import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import*; public class Es { public void commonAction( String mth ) { // Step 1: get the name of the state or edge String name = ( ( QName ) arg[0] ).GetName(); boolean edge = ( mth.equals( "Action" ) || mth.equals( "Condition" ) ); if ( edge ) name = name + ":"; // Step 2: find the declaration. Add it if it is not // already present MMOutput s = ( MMOutput ) Main.mmresult.nested.get( name ); if ( s == null ) { if ( edge ) s = TransitionDecl.addTrans( name, false, this ); // its a transition else s = StatesClause.add( name, false, this ); // its a state } // Step 2: find the method, and set its type to refines MMOutput m = ( MMOutput ) s.nested.get( mth ); m.setDefn( MMGlobals.Refines ); } }