package; import; import; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * The LogManager supports reading and writing to the JE log. */ abstract public class LogManager { private static final String DEBUG_NAME=LogManager.class.getName(); static final int HEADER_BYTES=14; static final int CHECKSUM_BYTES=4; static final int PREV_BYTES=4; static final int HEADER_ENTRY_TYPE_OFFSET=4; static final int HEADER_VERSION_OFFSET=5; static final int HEADER_PREV_OFFSET=6; static final int HEADER_SIZE_OFFSET=6 + 4; static int HEADER_CONTENT_BYTES(){ int r=HEADER_BYTES; r=hook504(r); return r; } protected LogBufferPool logBufferPool; private FileManager fileManager; protected EnvironmentImpl envImpl; private boolean readOnly; private int readBufferSize; private long lastLsnAtRecovery=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; private TestHook readHook; /** * There is a single log manager per database environment. */ public LogManager( EnvironmentImpl envImpl, boolean readOnly) throws DatabaseException { this.envImpl=envImpl; this.fileManager=envImpl.getFileManager(); DbConfigManager configManager=envImpl.getConfigManager(); this.readOnly=readOnly; logBufferPool=new LogBufferPool(fileManager,envImpl); this.hook505(configManager); this.hook502(envImpl); readBufferSize=configManager.getInt(EnvironmentParams.LOG_FAULT_READ_SIZE); this.hook498(envImpl); } public long getLastLsnAtRecovery(){ return lastLsnAtRecovery; } public void setLastLsnAtRecovery( long lastLsnAtRecovery){ this.lastLsnAtRecovery=lastLsnAtRecovery; } /** * Reset the pool when the cache is resized. This method is called after the * memory budget has been calculated. */ public void resetPool( DbConfigManager configManager) throws DatabaseException { logBufferPool.reset(configManager); } /** * Log this single object and force a write of the log files. * @param itemobject to be logged * @param fsyncRequiredif true, log files should also be fsynced. * @return LSN of the new log entry */ public long logForceFlush( LoggableObject item, boolean fsyncRequired) throws DatabaseException { return log(item,false,true,fsyncRequired,false,DbLsn.NULL_LSN); } /** * Log this single object and force a flip of the log files. * @param itemobject to be logged * @param fsyncRequiredif true, log files should also be fsynced. * @return LSN of the new log entry */ public long logForceFlip( LoggableObject item) throws DatabaseException { return log(item,false,true,false,true,DbLsn.NULL_LSN); } /** * Write a log entry. * @return LSN of the new log entry */ public long log( LoggableObject item) throws DatabaseException { return log(item,false,false,false,false,DbLsn.NULL_LSN); } /** * Write a log entry. * @return LSN of the new log entry */ public long log( LoggableObject item, boolean isProvisional, long oldNodeLsn) throws DatabaseException { return log(item,isProvisional,false,false,false,oldNodeLsn); } /** * Write a log entry. * @param itemis the item to be logged. * @param isProvisionaltrue if this entry should not be read during recovery. * @param flushRequiredif true, write the log to the file after adding the item. i.e. * call * @param fsyncRequiredif true, fsync the last file after adding the item. * @param oldNodeLsnis the previous version of the node to be counted as obsolete, * or null if the item is not a node or has no old LSN. * @return LSN of the new log entry */ private long log( LoggableObject item, boolean isProvisional, boolean flushRequired, boolean fsyncRequired, boolean forceNewLogFile, long oldNodeLsn) throws DatabaseException { if (readOnly) { return DbLsn.NULL_LSN; } boolean marshallOutsideLatch=item.marshallOutsideWriteLatch(); ByteBuffer marshalledBuffer=null; UtilizationTracker tracker=envImpl.getUtilizationTracker(); LogResult logResult=null; try { if (marshallOutsideLatch) { int itemSize=item.getLogSize(); int entrySize=itemSize + HEADER_BYTES; marshalledBuffer=marshallIntoBuffer(item,itemSize,isProvisional,entrySize); } logResult=logItem(item,isProvisional,flushRequired,forceNewLogFile,oldNodeLsn,marshallOutsideLatch,marshalledBuffer,tracker); } catch ( BufferOverflowException e) { throw new RunRecoveryException(envImpl,e); } catch ( IOException e) { throw new DatabaseException(Tracer.getStackTrace(e),e); } this.hook501(fsyncRequired); this.hook499(logResult); if (logResult.wakeupCleaner) { tracker.activateCleaner(); } return logResult.currentLsn; } abstract protected LogResult logItem( LoggableObject item, boolean isProvisional, boolean flushRequired, boolean forceNewLogFile, long oldNodeLsn, boolean marshallOutsideLatch, ByteBuffer marshalledBuffer, UtilizationTracker tracker) throws IOException, DatabaseException ; /** * Called within the log write critical section. */ protected LogResult logInternal( LoggableObject item, boolean isProvisional, boolean flushRequired, boolean forceNewLogFile, long oldNodeLsn, boolean marshallOutsideLatch, ByteBuffer marshalledBuffer, UtilizationTracker tracker) throws IOException, DatabaseException { LogEntryType entryType=item.getLogType(); if (oldNodeLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) { tracker.countObsoleteNode(oldNodeLsn,entryType); } int entrySize; if (marshallOutsideLatch) { entrySize=marshalledBuffer.limit(); } else { entrySize=item.getLogSize() + HEADER_BYTES; } if (forceNewLogFile) { fileManager.forceNewLogFile(); } boolean flippedFile=fileManager.bumpLsn(entrySize); long currentLsn=DbLsn.NULL_LSN; boolean wakeupCleaner=false; boolean usedTemporaryBuffer=false; try { currentLsn=fileManager.getLastUsedLsn(); wakeupCleaner=tracker.countNewLogEntry(currentLsn,entryType,entrySize); if (item.countAsObsoleteWhenLogged()) { tracker.countObsoleteNodeInexact(currentLsn,entryType); } if (!marshallOutsideLatch) { marshalledBuffer=marshallIntoBuffer(item,entrySize - HEADER_BYTES,isProvisional,entrySize); } if (entrySize != marshalledBuffer.limit()) { throw new DatabaseException("Logged item entrySize= " + entrySize + " but marshalledSize="+ marshalledBuffer.limit()+ " type="+ entryType+ " currentLsn="+ DbLsn.getNoFormatString(currentLsn)); } LogBuffer useLogBuffer=logBufferPool.getWriteBuffer(entrySize,flippedFile); marshalledBuffer=addPrevOffsetAndChecksum(marshalledBuffer,fileManager.getPrevEntryOffset(),entrySize); usedTemporaryBuffer=this.hook503(marshalledBuffer,entrySize,currentLsn,usedTemporaryBuffer,useLogBuffer); } catch ( Exception e) { fileManager.restoreLastPosition(); if (e instanceof DatabaseException) { throw (DatabaseException)e; } else if (e instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException)e; } else { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } if (!usedTemporaryBuffer) { logBufferPool.writeCompleted(currentLsn,flushRequired); } item.postLogWork(currentLsn); boolean wakeupCheckpointer=false; wakeupCheckpointer=this.hook500(item,entrySize,wakeupCheckpointer); return new LogResult(currentLsn,wakeupCheckpointer,wakeupCleaner); } /** * Serialize a loggable object into this buffer. */ private ByteBuffer marshallIntoBuffer( LoggableObject item, int itemSize, boolean isProvisional, int entrySize) throws DatabaseException { ByteBuffer destBuffer=ByteBuffer.allocate(entrySize); destBuffer.position(CHECKSUM_BYTES); writeHeader(destBuffer,item.getLogType(),itemSize,isProvisional); item.writeToLog(destBuffer); destBuffer.flip(); return destBuffer; } private ByteBuffer addPrevOffsetAndChecksum( ByteBuffer destBuffer, long lastOffset, int entrySize){ Checksum checksum=Adler32.makeChecksum(); destBuffer.position(HEADER_PREV_OFFSET); LogUtils.writeUnsignedInt(destBuffer,lastOffset); checksum.update(destBuffer.array(),CHECKSUM_BYTES,(entrySize - CHECKSUM_BYTES)); destBuffer.position(0); LogUtils.writeUnsignedInt(destBuffer,checksum.getValue()); destBuffer.position(0); return destBuffer; } /** * Serialize a loggable object into this buffer. Return it ready for a copy. */ ByteBuffer putIntoBuffer( LoggableObject item, int itemSize, long prevLogEntryOffset, boolean isProvisional, int entrySize) throws DatabaseException { ByteBuffer destBuffer=marshallIntoBuffer(item,itemSize,isProvisional,entrySize); return addPrevOffsetAndChecksum(destBuffer,0,entrySize); } /** * Helper to write the common entry header. * @param destBufferdestination * @param itemobject being logged * @param itemSizeWe could ask the item for this, but are passing it as a * parameter for efficiency, because it's already available */ private void writeHeader( ByteBuffer destBuffer, LogEntryType itemType, int itemSize, boolean isProvisional){ byte typeNum=itemType.getTypeNum(); destBuffer.put(typeNum); byte version=itemType.getVersion(); if (isProvisional) version=LogEntryType.setProvisional(version); destBuffer.put(version); destBuffer.position(HEADER_SIZE_OFFSET); LogUtils.writeInt(destBuffer,itemSize); } /** * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN. * @param lsnlocation of entry in log. * @return log entry that embodies all the objects in the log entry. */ public LogEntry getLogEntry( long lsn) throws DatabaseException { envImpl.checkIfInvalid(); LogSource logSource=getLogSource(lsn); return getLogEntryFromLogSource(lsn,logSource); } LogEntry getLogEntry( long lsn, RandomAccessFile file) throws DatabaseException { return getLogEntryFromLogSource(lsn,new FileSource(file,readBufferSize,fileManager)); } /** * Instantiate all the objects in the log entry at this LSN. This will * release the log source at the first opportunity. * @param lsnlocation of entry in log * @return log entry that embodies all the objects in the log entry */ private LogEntry getLogEntryFromLogSource( long lsn, LogSource logSource) throws DatabaseException { return new LogManager_getLogEntryFromLogSource(this,lsn,logSource).execute(); } /** * Fault in the first object in the log entry log entry at this LSN. * @param lsnlocation of object in log * @return the object in the log */ public Object get( long lsn) throws DatabaseException { LogEntry entry=getLogEntry(lsn); return entry.getMainItem(); } /** * Find the LSN, whether in a file or still in the log buffers. */ private LogSource getLogSource( long lsn) throws DatabaseException { LogBuffer logBuffer=logBufferPool.getReadBuffer(lsn); if (logBuffer == null) { try { return new FileHandleSource(fileManager.getFileHandle(DbLsn.getFileNumber(lsn)),readBufferSize,fileManager); } catch ( LogFileNotFoundException e) { throw new LogFileNotFoundException(DbLsn.getNoFormatString(lsn) + ' ' + e.getMessage()); } } else { return logBuffer; } } /** * Flush all log entries, fsync the log file. */ public void flush() throws DatabaseException { if (readOnly) { return; } flushInternal(); fileManager.syncLogEnd(); } abstract protected void flushInternal() throws LogException, DatabaseException ; /** * Returns a tracked summary for the given file which will not be flushed. * Used for watching changes that occur while a file is being cleaned. */ abstract public TrackedFileSummary getUnflushableTrackedSummary( long file) throws DatabaseException ; protected TrackedFileSummary getUnflushableTrackedSummaryInternal( long file) throws DatabaseException { return envImpl.getUtilizationTracker().getUnflushableTrackedSummary(file); } /** * Count node as obsolete under the log write latch. This is done here * because the log write latch is managed here, and all utilization counting * must be performed under the log write latch. */ abstract public void countObsoleteNode( long lsn, LogEntryType type) throws DatabaseException ; protected void countObsoleteNodeInternal( UtilizationTracker tracker, long lsn, LogEntryType type) throws DatabaseException { tracker.countObsoleteNode(lsn,type); } /** * Counts file summary info under the log write latch. */ abstract public void countObsoleteNodes( TrackedFileSummary[] summaries) throws DatabaseException ; protected void countObsoleteNodesInternal( UtilizationTracker tracker, TrackedFileSummary[] summaries) throws DatabaseException { for (int i=0; i < summaries.length; i+=1) { TrackedFileSummary summary=summaries[i]; tracker.addSummary(summary.getFileNumber(),summary); } } /** * Counts the given obsolete IN LSNs under the log write latch. */ abstract public void countObsoleteINs( List lsnList) throws DatabaseException ; protected void countObsoleteINsInternal( List lsnList) throws DatabaseException { UtilizationTracker tracker=envImpl.getUtilizationTracker(); for (int i=0; i < lsnList.size(); i+=1) { Long offset=(Long)lsnList.get(i); tracker.countObsoleteNode(offset.longValue(),LogEntryType.LOG_IN); } } public void setReadHook( TestHook hook){ readHook=hook; } @MethodObject static class LogManager_getLogEntryFromLogSource { LogManager_getLogEntryFromLogSource( LogManager _this, long lsn, LogSource logSource){ this._this=_this; this.lsn=lsn; this.logSource=logSource; } LogEntry execute() throws DatabaseException { try { fileOffset=DbLsn.getFileOffset(lsn); entryBuffer=logSource.getBytes(fileOffset); this.hook507(); loggableType=entryBuffer.get(); version=entryBuffer.get(); entryBuffer.position(entryBuffer.position() + _this.PREV_BYTES); itemSize=LogUtils.readInt(entryBuffer); if (entryBuffer.remaining() < itemSize) { entryBuffer=logSource.getBytes(fileOffset + _this.HEADER_BYTES,itemSize); this.hook508(); } this.hook506(); assert LogEntryType.isValidType(loggableType) : "Read non-valid log entry type: " + loggableType; logEntry=LogEntryType.findType(loggableType,version).getNewLogEntry(); logEntry.readEntry(entryBuffer,itemSize,version,true); if (_this.readHook != null) { _this.readHook.doIOHook(); } return logEntry; } catch ( DatabaseException e) { throw e; } catch ( ClosedChannelException e) { throw new RunRecoveryException(_this.envImpl,"Channel closed, may be " + "due to thread interrupt",e); } catch ( Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { if (logSource != null) { logSource.release(); } } } protected LogManager _this; protected long lsn; protected LogSource logSource; protected long fileOffset; protected ByteBuffer entryBuffer; protected ChecksumValidator validator; protected long storedChecksum; protected byte loggableType; protected byte version; protected int itemSize; protected LogEntry logEntry; protected void hook506() throws DatabaseException, ClosedChannelException, Exception { } protected void hook507() throws DatabaseException, ClosedChannelException, Exception { } protected void hook508() throws DatabaseException, ClosedChannelException, Exception { } } protected void hook498( EnvironmentImpl envImpl) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook499( LogResult logResult) throws DatabaseException { } protected boolean hook500( LoggableObject item, int entrySize, boolean wakeupCheckpointer) throws IOException, DatabaseException { return wakeupCheckpointer; } protected void hook501( boolean fsyncRequired) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook502( EnvironmentImpl envImpl) throws DatabaseException { } protected boolean hook503( ByteBuffer marshalledBuffer, int entrySize, long currentLsn, boolean usedTemporaryBuffer, LogBuffer useLogBuffer) throws IOException, DatabaseException, Exception { ByteBuffer useBuffer=useLogBuffer.getDataBuffer(); if (useBuffer.capacity() - useBuffer.position() < entrySize) { fileManager.writeLogBuffer(new LogBuffer(marshalledBuffer,currentLsn)); usedTemporaryBuffer=true; assert useBuffer.position() == 0; this.hook509(); } else { useBuffer.put(marshalledBuffer); } return usedTemporaryBuffer; } protected static int hook504( int r){ return r; } protected void hook505( DbConfigManager configManager) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook509() throws IOException, DatabaseException, Exception { } }