package; import; import; public final class Tree { private SharedLatch rootLatch; private void releaseNodeLadderLatches( ArrayList nodeLadder) throws DatabaseException { ListIterator iter=nodeLadder.listIterator(nodeLadder.size()); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { SplitInfo info3=(SplitInfo)iter.previous(); info3.child.releaseLatch(); } } /** * constructor helper */ private void init( DatabaseImpl database){ rootLatch=LatchSupport.makeSharedLatch("RootLatch",(database != null) ? database.getDbEnvironment() : null); original(database); } /** * Set the root for the tree. Should only be called within the root latch. */ public void setRoot( ChildReference newRoot, boolean notLatched){ assert (notLatched || rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread()); original(newRoot,notLatched); } protected void hook670( WithRootLatched wrl) throws DatabaseException { try { original(wrl); } finally { rootLatch.release(); } } protected void hook671( WithRootLatched wrl) throws DatabaseException { try { original(wrl); } finally { rootLatch.release(); } } protected void hook672( byte[] idKey, UtilizationTracker tracker, IN subtreeRootIN, ArrayList nodeLadder, IN rootIN, boolean rootNeedsUpdating) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); try { original(idKey,tracker,subtreeRootIN,nodeLadder,rootIN,rootNeedsUpdating); } finally { releaseNodeLadderLatches(nodeLadder); if (rootIN != null) { rootIN.releaseLatch(); } rootLatch.release(); } } /** * This entire tree is empty, clear the root and log a new MapLN * @return the rootIN that has been detached, or null if there hasn't been * any removal. */ private IN logTreeRemoval( IN rootIN, UtilizationTracker tracker) throws DatabaseException { assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); return original(rootIN,tracker); } protected void hook673() throws DatabaseException { assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); original(); } protected IN hook674( byte[] idKey, byte[] mainKey, IN in, IN deletedSubtreeRoot) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { try { deletedSubtreeRoot=original(idKey,mainKey,in,deletedSubtreeRoot); } finally { in.releaseLatch(); } return deletedSubtreeRoot; } protected void hook675( DIN duplicateRoot) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { if (duplicateRoot != null) { duplicateRoot.releaseLatch(); } original(duplicateRoot); } protected void hook676( ArrayList nodeLadder) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { releaseNodeLadderLatches(nodeLadder); original(nodeLadder); } protected void hook677( DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { assert dupRoot.isLatchOwner(); original(dupRoot); } protected void hook678( DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { assert dupRoot.isLatchOwner(); original(dupRoot); } protected void hook679( IN child) throws DatabaseException { child.releaseLatch(); original(child); } protected void hook680( IN child) throws DatabaseException { assert child.isLatchOwner(); original(child); } protected void hook681( IN potentialParent) throws DatabaseException { potentialParent.releaseLatchIfOwner(); original(potentialParent); } protected void hook682( IN searchResult) throws DatabaseException { searchResult.releaseLatchIfOwner(); original(searchResult); } protected void hook683( TreeLocation location, byte[] mainKey, byte[] dupKey, LN ln, boolean splitsAllowed, boolean findDeletedEntries, boolean searchDupTree, boolean updateGeneration, boolean exactSearch, boolean indicateIfExact, Node childNode) throws DatabaseException { try { original(location,mainKey,dupKey,ln,splitsAllowed,findDeletedEntries,searchDupTree,updateGeneration,exactSearch,indicateIfExact,childNode); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { location.bin.releaseLatchIfOwner(); throw e; } } protected void hook684( BIN oldBIN) throws DatabaseException { if (oldBIN != null) { oldBIN.releaseLatch(); } original(oldBIN); } protected void hook685( TreeLocation location, byte[] dupKey, DIN dupRoot, LN ln, boolean findDeletedEntries, boolean indicateIfExact, boolean exactSearch, boolean splitsAllowed, boolean updateGeneration) throws DatabaseException { dupRoot.latch(); try { original(location,dupKey,dupRoot,ln,findDeletedEntries,indicateIfExact,exactSearch,splitsAllowed,updateGeneration); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { dupRoot.releaseLatchIfOwner(); throw e; } } protected void hook686( boolean traverseWithinDupTree, boolean forward, byte[] idKey, IN next, IN parent, IN nextIN) throws DatabaseException { try { original(traverseWithinDupTree,forward,idKey,next,parent,nextIN); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { next.releaseLatchIfOwner(); if (parent != null) { parent.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } if (nextIN != null) { nextIN.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } throw e; } } protected void hook687() throws DatabaseException { assert LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1 : LatchSupport.latchesHeldToString(); original(); } protected void hook688( LogManager logManager, INList inMemoryINs, IN curRoot, long curRootLsn, long logLsn, IN newRoot) throws DatabaseException { try { original(logManager,inMemoryINs,curRoot,curRootLsn,logLsn,newRoot); } finally { curRoot.releaseLatch(); } } protected void hook689( IN curRoot) throws DatabaseException { curRoot.latch(); original(curRoot); } protected void hook690( IN parent) throws DatabaseException { assert parent.isLatchOwner(); original(parent); } protected void hook691( IN parent) throws DatabaseException { parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent); } protected void hook692( IN parent) throws DatabaseException, Throwable { parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent); } protected void hook693( IN child) throws DatabaseException, Throwable { child.releaseLatch(); original(child); } protected void hook694( IN parent, IN child) throws DatabaseException { if (child != null) { child.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } parent.releaseLatchIfOwner(); original(parent,child); } protected void hook695( IN parent) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { assert parent.isLatchOwner(); original(parent); } protected void hook696( SplitInfo info5) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { info5.child.releaseLatch(); original(info5); } protected void hook697( ArrayList nodeLadder) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { releaseNodeLadderLatches(nodeLadder); original(nodeLadder); } protected void hook698( IN parent, byte[] key, long nid, boolean updateGeneration, int index, IN child) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { try { original(parent,key,nid,updateGeneration,index,child); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { if (child != null) { child.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } parent.releaseLatchIfOwner(); throw e; } } protected void hook699( IN parent) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { assert parent.isLatchOwner(); original(parent); } protected void hook700( IN parent) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent); } protected void hook701( boolean updateGeneration, IN rootIN) throws DatabaseException { try { original(updateGeneration,rootIN); } finally { rootLatch.release(); } } protected void hook702() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireShared(); original(); } protected void hook703( LN ln, byte[] key, boolean allowDuplicates, CursorImpl cursor, LockResult lnLock, EnvironmentImpl env, LogManager logManager, INList inMemoryINs, BIN bin) throws DatabaseException { try { original(ln,key,allowDuplicates,cursor,lnLock,env,logManager,inMemoryINs,bin); } finally { cursor.releaseBIN(); } } protected void hook704( byte[] key, BIN bin, LN newLN, CursorImpl cursor, LockResult lnLock, boolean allowDuplicates, EnvironmentImpl env, int index, boolean successfulInsert, DIN dupRoot, Node n, long binNid, DBIN dupBin) throws DatabaseException { try { original(key,bin,newLN,cursor,lnLock,allowDuplicates,env,index,successfulInsert,dupRoot,n,binNid,dupBin); } finally { if (dupBin != null) { dupBin.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } if (dupRoot != null) { dupRoot.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } } } protected void hook705( DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { dupRoot.releaseLatch(); original(dupRoot); } protected void hook706( BIN bin, int index, DIN curRoot, LogManager logManager, INList inMemoryINs, byte[] rootIdKey, DIN newRoot, long curRootLsn, long logLsn) throws DatabaseException { try { original(bin,index,curRoot,logManager,inMemoryINs,rootIdKey,newRoot,curRootLsn,logLsn); } finally { curRoot.releaseLatch(); } } protected void hook707( DIN newRoot) throws DatabaseException { newRoot.latch(); original(newRoot); } protected void hook708( byte[] key, LogManager logManager, INList inMemoryINs, LN newLN, CursorImpl cursor, EnvironmentImpl env, DIN dupRoot, DBIN dupBin, BIN bin, int index, LN existingLN, byte[] newLNKey, Locker locker, DupCountLN dupCountLN, long firstDupCountLNLsn) throws DatabaseException { try { original(key,logManager,inMemoryINs,newLN,cursor,env,dupRoot,dupBin,bin,index,existingLN,newLNKey,locker,dupCountLN,firstDupCountLNLsn); } catch ( DatabaseException e) { dupBin.releaseLatchIfOwner(); dupRoot.releaseLatchIfOwner(); throw e; } } protected void hook709( DBIN dupBin) throws DatabaseException { dupBin.latch(); original(dupBin); } protected void hook710( DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { dupRoot.latch(); original(dupRoot); } protected BIN hook711( byte[] key, LogManager logManager, INList inMemoryINs, BIN bin, boolean rootLatchIsHeld) throws DatabaseException { try { bin=original(key,logManager,inMemoryINs,bin,rootLatchIsHeld); } finally { if (rootLatchIsHeld) { rootLatch.release(); } } return bin; } protected void hook712( BIN bin) throws DatabaseException { bin.releaseLatch(); original(bin); } protected void hook713( INList inList, IN subtreeRoot, UtilizationTracker tracker) throws DatabaseException { inList.latchMajor(); try { original(inList,subtreeRoot,tracker); } finally { inList.releaseMajorLatch(); } } protected void hook714( INList inMemoryList) throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireShared(); try { original(inMemoryList); } finally { rootLatch.release(); } } protected void hook715( int index) throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireShared(); try { original(index); } finally { rootLatch.release(); } } protected void hook728() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); original(); } protected void hook729() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireShared(); original(); } protected void hook730( IN in) throws DatabaseException, NodeNotEmptyException, CursorsExistException { assert in.isLatchOwner(); original(in); } protected void hook731( TreeLocation location) throws DatabaseException { location.bin.releaseLatch(); original(location); } protected void hook732() throws DatabaseException { assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1) : LatchSupport.latchesHeldToString(); original(); } protected void hook733() throws DatabaseException { assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 0) : LatchSupport.latchesHeldToString(); original(); } protected void hook734( IN next) throws DatabaseException { next.releaseLatch(); original(next); } protected void hook735( IN nextIN) throws DatabaseException { nextIN.latch(); assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 2) : LatchSupport.latchesHeldToString(); original(nextIN); } protected void hook736( IN parent) throws DatabaseException { parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent); } protected void hook737( IN parent) throws DatabaseException { parent.releaseLatch(); assert LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1 : LatchSupport.latchesHeldToString(); original(parent); } protected void hook738( IN parent) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent); } protected void hook739( IN parent, IN child) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { child.releaseLatch(); parent.releaseLatch(); original(parent,child); } protected void hook740( IN child) throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { child.releaseLatch(); original(child); } protected void hook741( BIN bin) throws DatabaseException { assert bin.isLatchOwner(); original(bin); } protected void hook742( DBIN dupBin) throws DatabaseException { dupBin.releaseLatch(); original(dupBin); } protected void hook743( CursorImpl cursor) throws DatabaseException { cursor.releaseBIN(); original(cursor); } protected void hook744( DIN dupRoot) throws DatabaseException { dupRoot.latch(); original(dupRoot); } protected void hook745( CursorImpl cursor) throws DatabaseException { cursor.releaseBIN(); original(cursor); } protected void hook746( CursorImpl cursor) throws DatabaseException { cursor.latchBIN(); original(cursor); } protected void hook747( DBIN dupBin) throws DatabaseException { dupBin.releaseLatch(); original(dupBin); } protected void hook748() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.acquireShared(); original(); } protected void hook749() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.release(); original(); } protected void hook750( BIN bin) throws DatabaseException { bin.latch(); original(bin); } protected void hook751() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.release(); rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); original(); } protected void hook752() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.release(); original(); } protected void hook753() throws DatabaseException { rootLatch.release(); original(); } @MethodObject static class Tree_forceSplit { protected void hook722() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { isRootLatched=false; original(); } protected void hook723() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { if (origParent.isDbRoot()) { _this.rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); isRootLatched=true; } origParent.latch(); original(); } protected void hook724() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { child.latch(); original(); } protected void hook725() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { child.releaseLatch(); original(); } protected void hook726() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { assert isRootLatched; original(); } protected void hook727() throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException { if (!success) { if (child != null) { child.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } origParent.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } if (nodeLadder.size() > 0) { iter=nodeLadder.listIterator(nodeLadder.size()); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { info2=(SplitInfo)iter.previous(); info2.child.releaseLatchIfOwner(); } } if (isRootLatched) { _this.rootLatch.release(); } original(); } } @MethodObject static class Tree_searchSplitsAllowed { protected void hook716() throws DatabaseException { try { original(); } finally { if (rootLatched) { _this.rootLatch.release(); } } } protected void hook717() throws DatabaseException { _this.rootLatch.acquireShared(); rootLatched=true; rootLatchedExclusive=false; original(); } protected void hook718() throws DatabaseException { rootIN.latch(); original(); } protected void hook719() throws DatabaseException { rootLatched=true; _this.rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); original(); } protected void hook720() throws DatabaseException { _this.splitRoot(); _this.rootLatch.release(); rootLatched=false; original(); } protected void hook721() throws DatabaseException { b=!rootLatchedExclusive; if (b) { rootIN=null; _this.rootLatch.release(); _this.rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); rootLatchedExclusive=true; } original(); } } private class RootChildReference { protected void hook666() throws DatabaseException { if (getTarget() == null && !rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread()) { rootLatch.release(); rootLatch.acquireExclusive(); } original(); } protected void hook667(){ assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); original(); } protected void hook668(){ assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); original(); } protected void hook669(){ assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); original(); } } }