package; /** * Used to sequence operations that have to be performed in order by several concurrent threads. */ public class Turn { private Turn _next; private int _tickets=0; private boolean _isAlwaysSkipped; public static Turn first(){ return new Turn(1000000); } private Turn( int tickets){ _tickets=tickets; } public Turn next(){ if (_next == null) _next=new Turn(0); return _next; } public synchronized void start(){ if (_tickets == 0) Cool.wait(this); _tickets--; } public void end(){ next().haveSomeTickets(1); } private synchronized void haveSomeTickets( int tickets){ if (_isAlwaysSkipped) { next().haveSomeTickets(tickets); return; } _tickets+=tickets; notify(); } public synchronized void alwaysSkip(){ end(); _isAlwaysSkipped=true; next().haveSomeTickets(_tickets); } }