+=doff; slicelen=data.getSize(); System.arraycopy(data.getData(),data.getOffset(),newData,pos,slicelen); pos+=slicelen; slicelen=origlen - (doff + dlen); if (slicelen > 0) System.arraycopy(foundDataBytes,doff + dlen,newData,pos,slicelen); } else { int len=data.getSize(); if (len == 0) { newData=LogUtils.ZERO_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { newData=new byte[len]; } System.arraycopy(data.getData(),data.getOffset(),newData,0,len); } if (database.getSortedDuplicates()) { boolean keysEqual=false; if (foundDataBytes != null) { keysEqual=Key.compareKeys(foundDataBytes,newData,userComparisonFcn) == 0; } if (!keysEqual) { revertLock(ln,lockResult); throw new DatabaseException("Can't replace a duplicate with different data."); } } if (foundData != null) { setDbt(foundData,foundDataBytes); } if (foundKey != null) { setDbt(foundKey,foundKeyBytes); } long oldLsn=targetBin.getLsn(targetIndex); lockResult.setAbortLsn(oldLsn,targetBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(targetIndex)); long oldLNSize=0; oldLNSize=this.hook286(ln,oldLNSize); byte[] newKey=(isDup ? targetBin.getDupKey() : lnKey); long newLsn=ln.modify(newData,database,newKey,oldLsn,locker); long newLNSize=0; newLNSize=this.hook285(ln,newLNSize); targetBin.updateEntry(targetIndex,newLsn,oldLNSize,newLNSize); this.hook269(); this.hook205(ln,oldLsn,newLsn); status=CURSOR_INITIALIZED; throw new ReturnObject(OperationStatus.SUCCESS); } protected void hook219() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook220() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook221(DatabaseEntry foundKey,DatabaseEntry foundData,LockType lockType,boolean first) throws DatabaseException { throw new ReturnObject(fetchCurrent(foundKey,foundData,lockType,first)); } protected void hook222() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook223(LockType lockType) throws DatabaseException { assert assertCursorState(true) : dumpToString(true); this.hook272(); if (bin == null) { throw new ReturnObject(null); } LN ln=null; if (!bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(index)) { ln=(LN)bin.fetchTarget(index); } if (ln == null) { this.hook273(); throw new ReturnObject(null); } addCursor(bin); LockResult lockResult=lockLN(ln,lockType); ln=lockResult.getLN(); throw new ReturnObject(ln); } protected void hook224(boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { } protected boolean hook225(boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { return alreadyLatched; } protected boolean hook226(boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { return alreadyLatched; } protected void hook227() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook228() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook229() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook230(boolean alreadyLatched) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook231() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook232() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook233() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook234(boolean first,DIN duplicateRoot,IN in,boolean found) throws DatabaseException { if (duplicateRoot == null) { removeCursorBIN(); if (first) { in=database.getTree().getFirstNode(); } else { in=database.getTree().getLastNode(); } if (in != null) { assert (in instanceof BIN); dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; bin=(BIN)in; index=(first ? 0 : (bin.getNEntries() - 1)); addCursor(bin); TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator=getTreeStatsAccumulator(); if (bin.getNEntries() == 0) { found=true; } else { Node n=null; if (!in.isEntryKnownDeleted(index)) { n=in.fetchTarget(index); } if (n != null && n.containsDuplicates()) { DIN dupRoot=(DIN)n; this.hook274(in,dupRoot); in=null; found=positionFirstOrLast(first,dupRoot); } else { if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) { if (n == null || ((LN)n).isDeleted()) { treeStatsAccumulator.incrementDeletedLNCount(); } else { treeStatsAccumulator.incrementLNCount(); } } found=true; } } } } else { removeCursorDBIN(); if (first) { in=database.getTree().getFirstNode(duplicateRoot); } else { in=database.getTree().getLastNode(duplicateRoot); } if (in != null) { assert (in instanceof DBIN); dupBin=(DBIN)in; dupIndex=(first ? 0 : (dupBin.getNEntries() - 1)); addCursor(dupBin); found=true; } } status=CURSOR_INITIALIZED; throw new ReturnBoolean(found); } protected void hook235(DatabaseEntry matchKey,DatabaseEntry matchData,SearchMode searchMode,LockType lockType,boolean foundSomething,boolean foundExactKey,boolean foundExactData,boolean foundLast,boolean exactSearch,BINBoundary binBoundary) throws DatabaseException { byte[] key=Key.makeKey(matchKey); bin=(BIN)database.getTree().search(key,Tree.SearchType.NORMAL,-1,binBoundary,true); if (bin != null) { addCursor(bin); index=bin.findEntry(key,true,exactSearch); foundSomething=!exactSearch; dupBin=null; dupIndex=-1; boolean containsDuplicates=false; if (index >= 0) { if ((index & IN.EXACT_MATCH) != 0) { foundExactKey=true; index&=~IN.EXACT_MATCH; } Node n=null; if (!bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(index)) { n=bin.fetchTarget(index); } if (n != null) { containsDuplicates=n.containsDuplicates(); if (searchMode.isDataSearch()) { if (foundExactKey) { int searchResult=searchAndPositionBoth(containsDuplicates,n,matchData,exactSearch,lockType,bin.getLsn(index)); foundSomething=(searchResult & FOUND) != 0; foundExactData=(searchResult & EXACT_DATA) != 0; } } else { foundSomething=true; if (!containsDuplicates && exactSearch) { LN ln=(LN)n; LockResult lockResult=lockLN(ln,lockType); ln=lockResult.getLN(); if (ln == null) { foundSomething=false; } } } } foundLast=(searchMode == SearchMode.SET_RANGE && foundSomething && !containsDuplicates && binBoundary.isLastBin && index == bin.getNEntries() - 1); } } status=CURSOR_INITIALIZED; throw new ReturnInt((foundSomething ? FOUND : 0) | (foundExactKey ? EXACT_KEY : 0) | (foundExactData ? EXACT_DATA : 0)| (foundLast ? FOUND_LAST : 0)); } protected void hook236(DIN duplicateRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook237() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook238() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook239(DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook240() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook241(DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook242(boolean isDBINLatched,DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook243() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook264(DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook265(DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook266() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook267() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook268(DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook269() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook270() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook271() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook272() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook273() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook274(IN in,DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook276() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook277() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook278() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook281(byte[] lnKey) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook282(byte[] lnKey) throws DatabaseException { } protected long hook283(LN ln,long newLNSize) throws DatabaseException { return newLNSize; } protected long hook284(LN ln,long oldLNSize) throws DatabaseException { return oldLNSize; } protected long hook285(LN ln,long newLNSize) throws DatabaseException { return newLNSize; } protected long hook286(LN ln,long oldLNSize) throws DatabaseException { return oldLNSize; } }