import java.util.Vector; public class Utils { /*if[COLOR]*/ public static final String COLORKEY = "COLOR"; /*end[COLOR]*/ /*if[CAESAR]*/ public static final String CAESAR = "Caesar"; private static final int CAESARSHIFT = 5; public static String encodeCeasear(String text) { return shiftText(text, CAESARSHIFT); } public static String decodeCeasear(String text) { return shiftText(text, -CAESARSHIFT); } private static String shiftText(String text, int n) { //init the values String encString = ""; int len = text.length(); //encode the text for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { //shift the character encString += (char)((int)text.charAt(i) + n); } //return the encoded text return encString; } /*end[CAESAR]*/ /*if[REVERSE]*/ public static final String REVERSE = "Reverse"; public static String encodeReverse(String text) { return reverseText(text); } public static String decodeReverse(String text) { return reverseText(text); } private static String reverseText(String text) { //init the values String encString = ""; int len = text.length(); //encode the text for (int i = len -1; i >= 0; i--) { encString += text.charAt(i); } //return the encoded text return encString; } /*end[REVERSE]*/ //<--CODING MUNGE HAT KEIN "OR" DESWEGEN BLEIBT ES DRIN! public static final String CODING1= "COD1"; public static final String CODING2= "COD2"; private static Vector codingList; public static Vector getCodingList () { if (codingList == null) { codingList = new Vector(); codingList.add(""); /*if[CAESAR]*/ codingList.add(CAESAR); /*end[CAESAR]*/ /*if[REVERSE]*/ codingList.add(REVERSE); /*end[REVERSE]*/ } return codingList; } public static void encode(String coding, TextMessage msg) { /*if[CAESAR]*/ if (coding.equals(CAESAR)) { msg.setContent(encodeCeasear(msg.getContent())); return; } /*end[CAESAR]*/ /*if[REVERSE]*/ if (coding.equals(REVERSE)) { msg.setContent(encodeReverse(msg.getContent())); return; } /*end[REVERSE]*/ } public static void decode(String coding, TextMessage msg) { /*if[CAESAR]*/ if (coding.equals(CAESAR)) { msg.setContent(decodeCeasear(msg.getContent())); return; } /*end[CAESAR]*/ /*if[REVERSE]*/ if (coding.equals(REVERSE)) { msg.setContent(decodeReverse(msg.getContent())); return; } /*end[REVERSE]*/ } }