package GPL; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; // ************************************************************************* public class Graph { // Executes MSTKruskal public void run( Vertex s ) { System.out.println("MSTKruskal"); Graph gaux = Kruskal(); // Graph.stopProfile(); gaux.display(); // Graph.resumeProfile(); original( s ); } public Graph Kruskal() { // 1. A <- Empty set LinkedList A = new LinkedList(); // 2. for each vertex v E V[G] // 3. do Make-Set(v) for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices(); vxiter.hasNext(); ) { Vertex v =; v.representative = v; // I am in my set v.members = new LinkedList(); // I have no members in my set } // 4. sort the edges of E by nondecreasing weight w // Creates the edges objects //int j; LinkedList Vneighbors = new LinkedList(); //Vertex u; // Sort the Edges in non decreasing order sortEdges( new Comparator() { public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) { Edge e1 = ( Edge )o1; Edge e2 = ( Edge )o2; if ( e1.getWeight() < e2.getWeight() ) return -1; if ( e1.getWeight() == e2.getWeight() ) return 0; return 1; } } ); // 5. for each edge in the nondecresing order Vertex vaux, urep, vrep; for( EdgeIter edgeiter = getEdges(); edgeiter.hasNext(); ) { // 6. if Find-Set(u)!=Find-Set(v) EdgeIfc e1 =; Vertex u = e1.getStart(); Vertex v = e1.getEnd(); if ( ! ( v.representative.getName() ).equals( u.representative.getName() ) ) { // 7. A <- A U {(u,v)} A.add( e1 ); // 8. Union(u,v) urep = u.representative; vrep = v.representative; if ( ( urep.members ).size() > ( vrep.members ).size() ) { // we add elements of v to u for( int j=0; j< ( vrep.members ).size(); j++ ) { vaux = ( Vertex ) ( vrep.members ).get( j ); vaux.representative = urep; ( urep.members ).add( vaux ); } v.representative = urep; vrep.representative = urep; ( urep.members ).add( v ); if ( !v.equals( vrep ) ) ( urep.members ).add( vrep ); ( vrep.members ).clear(); } else { // we add elements of u to v for( int j=0; j< ( urep.members ).size(); j++ ) { vaux = ( Vertex ) ( urep.members ).get( j ); vaux.representative = vrep; ( vrep.members ).add( vaux ); } u.representative = vrep; urep.representative = vrep; ( vrep.members ).add( u ); if ( !u.equals( urep ) ) ( vrep.members ).add( urep ); ( urep.members ).clear(); } // else } // of if } // of for numedges // 9. return A // Creates the new Graph that contains the SSSP String theName; Graph newGraph = new Graph(); // Creates and adds the vertices with the same name for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices(); vxiter.hasNext(); ) { theName =; newGraph.addVertex( new Vertex().assignName( theName ) ); } // Creates the edges from the NewGraph Vertex theStart, theEnd; Vertex theNewStart, theNewEnd; EdgeIfc theEdge; // For each edge in A we find its two vertices // make an edge for the new graph from with the correspoding // new two vertices for( int i=0; i<A.size(); i++ ) { // theEdge with its two vertices theEdge = ( Edge )A.get( i ); theStart = theEdge.getStart(); theEnd = theEdge.getEnd(); // Find the references in the new Graph theNewStart = newGraph.findsVertex( theStart.getName() ); theNewEnd = newGraph.findsVertex( theEnd.getName() ); // Creates the new edge with new start and end vertices // in the newGraph // and ajusts the adorns based on the old edge // Adds the new edge to the newGraph // dja - the fix below fixes a bug where the proper adjust adorns gets called // EdgeIfc theNewEdge = newGraph.addEdge( theNewStart, theNewEnd ); // theNewEdge.adjustAdorns( theEdge ); Edge theNewEdge = ( Edge ) newGraph.addEdge( theNewStart, theNewEnd ); theNewEdge.adjustAdorns( ( Edge ) theEdge ); } return newGraph; } // kruskal }