package de.uni_passau.fim.pkjab.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import de.uni_passau.fim.pkjab.model.messages.Message; /** * This class represents an observable object, or "data" in the model-view * paradigm. * It can be subclassed to represent an object that the application wants * to have observed. * An observable object can have zero, one or more observers. An observer may be * any object that implements interface {@link Observer} and is an * instance of the Generic O. After an observable instance changes, it should * call {@link #notifyObservers()} to let all of its observers be notified of the change by a * call to their {@link Observer#update()} method. * The order in which notifications will be delivered is unspecified. All notifications are * done in the callee's thread and are blocking. * Note that this notification mechanism is completely separate from the wait and notify * mechanism of class <code>Object</code>. * When an observable object is newly created, * its set of observers is empty. Two observers are considered the same if * and only if the equals method returns true for them. * * This class is a variation of the java.util.Observable. * The java.util.Observable has not been used because it does not support * type safety with generics. * Other parts of the java.util.Observable have been omitted because they * are not necessary in this context * * A concrete implementation <code>ConcreteObservable</code> of this abstract class should not inherit <code>Observable</code> * but instead {@code Observerable<ConcreteObserver>} with a marker interface {@code ConcreteObserver extends Observer}. * This increases type safety. * * @param <O> specifies which classes can observe this * @author Alex * @see Observer * * @uml.annotations for <code>observers</code> * collection_type="charybdis.utilities.Observable.O" */ public abstract class Observable { /** * A list of <code>Observers</code> that will be notified of by * the <code>notifyObservers</code> method. */ private final List observers = new ArrayList(); /** * Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object, * provided that it is not the same as some observer already in the set. * An observer which is already attached is ignored. * * @param observer an observer to be added. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>observer</code> is <code>null</code> */ public synchronized void attach(Observer observer) { if (observer == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (!observers.contains(observer)) { observers.add(observer); } } /** * Removes an observer from the set of observers of this object. * Passing null or a object not in the list to this method will have no effect. * @param observer the observer to be removed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>observer</code> is <code>null</code> */ public synchronized void detach(Observer observer) throws IllegalArgumentException { observers.remove(observer); } /** * Notifies all of the observers of this object. * Each observer's update method will be called. */ protected synchronized void notifyObservers(Message msg) { for (Iterator it = observers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ((Observer); } } /** * Returns an umodifiable list of all observers. * All access on this list should be synchronized. * * @return list of observers */ protected List getObservers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(observers); } }