package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * BINDelta contains the information needed to create a partial (delta) BIN log * entry. It also knows how to combine a full BIN log entry and a delta to * generate a new BIN. */ public class BINDelta implements LoggableObject, LogReadable { private DatabaseId dbId; private long lastFullLsn; private List deltas; private LogEntryType logEntryType; /** * Read a BIN and create the deltas. */ public BINDelta( BIN bin){ lastFullLsn=bin.getLastFullVersion(); dbId=bin.getDatabaseId(); deltas=new ArrayList(); logEntryType=bin.getBINDeltaType(); for (int i=0; i < bin.getNEntries(); i++) { if (bin.isDirty(i)) { deltas.add(new DeltaInfo(bin.getKey(i),bin.getLsn(i),bin.getState(i))); } } } /** * For instantiating from the log. */ public BINDelta(){ dbId=new DatabaseId(); lastFullLsn=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; deltas=new ArrayList(); } /** * @return a count of deltas for this BIN. */ int getNumDeltas(){ return deltas.size(); } /** * @return the dbId for this BIN. */ public DatabaseId getDbId(){ return dbId; } /** * @return the last full version of this BIN */ public long getLastFullLsn(){ return lastFullLsn; } /** * Create a BIN by starting with the full version and applying the deltas. */ public BIN reconstituteBIN( EnvironmentImpl env) throws DatabaseException { BIN fullBIN=(BIN)env.getLogManager().get(lastFullLsn); DatabaseImpl db=env.getDbMapTree().getDb(dbId); fullBIN.setDatabase(db); fullBIN.setLastFullLsn(lastFullLsn); this.hook612(fullBIN); for (int i=0; i < deltas.size(); i++) { DeltaInfo info=(DeltaInfo)deltas.get(i); int foundIndex=fullBIN.findEntry(info.getKey(),true,false); if (foundIndex >= 0 && (foundIndex & IN.EXACT_MATCH) != 0) { foundIndex&=~IN.EXACT_MATCH; if (info.isKnownDeleted()) { fullBIN.setKnownDeleted(foundIndex); } else { fullBIN.updateEntry(foundIndex,info.getLsn(),info.getState()); } } else { if (!info.isKnownDeleted()) { ChildReference entry=new ChildReference(null,info.getKey(),info.getLsn(),info.getState()); boolean insertOk=fullBIN.insertEntry(entry); assert insertOk; } } } fullBIN.setGeneration(0); this.hook611(fullBIN); return fullBIN; } public LogEntryType getLogType(){ return logEntryType; } /** * @see LoggableObject#marshallOutsideWriteLatchCan be marshalled outside the log write latch. */ public boolean marshallOutsideWriteLatch(){ return true; } /** * @see LoggableObject#countAsObsoleteWhenLogged */ public boolean countAsObsoleteWhenLogged(){ return false; } public void postLogWork( long justLoggedLsn){ } public void readFromLog( ByteBuffer itemBuffer, byte entryTypeVersion) throws LogException { dbId.readFromLog(itemBuffer,entryTypeVersion); lastFullLsn=LogUtils.readLong(itemBuffer); int numDeltas=LogUtils.readInt(itemBuffer); for (int i=0; i < numDeltas; i++) { DeltaInfo info=new DeltaInfo(); info.readFromLog(itemBuffer,entryTypeVersion); deltas.add(info); } } public int getLogSize(){ int size=dbId.getLogSize() + LogUtils.LONG_BYTES + LogUtils.INT_BYTES; for (int i=0; i < deltas.size(); i++) { DeltaInfo info=(DeltaInfo)deltas.get(i); size+=info.getLogSize(); } return size; } public void writeToLog( ByteBuffer logBuffer){ dbId.writeToLog(logBuffer); LogUtils.writeLong(logBuffer,lastFullLsn); LogUtils.writeInt(logBuffer,deltas.size()); for (int i=0; i < deltas.size(); i++) { DeltaInfo info=(DeltaInfo)deltas.get(i); info.writeToLog(logBuffer); } } public void dumpLog( StringBuffer sb, boolean verbose){ dbId.dumpLog(sb,verbose); sb.append("<lastFullLsn>"); sb.append(DbLsn.toString(lastFullLsn)); sb.append("</lastFullLsn>"); sb.append("<deltas size=\"").append(deltas.size()).append("\"/>"); for (int i=0; i < deltas.size(); i++) { DeltaInfo info=(DeltaInfo)deltas.get(i); info.dumpLog(sb,verbose); } } /** * @see LogReadable#logEntryIsTransactional */ public boolean logEntryIsTransactional(){ return false; } /** * @see LogReadable#getTransactionId */ public long getTransactionId(){ return 0; } protected void hook611( BIN fullBIN) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook612( BIN fullBIN) throws DatabaseException { } }