import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import Jakarta.util.Util2; import*; public class MethodDcl { public void execute( int stage ) { if ( stage != 0 ) { super.executeBypass( stage ); return; } ; // Step 1: form signature of method String methType = ( ( AST_TypeName ) arg[1] ).GetSignature(); String methSig = ( ( MethodDeclarator ) arg[2] ).GetSignature(); String dims = ( ( MethodDeclarator ) arg[2] ).GetDims(); String sig = methSig + " " + methType + dims; // Step 2: determine if method refines its parent method. // This is done by setting PrimaryPrefix's signature, // and traversing the body of the method. PrimaryPrefix.parentSig = methSig; String defines = MMGlobals.Defines; try { arg[4].execute( stage ); } catch ( ResultException e ) { defines = MMGlobals.Refines; } // Step 3: create an MMOutput object with this signature // for now, guess that it defines, not refines MMOutput o = new MMOutput().init( sig, MMGlobals.Method, defines ); o.setlines( this.getFirstLineNum(), this.getLastLineNum() ); o.setModifiers( (AstOptNode) arg[0] ); // Step 3: now harvest the throws clause if (arg[3].arg[0] != null) { NamedVector nv = new NamedVector( MMGlobals.Throws ); arg[3].arg[0].harvestAST_QualifiedNames( nv ); o.union(nv); } // Step 5: now add o to the main object. If the method // was already defined (as can happen in a mixin-produced // file), add the throws clauses MMOutput m = Main.mmresult; if (m.nested.containsKey(sig)) { ((MMOutput) m.nested.get(sig)).merge(o); } else { m.nested.putUnique( sig, o ); } } }