import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import Jakarta.loader.Loader; import Jakarta.loader.PrefixClassLoader; import*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class BaliRulesData { /** * Collects all non-terminals and rule names into {@link classNames} * */ public void collectClasses(StringBuffer className) { //Handles each production for ( Iterator p = entrySet().iterator() ; p.hasNext() ; ) { //entry is a (name, production) pair Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) ; String ruleName = ( String ) entry.getKey() ; ruleClass( ruleName, className) ; List productions = ( List ) entry.getValue() ; for ( Iterator q = productions.iterator() ; q.hasNext() ; ) { Production production = ( Production ) ; productionClass( ruleName, production, className) ; } } } /** * Collects the ":: ruleName " part for a production * */ private void productionClass( String base, Production prod, StringBuffer className) { // The production is a (item)+ list ProductionNode prodNode = ( ProductionNode ) prod ; Rewrite rewrite = ( Rewrite ) prodNode.arg [1] ; if ( rewrite instanceof SimpleListNode ) return ; // The production is a "item1 (item2)*" list: PrimitiveRewriteNode prn = ( PrimitiveRewriteNode ) rewrite ; PrimitiveRewrite pr = ( PrimitiveRewrite ) prn.arg [1] ; if ( pr instanceof ComplexListNode ) return; // Named pattern (i.e., ":: NodeName" at production's end): PatternNode patternNode = ( PatternNode ) pr ; AstNode classNameNode = patternNode.arg[1].arg [0] ; if ( classNameNode != null ) { ClassNameNode node = ( ClassNameNode ) classNameNode ; String name = node.tok[1].getTokenName() ; className.append(name); className.append(" "); return ; } // Don't generate a class for unnamed pattern *sequences* if ( patternNode.arg[0].arg [0] != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "unnamed rule with right-hand sequence: " + base ) ; // What remains are productions with a singleton fields. // If the field is a rule name, it's an unnamed rule: // Primitive prim = ( Primitive ) prn.arg [0] ; if ( prim instanceof IdentifierNode ) { return ; } return ; } private void ruleClass( String base, StringBuffer className ) { className.append(base); className.append(" "); } }