package; public class EnvironmentParams { public static final LongConfigParam EVICTOR_EVICT_BYTES=new LongConfigParam("je.evictor.evictBytes",new Long(1024),null,new Long(524288),false,"# When eviction happens, the evictor will push memory usage to this\n" + "# number of bytes below je.maxMemory. The default is 512KB and the\n" + "# minimum is 1 KB (1024)."); public static final IntConfigParam EVICTOR_USEMEM_FLOOR=new IntConfigParam("je.evictor.useMemoryFloor",new Integer(50),new Integer(100),new Integer(95),false,"# When eviction happens, the evictor will push memory usage to this\n" + "# percentage of je.maxMemory." + "# (deprecated in favor of je.evictor.evictBytes"); public static final IntConfigParam EVICTOR_NODE_SCAN_PERCENTAGE=new IntConfigParam("je.evictor.nodeScanPercentage",new Integer(1),new Integer(100),new Integer(10),false,"# The evictor percentage of total nodes to scan per wakeup.\n" + "# (deprecated in favor of je.evictor.nodesPerScan"); public static final IntConfigParam EVICTOR_EVICTION_BATCH_PERCENTAGE=new IntConfigParam("je.evictor.evictionBatchPercentage",new Integer(1),new Integer(100),new Integer(10),false,"# The evictor percentage of scanned nodes to evict per wakeup.\n" + "# (deprecated)"); public static final IntConfigParam EVICTOR_NODES_PER_SCAN=new IntConfigParam("je.evictor.nodesPerScan",new Integer(1),new Integer(1000),new Integer(10),false,"# The number of nodes in one evictor scan"); public static final IntConfigParam EVICTOR_CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE=new IntConfigParam("je.evictor.criticalPercentage",new Integer(0),new Integer(1000),new Integer(0),false,"# At this percentage over the allotted cache, critical eviction\n" + "# will start." + "# (deprecated, eviction is performed in-line"); public static final BooleanConfigParam EVICTOR_LRU_ONLY=new BooleanConfigParam("je.evictor.lruOnly",true,false,"# If true (the default), use an LRU-only policy to select nodes for\n" + "# eviction. If false, select by Btree level first, and then by LRU."); }