import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import*; // stateInfo is instantiated once per state declaration class stateInfo extends contInfo { public String name; // name of state public boolean nested_state; // is state nested? public String nested_var; // nested variable name public AST_Stmt exit_action_ast; // exit action public AST_Stmt enter_action_ast; // enter action public AST_Stmt prepare_action_ast; // prepare action public String branches_mth_name; // branches method name public String delivery_action; // delivery action public AST_Stmt otherwise_action_ast; // ast of action public AstNode alloc_expr_ast; // for nested SMs public stateInfo( String name, boolean nested ) { inherited = false; = name; nested_state = nested; nested_var = "nested_" + name; String nested_stuff = nested ? nested_var + ".delivery(" + kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.argdecl + "); if (!" + nested_var + ".atStop()) return; " : ""; branches_mth_name = name + "_branches"; exit_action_ast = AST_Stmt.MakeAST( ";" ); enter_action_ast = AST_Stmt.MakeAST( ";" ); prepare_action_ast = AST_Stmt.MakeAST( ";" ); delivery_action = "\n" + " if (current_state == " + name + ") { " + nested_stuff + name + "_prepare(" + kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.argdecl + "); " + branches_mth_name + "(" + kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.argdecl + "); return; }"; otherwise_action_ast = AST_Stmt.MakeAST( "otherwise_Default(" + kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.argdecl + ");" ); alloc_expr_ast = null; } // used for serialization - throw away anything that is not needed. // this object is serialized, and is read in during the processing // of parent state machines in inheritance hierarchies. Not all // information is needed -- most is thrown away. // REMEMBER: if an AST is to be saved/serialized, it must be // Detached from the tree public void truncate() { inherited = true; // leave name exit_action_ast = null; enter_action_ast = null; prepare_action_ast = null; // leave branches_mth_name // leave delivery_action otherwise_action_ast = null; alloc_expr_ast = null; // leave nested_state // leave nested_var } public boolean equals( Object x ) { if ( x instanceof stateInfo ) return ( ( stateInfo ) x ).name.equals( name ); return false; } static stateInfo verifyStateName( String sname, String which, AstTokenInterface t ) { stateInfo s; SmIterator i = kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.StateCont.iterator(); for ( s = ( stateInfo ) i.firstObj(); s != null; s = ( stateInfo ) i.nextObj() ) { if ( sname ) ) return s; } AstNode.fatalError( t, Utility.SourceName()+ "Unrecognized state " + sname + " in " + which ); return /* should never get here */ null; } // only for debugging public void print() { System.out.println( " inherited: " + inherited ); System.out.println( " State Name " + name + " ast: " + name ); System.out.println( " Exit action: " + exit_action_ast ); System.out.println( " Enter action: " + enter_action_ast ); System.out.println( " Prepare action: " + prepare_action_ast ); System.out.println( " Branches method name " + branches_mth_name ); System.out.println( " delivery action: " + delivery_action ); System.out.println( " otherwise action: " + otherwise_action_ast ); System.out.println( " allocation expr: " + alloc_expr_ast ); System.out.println( " nested_state: " + nested_state ); System.out.println( " nested_var: " + nested_var ); System.out.println(); } public String branches_method() { transInfo e; String result = ""; String s = ""; String terminate = ""; SmIterator i = kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.TransCont.iterator(); for ( e = ( transInfo ) i.firstObj(); e != null; e = ( transInfo ) i.nextObj() ) { // if an transition begins at the given state... if ( e.start.equals( name ) && e.branches!=null ) s = s + e.branches; } String args = kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.argdecl; if ( kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.superSm_name == null || !inherited ) terminate = "if (starBranches( " + args + " ) ) " + name + "_otherwise( " + args + " );"; else terminate = "super." + branches_mth_name + "( " + args + ");"; // return null if the state isn't new (i.e., it is inherited) // and no new branches have been defined if ( inherited && s.equals( "" ) ) return ""; return "\n\n // methods for state " + name + "\n\n" + " void " + branches_mth_name + "( " + kernelConstants.globals().sm4vars.Sm.pardecl + " ) {\n" + s + " " + terminate + "\n" + " }"; } }