package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import de.ovgu.cide.jakutil.*; /** * Keeps track of the status of files for which cleaning is in progres. */ class FileSelector { private SortedSet toBeCleanedFiles; private Set beingCleanedFiles; private Set cleanedFiles; private Set checkpointedFiles; private Set fullyProcessedFiles; private Set safeToDeleteFiles; private Map pendingLNs; private boolean anyPendingDuringCheckpoint; private Set lowUtilizationFiles; FileSelector(){ toBeCleanedFiles=new TreeSet(); cleanedFiles=new HashSet(); checkpointedFiles=new HashSet(); fullyProcessedFiles=new HashSet(); safeToDeleteFiles=new HashSet(); pendingLNs=new HashMap(); this.hook163(); lowUtilizationFiles=Collections.EMPTY_SET; beingCleanedFiles=new HashSet(); } /** * Returns the best file that qualifies for cleaning, or null if no file * qualifies. This method is not thread safe and should only be called * from the cleaner thread. * @param forceCleaning is true to always select a file, even if its * utilization is above the minimum utilization threshold. * @param calcLowUtilizationFiles whether to recalculate the set of files * that are below the minimum utilization threshold. * @param maxBatchFiles is the maximum number of files to be selected at * one time, or zero if there is no limit. * @return the next file to be cleaned, or null if no file needs cleaning. */ Long selectFileForCleaning( UtilizationProfile profile, boolean forceCleaning, boolean calcLowUtilizationFiles, int maxBatchFiles) throws DatabaseException { Set newLowUtilizationFiles=calcLowUtilizationFiles ? (new HashSet()) : null; while (true) { if (maxBatchFiles > 0) { synchronized (this) { if (toBeCleanedFiles.size() >= maxBatchFiles) { break; } } } Long fileNum=profile.getBestFileForCleaning(this,forceCleaning,newLowUtilizationFiles); if (fileNum == null) { break; } synchronized (this) { toBeCleanedFiles.add(fileNum); } } if (newLowUtilizationFiles != null) { lowUtilizationFiles=newLowUtilizationFiles; } SortedSet availableFiles; synchronized (this) { availableFiles=new TreeSet(toBeCleanedFiles); } Long file=profile.getCheapestFileToClean(availableFiles); synchronized (this) { toBeCleanedFiles.remove(file); beingCleanedFiles.add(file); } return file; } /** * Returns whether the file is in any stage of the cleaning process. */ synchronized boolean isFileCleaningInProgress( Long file){ return toBeCleanedFiles.contains(file) || beingCleanedFiles.contains(file) || cleanedFiles.contains(file)|| checkpointedFiles.contains(file)|| fullyProcessedFiles.contains(file)|| safeToDeleteFiles.contains(file); } /** * When file cleaning is aborted, move the file back from the being-cleaned * set to the to-be-cleaned set. */ synchronized void putBackFileForCleaning( Long fileNum){ toBeCleanedFiles.add(fileNum); beingCleanedFiles.remove(fileNum); } /** * When cleaning is complete, move the file from the being-cleaned set to * the cleaned set. */ synchronized void addCleanedFile( Long fileNum){ cleanedFiles.add(fileNum); beingCleanedFiles.remove(fileNum); } /** * Returns a read-only set of low utilization files that can be accessed * without synchronization. */ Set getLowUtilizationFiles(){ return lowUtilizationFiles; } /** * Returns a read-only copy of to-be-cleaned and being-cleaned files that * can be accessed without synchronization. */ synchronized Set getMustBeCleanedFiles(){ Set set=new HashSet(toBeCleanedFiles); set.addAll(beingCleanedFiles); return set; } /** * Returns the number of files waiting to-be-cleaned. */ synchronized int getBacklog(){ return toBeCleanedFiles.size(); } /** * Returns a copy of the cleaned and fully-processed files at the time a * checkpoint starts. */ synchronized Set[] getFilesAtCheckpointStart(){ anyPendingDuringCheckpoint=!pendingLNs.isEmpty(); this.hook164(); Set[] files=new Set[2]; files[0]=(cleanedFiles.size() > 0) ? (new HashSet(cleanedFiles)) : null; files[1]=(fullyProcessedFiles.size() > 0) ? (new HashSet(fullyProcessedFiles)) : null; return (files[0] != null || files[1] != null) ? files : null; } /** * When a checkpoint is complete, moves the previously cleaned and * fully-processed files to the checkpointed and safe-to-delete sets. */ synchronized void updateFilesAtCheckpointEnd( Set[] files){ if (files != null) { Set previouslyCleanedFiles=files[0]; if (previouslyCleanedFiles != null) { if (anyPendingDuringCheckpoint) { checkpointedFiles.addAll(previouslyCleanedFiles); } else { safeToDeleteFiles.addAll(previouslyCleanedFiles); } cleanedFiles.removeAll(previouslyCleanedFiles); } Set previouslyProcessedFiles=files[1]; if (previouslyProcessedFiles != null) { safeToDeleteFiles.addAll(previouslyProcessedFiles); fullyProcessedFiles.removeAll(previouslyProcessedFiles); } updateProcessedFiles(); } } /** * Adds the given LN info to the pending LN set. */ synchronized boolean addPendingLN( LN ln, DatabaseId dbId, byte[] key, byte[] dupKey){ assert ln != null; boolean added=pendingLNs.put(new Long(ln.getNodeId()),new LNInfo(ln,dbId,key,dupKey)) != null; anyPendingDuringCheckpoint=true; return added; } /** * Returns an array of LNInfo for LNs that could not be migrated in a * prior cleaning attempt, or null if no LNs are pending. */ synchronized LNInfo[] getPendingLNs(){ if (pendingLNs.size() > 0) { LNInfo[] lns=new LNInfo[pendingLNs.size()]; pendingLNs.values().toArray(lns); return lns; } else { return null; } } /** * Removes the LN for the given node ID from the pending LN set. */ synchronized void removePendingLN( long nodeId){ pendingLNs.remove(new Long(nodeId)); updateProcessedFiles(); } /** * Returns a copy of the safe-to-delete files. */ synchronized Set copySafeToDeleteFiles(){ if (safeToDeleteFiles.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return new HashSet(safeToDeleteFiles); } } /** * Removes file from the safe-to-delete set after the file itself has * finally been deleted. */ synchronized void removeDeletedFile( Long fileNum){ safeToDeleteFiles.remove(fileNum); } /** * If there are no pending LNs or DBs outstanding, move the checkpointed * files to the fully-processed set. The check for pending LNs/DBs and the * copying of the checkpointed files must be done atomically in a * synchronized block. All methods that call this method are synchronized. */ private void updateProcessedFiles(){ boolean b=pendingLNs.isEmpty(); b=this.hook165(b); if (b) { fullyProcessedFiles.addAll(checkpointedFiles); checkpointedFiles.clear(); } } protected void hook163(){ } protected void hook164(){ } protected boolean hook165( boolean b){ return b; } }