package lancs.mobilemedia.core.ui.screens; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form; import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * @author tyoung * This form is displayed when the user defines a new photo album (from the AlbumListScreen) * TODO: This feature is not fully implemented. The commands are in place to create * a new album, but currently it just creates a hard-coded album name for testing. */ public class NewLabelScreen extends Form { public static final int NEW_ALBUM=0; public static final int LABEL_PHOTO=1; TextField labelName=new TextField("Name","",15,TextField.ANY); Command ok; Command cancel; private int formType; /** * @param arg0 */ public NewLabelScreen( String name, int type){ super(name); this.formType=type; this.append(labelName); this.hook54(); ok=new Command("Save",Command.SCREEN,0); cancel=new Command("Cancel",Command.EXIT,1); this.addCommand(ok); this.addCommand(cancel); } /** * @return Returns the new Album Name. */ public String getLabelName(){ return labelName.getString(); } /** * @param formType the formType to set */ public void setFormType( int formType){ this.formType=formType; } /** * @return the formType */ public int getFormType(){ return formType; } protected void hook54(){ } }