package lancs.mobilemedia.core.util; import; import; import lancs.mobilemedia.core.ui.datamodel.MediaData; import lancs.mobilemedia.lib.exceptions.ImagePathNotValidException; import lancs.mobilemedia.lib.exceptions.InvalidArrayFormatException; import lancs.mobilemedia.lib.exceptions.InvalidImageDataException; import lancs.mobilemedia.lib.exceptions.InvalidImageFormatException; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * @author trevor This is a utility class. It performs conversions between Image * objects and byte arrays, and Image metadata objects and byte arrays. * Byte arrays are the main format for storing data in RMS, and for * sending data over the wire. */ public class MediaUtil { protected static final String DELIMITER="*"; protected int endIndex=0; /** * This method reads an Image from an Input Stream and converts it from a * standard image file format into a byte array, so that it can be * transported over wireless protocols such as SMS * @throws ImagePathNotValidException * @throws InvalidImageFormatException */ public byte[] readMediaAsByteArray( String mediaFile) throws ImagePathNotValidException, InvalidImageFormatException { byte bArray[]=new byte[1000]; System.out.println("<* MediaUtil.readMediaAsByteArray() *> mediaFile = " + mediaFile); InputStream is=null; try { is=(InputStream)this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(mediaFile); } catch ( Exception e) { throw new ImagePathNotValidException("Path not valid for this media:" + mediaFile); } int i, len=0; System.out.println("<* MediaUtil.readMediaAsByteArray() *> is = " + is); byte bArray2[]; byte b[]=new byte[1]; try { while ( != -1) { if (len + 1 >= bArray.length) { bArray2=new byte[bArray.length]; for (i=0; i < len; i++) bArray2[i]=bArray[i]; bArray=new byte[bArray2.length + 500]; for (i=0; i < len; i++) bArray[i]=bArray2[i]; } bArray[len]=b[0]; len++; } is.close(); } catch ( IOException e1) { throw new InvalidImageFormatException("The file " + mediaFile + " does not have a correct format"); } catch ( NullPointerException e2) { throw new ImagePathNotValidException("Path not valid for this file:" + mediaFile); } return bArray; } /** * Convert the byte array from a retrieved RecordStore record into the * ImageInfo ((renamed ImageData) object Order of the string will look like * this: <recordId>*<foreignRecordId>*<labelName>*<imageLabel> Depending * on the optional features, additional fields may be: <phoneNum> * @throws InvalidArrayFormatException */ public MediaData getMediaInfoFromBytes( byte[] bytes) throws InvalidArrayFormatException { return new MediaUtil_getMediaInfoFromBytes(this,bytes).execute(); } /** * Convert the ImageInfo (renamed ImageData) object into bytes so we can * store it in RMS Order of the string will look like this: <recordId>*<foreignRecordId>*<labelName>*<imageLabel> * Depending on the optional features, additional fields may be: <phoneNum> * @throws InvalidImageDataException */ public byte[] getBytesFromMediaInfo( MediaData ii) throws InvalidImageDataException { try { String byteString=new String(); int i=ii.getRecordId(); Integer j=new Integer(i); byteString=byteString.concat(j.toString()); byteString=byteString.concat(DELIMITER); int i2=ii.getForeignRecordId(); Integer j2=new Integer(i2); byteString=byteString.concat(j2.toString()); byteString=byteString.concat(DELIMITER); byteString=byteString.concat(ii.getParentAlbumName()); byteString=byteString.concat(DELIMITER); byteString=byteString.concat(ii.getMediaLabel()); byteString=this.hook61(ii,byteString); byteString=this.hook64(ii,byteString); return byteString.getBytes(); } catch ( Exception e) { throw new InvalidImageDataException("The provided data are not valid"); } } @MethodObject static class MediaUtil_getMediaInfoFromBytes { MediaUtil_getMediaInfoFromBytes( MediaUtil _this, byte[] bytes){ this._this=_this; this.bytes=bytes; } MediaData execute() throws InvalidArrayFormatException { try { iiString=new String(bytes); startIndex=0; _this.endIndex=iiString.indexOf(_this.DELIMITER); intString=iiString.substring(startIndex,_this.endIndex); startIndex=_this.endIndex + 1; _this.endIndex=iiString.indexOf(_this.DELIMITER,startIndex); fidString=iiString.substring(startIndex,_this.endIndex); startIndex=_this.endIndex + 1; _this.endIndex=iiString.indexOf(_this.DELIMITER,startIndex); albumLabel=iiString.substring(startIndex,_this.endIndex); startIndex=_this.endIndex + 1; _this.endIndex=iiString.indexOf(_this.DELIMITER,startIndex); if (_this.endIndex == -1) _this.endIndex=iiString.length(); imageLabel=""; imageLabel=iiString.substring(startIndex,_this.endIndex); this.hook63(); this.hook66(); x=Integer.valueOf(fidString); ii=new MediaData(x.intValue(),albumLabel,imageLabel); this.hook62(); this.hook65(); x=Integer.valueOf(intString); ii.setRecordId(x.intValue()); return ii; } catch ( Exception e) { throw new InvalidArrayFormatException(); } } protected MediaUtil _this; protected byte[] bytes; protected String iiString; protected int startIndex; protected String intString; protected String fidString; protected String albumLabel; protected String imageLabel; protected boolean favorite; protected int numberOfViews; protected Integer x; protected MediaData ii; protected void hook62() throws InvalidArrayFormatException, Exception { } protected void hook63() throws InvalidArrayFormatException, Exception { } protected void hook65() throws InvalidArrayFormatException, Exception { } protected void hook66() throws InvalidArrayFormatException, Exception { } } protected String hook61( MediaData ii, String byteString) throws InvalidImageDataException, Exception { return byteString; } protected String hook64( MediaData ii, String byteString) throws InvalidImageDataException, Exception { return byteString; } }