package; public class EnvironmentParams { public static final BooleanConfigParam ENV_FAIR_LATCHES=new BooleanConfigParam("je.env.fairLatches",false,false,"# If true, use latches instead of synchronized blocks to\n" + "# implement the lock table and log write mutexes. Latches require\n" + "# that threads queue to obtain the mutex in question and\n"+ "# therefore guarantee that there will be no mutex starvation, but \n"+ "# do incur a performance penalty. Latches should not be necessary in\n"+ "# most cases, so synchronized blocks are the default. An application\n"+ "# that puts heavy load on JE with threads with different thread\n"+ "# priorities might find it useful to use latches. In a Java 5 JVM,\n"+ "# where java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock is used for the\n"+ "# latch implementation, this parameter will determine whether they\n"+ "# are 'fair' or not. This parameter is 'static' across all\n"+ "# environments.\n"); }