package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Class to manage transactions. Basically a Set of all transactions with add * and remove methods and a latch around the set. */ public class TxnManager { static final long NULL_TXN_ID=-1; private static final String DEBUG_NAME=TxnManager.class.getName(); private LockManager lockManager; private EnvironmentImpl env; private Set allTxns; private Map allXATxns; private Map thread2Txn; private long lastUsedTxnId; private int nActiveSerializable; public TxnManager( EnvironmentImpl env) throws DatabaseException { this.hook822(env); this.env=env; allTxns=new HashSet(); this.hook821(env); allXATxns=Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); thread2Txn=Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); this.hook824(); lastUsedTxnId=0; } /** * Set the txn id sequence. */ synchronized public void setLastTxnId( long lastId){ this.lastUsedTxnId=lastId; } /** * Get the last used id, for checkpoint info. */ public synchronized long getLastTxnId(){ return lastUsedTxnId; } /** * Get the next transaction id to use. */ synchronized long incTxnId(){ return ++lastUsedTxnId; } /** * Create a new transaction. * @param parentfor nested transactions, not yet supported * @param txnConfigspecifies txn attributes * @return the new txn */ public Txn txnBegin( Transaction parent, TransactionConfig txnConfig) throws DatabaseException { if (parent != null) { throw new DatabaseException("Nested transactions are not supported yet."); } return new Txn(env,txnConfig); } /** * Give transactions and environment access to lock manager. */ public LockManager getLockManager(){ return lockManager; } /** * Called when txn is created. */ void registerTxn( Txn txn) throws DatabaseException { allTxns.add(txn); if (txn.isSerializableIsolation()) { nActiveSerializable++; } } /** * Called when txn ends. */ void unRegisterTxn( Txn txn, boolean isCommit) throws DatabaseException { allTxns.remove(txn); this.hook828(txn); this.hook825(isCommit); if (txn.isSerializableIsolation()) { nActiveSerializable--; } } /** * Called when txn is created. */ public void registerXATxn( Xid xid, Txn txn, boolean isPrepare) throws DatabaseException { if (!allXATxns.containsKey(xid)) { allXATxns.put(xid,txn); this.hook829(); } this.hook826(isPrepare); } /** * Called when txn ends. */ void unRegisterXATxn( Xid xid, boolean isCommit) throws DatabaseException { if (allXATxns.remove(xid) == null) { throw new DatabaseException("XA Transaction " + xid + " can not be unregistered."); } this.hook830(); this.hook827(isCommit); } /** * Retrieve a Txn object from an Xid. */ public Txn getTxnFromXid( Xid xid) throws DatabaseException { return (Txn)allXATxns.get(xid); } /** * Called when txn is assoc'd with this thread. */ public void setTxnForThread( Transaction txn){ Thread curThread=Thread.currentThread(); thread2Txn.put(curThread,txn); } /** * Called when txn is assoc'd with this thread. */ public Transaction unsetTxnForThread() throws DatabaseException { Thread curThread=Thread.currentThread(); return (Transaction)thread2Txn.remove(curThread); } /** * Retrieve a Txn object for this Thread. */ public Transaction getTxnForThread() throws DatabaseException { return (Transaction)thread2Txn.get(Thread.currentThread()); } public Xid[] XARecover() throws DatabaseException { Set xidSet=allXATxns.keySet(); Xid[] ret=new Xid[xidSet.size()]; ret=(Xid[])xidSet.toArray(ret); return ret; } /** * Returns whether there are any active serializable transactions, excluding * the transaction given (if non-null). This is intentionally returned * without latching, since latching would not make the act of reading an * integer more atomic than it already is. */ public boolean areOtherSerializableTransactionsActive( Locker excludeLocker){ int exclude=(excludeLocker != null && excludeLocker.isSerializableIsolation()) ? 1 : 0; return (nActiveSerializable - exclude > 0); } /** * Get the earliest LSN of all the active transactions, for checkpoint. */ public long getFirstActiveLsn() throws DatabaseException { long firstActive=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; firstActive=this.hook823(firstActive); return firstActive; } protected void hook821( EnvironmentImpl env) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook822( EnvironmentImpl env) throws DatabaseException { if (env.isNoLocking()) { lockManager=new DummyLockManager(env); } else { lockManager=new SyncedLockManager(env); } } protected long hook823( long firstActive) throws DatabaseException { Iterator iter=allTxns.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { long txnFirstActive=((Txn); if (firstActive == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { firstActive=txnFirstActive; } else if (txnFirstActive != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { if (DbLsn.compareTo(txnFirstActive,firstActive) < 0) { firstActive=txnFirstActive; } } } return firstActive; } protected void hook824() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook825( boolean isCommit) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook826( boolean isPrepare) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook827( boolean isCommit) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook828( Txn txn) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook829() throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook830() throws DatabaseException { } }