// $Header: /home/apel/cvs/fstcomp/examples/Java/Graph/Weight/Graph/Graph.java,v 1.1 2010-03-29 20:44:20 apel Exp $ /** * Please complete these missing tags * @author * @rref * @copyright * @concurrency * @see */ package Graph; class Graph { /** * Please complete the missing tags for main * @param * @return * @throws * @pre * @post */ public static void main( String [] args ) { original( args ); System.out.println( "========= WeightedGraph ========" ); Graph g = new Graph(); g.add( new Node( 5 ), new Node( 6 ), new Weight( 1000 ) ); g.add( new Node( 7 ), new Node( 8 ), new Weight( 1001 ) ); g.print(); System.out.println(); } /** * Please complete the missing tags for add * @param * @return * @throws * @pre * @post */ Edge add( Node n, Node m, Weight w ) { Edge res = this.add( n, m ); res.setWeight( w ); return res; } }