package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Javadoc for this public class is generated * via the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public class EnvironmentMutableConfig implements Cloneable { private boolean txnNoSync=false; private boolean txnWriteNoSync=false; protected long cacheSize; /** * Note that in the implementation we choose not to extend Properties * in order to keep the configuration type safe. */ private Properties props; /** * For unit testing, to prevent loading of */ private boolean loadPropertyFile=true; /** * Internal boolean that says whether or not to validate params. Setting * it to false means that parameter value validatation won't be performed * during setVal() calls. Only should be set to false by unit tests using * DbInternal. */ private boolean validateParams=true; /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public EnvironmentMutableConfig(){ props=new Properties(); } /** * Used by EnvironmentConfig to construct from properties. */ EnvironmentMutableConfig( Properties properties) throws IllegalArgumentException { validateProperties(properties); props=new Properties(); props.putAll(properties); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public void setTxnNoSync( boolean noSync){ txnNoSync=noSync; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public boolean getTxnNoSync(){ return txnNoSync; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public void setTxnWriteNoSync( boolean writeNoSync){ txnWriteNoSync=writeNoSync; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public boolean getTxnWriteNoSync(){ return txnWriteNoSync; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public void setCacheSize( long totalBytes) throws IllegalArgumentException { setVal(EnvironmentParams.MAX_MEMORY,Long.toString(totalBytes)); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public long getCacheSize(){ return cacheSize; } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public void setCachePercent( int percent) throws IllegalArgumentException { setVal(EnvironmentParams.MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT,Integer.toString(percent)); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public int getCachePercent(){ String val=getVal(EnvironmentParams.MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT); try { return Integer.parseInt(val); } catch ( NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cache percent is not a valid integer: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public void setConfigParam( String paramName, String value) throws IllegalArgumentException { ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(paramName + " is not a valid BDBJE environment configuration"); } if (!param.isMutable()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(paramName + " is not a mutable BDBJE environment configuration"); } setVal(param,value); } /** * Javadoc for this public method is generated via * the doc templates in the doc_src directory. */ public String getConfigParam( String paramName) throws IllegalArgumentException { ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(paramName + " is not a valid BDBJE environment configuration"); } return getVal(param); } /** * Gets either the value stored in this configuration or the * default value for this param. */ String getVal( ConfigParam param){ String val=props.getProperty(param.getName()); if (val == null) { val=param.getDefault(); } return val; } /** * Sets and validates the specified parameter. */ void setVal( ConfigParam param, String val) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (validateParams) { param.validateValue(val); } props.setProperty(param.getName(),val); } void setValidateParams( boolean validateParams){ this.validateParams=validateParams; } /** * Validate a property bag passed in a construction time. */ void validateProperties( Properties props) throws IllegalArgumentException { Enumeration propNames=props.propertyNames(); while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name=(String)propNames.nextElement(); ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(name); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is not a valid BDBJE environment configuration"); } param.validateValue(props.getProperty(name)); } } /** * Check that the immutable values in the environment config used to open * an environment match those in the config object saved by the underlying * shared EnvironmentImpl. */ void checkImmutablePropsForEquality( EnvironmentMutableConfig passedConfig) throws IllegalArgumentException { Properties passedProps=passedConfig.props; Iterator iter=EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String paramName=(String); ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); assert param != null; if (!param.isMutable()) { String paramVal=props.getProperty(paramName); String useParamVal=passedProps.getProperty(paramName); if ((paramVal != null) ? (!paramVal.equals(useParamVal)) : (useParamVal != null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(paramName + " is set to " + useParamVal+ " in the config parameter"+ " which is incompatible"+ " with the value of "+ paramVal+ " in the"+ " underlying environment"); } } } } /** * Overrides Object.clone() to clone all properties, used by this class and * EnvironmentConfig. */ protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { EnvironmentMutableConfig copy=(EnvironmentMutableConfig)super.clone(); copy.props=(Properties)props.clone(); return copy; } /** * Used by Environment to create a copy of the application * supplied configuration. Done this way to provide non-public cloning. */ EnvironmentMutableConfig cloneMutableConfig(){ try { EnvironmentMutableConfig copy=(EnvironmentMutableConfig)clone(); copy.clearImmutableProps(); return copy; } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException willNeverOccur) { return null; } } /** * Copies the per-handle properties of this object to the given config * object. */ void copyHandlePropsTo( EnvironmentMutableConfig other){ other.txnNoSync=txnNoSync; other.txnWriteNoSync=txnWriteNoSync; } /** * Copies all mutable props to the given config object. */ void copyMutablePropsTo( EnvironmentMutableConfig toConfig){ Properties toProps=toConfig.props; Enumeration propNames=props.propertyNames(); while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName=(String)propNames.nextElement(); ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); assert param != null; if (param.isMutable()) { String newVal=props.getProperty(paramName); toProps.setProperty(paramName,newVal); } } } /** * Fill in the properties calculated by the environment to the given * config object. */ void fillInEnvironmentGeneratedProps( EnvironmentImpl envImpl){ cacheSize=envImpl.getMemoryBudget().getMaxMemory(); } /** * Removes all immutable props. */ private void clearImmutableProps(){ Enumeration propNames=props.propertyNames(); while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) { String paramName=(String)propNames.nextElement(); ConfigParam param=(ConfigParam)EnvironmentParams.SUPPORTED_PARAMS.get(paramName); assert param != null; if (!param.isMutable()) { props.remove(paramName); } } } /** * For unit testing, to prevent loading of */ void setLoadPropertyFile( boolean loadPropertyFile){ this.loadPropertyFile=loadPropertyFile; } /** * For unit testing, to prevent loading of */ boolean getLoadPropertyFile(){ return loadPropertyFile; } /** * Testing support */ int getNumExplicitlySetParams(){ return props.size(); } public String toString(){ return props.toString(); } }