package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Underlying Environment implementation. There is a single instance for any * database environment opened by the application. */ public class EnvironmentImpl implements EnvConfigObserver { private static final boolean TEST_NO_LOCKING_MODE=false; private DbEnvState envState; private boolean closing; private File envHome; private int referenceCount; private boolean isTransactional; private boolean isNoLocking; private boolean isReadOnly; private MemoryBudget memoryBudget; private long lockTimeout; private long txnTimeout; private DbTree dbMapTree; private long mapTreeRootLsn=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; private INList inMemoryINs; private DbConfigManager configManager; private List configObservers; protected LogManager logManager; private FileManager fileManager; private TxnManager txnManager; private Checkpointer checkpointer; private Cleaner cleaner; private RecoveryInfo lastRecoveryInfo; private RunRecoveryException savedInvalidatingException; private static boolean forcedYield=false; private static int threadLocalReferenceCount=0; /** * DbPrintLog doesn't need btree and dup comparators to function properly * don't require any instantiations. This flag, if true, indicates that * we've been called from DbPrintLog. */ private static boolean noComparators=false; public static final boolean JAVA5_AVAILABLE; private static final String DISABLE_JAVA_ADLER32=""; static { boolean ret=false; if (System.getProperty(DISABLE_JAVA_ADLER32) == null) { String javaVersion=System.getProperty("java.version"); if (javaVersion != null && !javaVersion.startsWith("1.4.")) { ret=true; } } JAVA5_AVAILABLE=ret; } /** * Create a database environment to represent the data in envHome. dbHome. * Properties from the file in that directory are used to * initialize the system wide property bag. Properties passed to this method * are used to influence the open itself. * @param envHomeabsolute path of the database environment home directory * @param envConfig * @throws DatabaseExceptionon all other failures */ public EnvironmentImpl( File envHome, EnvironmentConfig envConfig) throws DatabaseException { try { this.envHome=envHome; envState=DbEnvState.INIT; this.hook323(); configManager=new DbConfigManager(envConfig); configObservers=new ArrayList(); addConfigObserver(this); memoryBudget=new MemoryBudget(this,configManager); this.hook336(envHome); forcedYield=configManager.getBoolean(EnvironmentParams.ENV_FORCED_YIELD); isTransactional=configManager.getBoolean(EnvironmentParams.ENV_INIT_TXN); isNoLocking=!(configManager.getBoolean(EnvironmentParams.ENV_INIT_LOCKING)); if (isTransactional && isNoLocking) { if (TEST_NO_LOCKING_MODE) { isNoLocking=!isTransactional; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set 'je.env.isNoLocking' and " + "'je.env.isTransactional';"); } } this.hook322(); isReadOnly=configManager.getBoolean(EnvironmentParams.ENV_RDONLY); fileManager=new FileManager(this,envHome,isReadOnly); if (!envConfig.getAllowCreate() && !fileManager.filesExist()) { throw new DatabaseException("Enviroment creation isn't allowed, " + " but there is no pre-existing " + " environment in "+ envHome); } this.hook321(); inMemoryINs=new INList(this); txnManager=new TxnManager(this); createDaemons(); dbMapTree=new DbTree(this); referenceCount=0; this.hook320(); if (configManager.getBoolean(EnvironmentParams.ENV_RECOVERY)) { try { RecoveryManager recoveryManager=new RecoveryManager(this); lastRecoveryInfo=recoveryManager.recover(isReadOnly); } finally { try { logManager.flush(); fileManager.clear(); } catch ( IOException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e.getMessage()); } } } else { isReadOnly=true; noComparators=true; } runOrPauseDaemons(configManager); lockTimeout=PropUtil.microsToMillis(configManager.getLong(EnvironmentParams.LOCK_TIMEOUT)); txnTimeout=PropUtil.microsToMillis(configManager.getLong(EnvironmentParams.TXN_TIMEOUT)); this.hook335(); open(); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { if (fileManager != null) { try { fileManager.close(); } catch ( IOException IOE) { } } throw e; } } /** * Respond to config updates. */ public void envConfigUpdate( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { runOrPauseDaemons(mgr); } /** * Read configurations for daemons, instantiate. */ private void createDaemons() throws DatabaseException { new EnvironmentImpl_createDaemons(this).execute(); } /** * Run or pause daemons, depending on config properties. */ private void runOrPauseDaemons( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { if (!isReadOnly) { this.hook330(mgr); this.hook333(mgr); this.hook326(mgr); } this.hook317(mgr); } /** * Returns the UtilizationTracker. */ public UtilizationTracker getUtilizationTracker(){ return cleaner.getUtilizationTracker(); } /** * Returns the UtilizationProfile. */ public UtilizationProfile getUtilizationProfile(){ return cleaner.getUtilizationProfile(); } /** * Log the map tree root and save the LSN. */ public void logMapTreeRoot() throws DatabaseException { mapTreeRootLsn=logManager.log(dbMapTree); } /** * Force a rewrite of the map tree root if required. */ public void rewriteMapTreeRoot( long cleanerTargetLsn) throws DatabaseException { if (DbLsn.compareTo(cleanerTargetLsn,mapTreeRootLsn) == 0) { mapTreeRootLsn=logManager.log(dbMapTree); } } /** * @return the mapping tree root LSN. */ public long getRootLsn(){ return mapTreeRootLsn; } /** * Set the mapping tree from the log. Called during recovery. */ public void readMapTreeFromLog( long rootLsn) throws DatabaseException { dbMapTree=(DbTree)logManager.get(rootLsn); dbMapTree.setEnvironmentImpl(this); this.hook324(rootLsn); } /** * Not much to do, mark state. */ public void open(){ envState=DbEnvState.OPEN; } /** * Invalidate the environment. Done when a fatal exception * (RunRecoveryException) is thrown. */ public void invalidate( RunRecoveryException e){ savedInvalidatingException=e; envState=DbEnvState.INVALID; requestShutdownDaemons(); } /** * @return true if environment is open. */ public boolean isOpen(){ return (envState == DbEnvState.OPEN); } /** * @return true if close has begun, although the state may still be open. */ public boolean isClosing(){ return closing; } public boolean isClosed(){ return (envState == DbEnvState.CLOSED); } /** * When a RunRecoveryException occurs or the environment is closed, further * writing can cause log corruption. */ public boolean mayNotWrite(){ return (envState == DbEnvState.INVALID) || (envState == DbEnvState.CLOSED); } public void checkIfInvalid() throws RunRecoveryException { if (envState == DbEnvState.INVALID) { savedInvalidatingException.setAlreadyThrown(); throw savedInvalidatingException; } } public void checkNotClosed() throws DatabaseException { if (envState == DbEnvState.CLOSED) { throw new DatabaseException("Attempt to use a Environment that has been closed."); } } public synchronized void close() throws DatabaseException { if (--referenceCount <= 0) { doClose(true); } } public synchronized void close( boolean doCheckpoint) throws DatabaseException { if (--referenceCount <= 0) { doClose(doCheckpoint); } } private void doClose( boolean doCheckpoint) throws DatabaseException { StringBuffer errors=new StringBuffer(); try { this.hook319(); try { envState.checkState(DbEnvState.VALID_FOR_CLOSE,DbEnvState.CLOSED); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { throw DBE; } requestShutdownDaemons(); if (doCheckpoint && !isReadOnly && (envState != DbEnvState.INVALID)&& logManager.getLastLsnAtRecovery() != fileManager.getLastUsedLsn()) { CheckpointConfig ckptConfig=new CheckpointConfig(); ckptConfig.setForce(true); ckptConfig.setMinimizeRecoveryTime(true); try { invokeCheckpoint(ckptConfig,false,"close"); } catch ( DatabaseException IE) { errors.append("\nException performing checkpoint: "); errors.append(IE.toString()).append("\n"); } } try { shutdownDaemons(); } catch ( InterruptedException IE) { errors.append("\nException shutting down daemon threads: "); errors.append(IE.toString()).append("\n"); } this.hook318(); try { logManager.flush(); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { errors.append("\nException flushing log manager: "); errors.append(DBE.toString()).append("\n"); } try { fileManager.clear(); } catch ( IOException IOE) { errors.append("\nException clearing file manager: "); errors.append(IOE.toString()).append("\n"); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { errors.append("\nException clearing file manager: "); errors.append(DBE.toString()).append("\n"); } try { fileManager.close(); } catch ( IOException IOE) { errors.append("\nException clearing file manager: "); errors.append(IOE.toString()).append("\n"); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { errors.append("\nException clearing file manager: "); errors.append(DBE.toString()).append("\n"); } try { inMemoryINs.clear(); } catch ( DatabaseException DBE) { errors.append("\nException closing file manager: "); errors.append(DBE.toString()).append("\n"); } this.hook337(); DbEnvPool.getInstance().remove(envHome); this.hook325(errors); } finally { envState=DbEnvState.CLOSED; } if (errors.length() > 0 && savedInvalidatingException == null) { throw new RunRecoveryException(this,errors.toString()); } } public synchronized void closeAfterRunRecovery() throws DatabaseException { try { shutdownDaemons(); } catch ( InterruptedException IE) { } try { fileManager.clear(); } catch ( Exception e) { } try { fileManager.close(); } catch ( Exception e) { } DbEnvPool.getInstance().remove(envHome); } public synchronized void forceClose() throws DatabaseException { referenceCount=1; close(); } public synchronized void incReferenceCount(){ referenceCount++; } public static int getThreadLocalReferenceCount(){ return threadLocalReferenceCount; } public static synchronized void incThreadLocalReferenceCount(){ threadLocalReferenceCount++; } public static synchronized void decThreadLocalReferenceCount(){ threadLocalReferenceCount--; } public static boolean getNoComparators(){ return noComparators; } /** * Invoke a checkpoint programatically. Note that only one checkpoint may * run at a time. */ public boolean invokeCheckpoint( CheckpointConfig config, boolean flushAll, String invokingSource) throws DatabaseException { if (checkpointer != null) { checkpointer.doCheckpoint(config,flushAll,invokingSource); return true; } else { return false; } } public int invokeCleaner() throws DatabaseException { if (cleaner != null) { return cleaner.doClean(true,false); } else { return 0; } } private void requestShutdownDaemons(){ closing=true; this.hook331(); this.hook334(); this.hook327(); } /** * Ask all daemon threads to shut down. */ private void shutdownDaemons() throws InterruptedException { shutdownCheckpointer(); } void shutdownCheckpointer() throws InterruptedException { if (checkpointer != null) { this.hook328(); checkpointer=null; } return; } public boolean isNoLocking(){ return isNoLocking; } public boolean isTransactional(){ return isTransactional; } public boolean isReadOnly(){ return isReadOnly; } public DatabaseImpl createDb( Locker locker, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig dbConfig, Database databaseHandle) throws DatabaseException { return dbMapTree.createDb(locker,databaseName,dbConfig,databaseHandle); } /** * Get a database object given a database name. * @param databaseNametarget database. * @return null if database doesn't exist. */ public DatabaseImpl getDb( Locker locker, String databaseName, Database databaseHandle) throws DatabaseException { return dbMapTree.getDb(locker,databaseName,databaseHandle); } public List getDbNames() throws DatabaseException { return dbMapTree.getDbNames(); } /** * For debugging. */ public void dumpMapTree() throws DatabaseException { dbMapTree.dump(); } /** * Transactional services. */ public Txn txnBegin( Transaction parent, TransactionConfig txnConfig) throws DatabaseException { if (!isTransactional) { throw new DatabaseException("beginTransaction called, " + " but Environment was not opened " + "with transactional cpabilities"); } return txnManager.txnBegin(parent,txnConfig); } public LogManager getLogManager(){ return logManager; } public FileManager getFileManager(){ return fileManager; } public DbTree getDbMapTree(){ return dbMapTree; } /** * Returns the config manager for the current base configuration. * <p> * The configuration can change, but changes are made by replacing the * config manager object with a enw one. To use a consistent set of * properties, call this method once and query the returned manager * repeatedly for each property, rather than getting the config manager via * this method for each property individually. * </p> */ public DbConfigManager getConfigManager(){ return configManager; } /** * Clones the current configuration. */ public EnvironmentConfig cloneConfig(){ return DbInternal.cloneConfig(configManager.getEnvironmentConfig()); } /** * Clones the current mutable configuration. */ public EnvironmentMutableConfig cloneMutableConfig(){ return DbInternal.cloneMutableConfig(configManager.getEnvironmentConfig()); } /** * Throws an exception if an immutable property is changed. */ public void checkImmutablePropsForEquality( EnvironmentConfig config) throws IllegalArgumentException { DbInternal.checkImmutablePropsForEquality(configManager.getEnvironmentConfig(),config); } /** * Changes the mutable config properties that are present in the given * config, and notifies all config observer. */ public synchronized void setMutableConfig( EnvironmentMutableConfig config) throws DatabaseException { EnvironmentConfig newConfig=DbInternal.cloneConfig(configManager.getEnvironmentConfig()); DbInternal.copyMutablePropsTo(config,newConfig); configManager=new DbConfigManager(newConfig); for (int i=configObservers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-=1) { EnvConfigObserver o=(EnvConfigObserver)configObservers.get(i); o.envConfigUpdate(configManager); } } /** * Adds an observer of mutable config changes. */ public synchronized void addConfigObserver( EnvConfigObserver o){ configObservers.add(o); } /** * Removes an observer of mutable config changes. */ public synchronized void removeConfigObserver( EnvConfigObserver o){ configObservers.remove(o); } public INList getInMemoryINs(){ return inMemoryINs; } public TxnManager getTxnManager(){ return txnManager; } public Checkpointer getCheckpointer(){ return checkpointer; } public Cleaner getCleaner(){ return cleaner; } public MemoryBudget getMemoryBudget(){ return memoryBudget; } /** * Info about the last recovery */ public RecoveryInfo getLastRecoveryInfo(){ return lastRecoveryInfo; } /** * Get the environment home directory. */ public File getEnvironmentHome(){ return envHome; } public long getTxnTimeout(){ return txnTimeout; } public long getLockTimeout(){ return lockTimeout; } /** * For stress testing. Should only ever be called from an assert. */ public static boolean maybeForceYield(){ if (forcedYield) { Thread.yield(); } return true; } @MethodObject static class EnvironmentImpl_createDaemons { EnvironmentImpl_createDaemons( EnvironmentImpl _this){ this._this=_this; } void execute() throws DatabaseException { checkpointerWakeupTime=0; this.hook329(); _this.checkpointer=new Checkpointer(_this,checkpointerWakeupTime,"Checkpointer"); this.hook332(); _this.cleaner=new Cleaner(_this,"Cleaner"); } protected EnvironmentImpl _this; protected long checkpointerWakeupTime; protected long compressorWakeupInterval; protected void hook329() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook332() throws DatabaseException { } } protected void hook317( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook318() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook319() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook320() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook321() throws DatabaseException { logManager=new SyncedLogManager(this,isReadOnly); } protected void hook322() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook323() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook324( long rootLsn) throws DatabaseException { mapTreeRootLsn=rootLsn; } protected void hook325( StringBuffer errors) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook326( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook327(){ } protected void hook328() throws InterruptedException { } protected void hook330( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook331(){ } protected void hook333( DbConfigManager mgr) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook334(){ } protected void hook335() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook336( File envHome) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook337() throws DatabaseException { } }