package; public class DbTree { /** * To truncate, remove the database named by databaseName and create a new * database in its place. * @param returnCountif true, must return the count of records in the database, * which can be an expensive option. */ long truncate( Locker locker, String databaseName, boolean returnCount) throws DatabaseException { CursorImpl nameCursor=null; Locker autoTxn=null; try { NameLockResult result=lockNameLN(locker,databaseName,"truncate"); nameCursor=result.nameCursor; if (nameCursor == null) { return 0; } else { DatabaseId newId=new DatabaseId(getNextDbId()); DatabaseImpl newDb=(DatabaseImpl)result.dbImpl.clone(); newDb.setId(newId); newDb.setTree(new Tree(newDb)); CursorImpl idCursor=null; boolean operationOk=false; try { autoTxn=createLocker(envImpl); idCursor=new CursorImpl(idDatabase,autoTxn); idCursor.putLN(newId.getBytes(),new MapLN(newDb),false); operationOk=true; } finally { if (idCursor != null) { idCursor.close(); } if (autoTxn != null) { autoTxn.operationEnd(operationOk); } } result.nameLN.setId(newDb.getId()); long recordCount=0; if (returnCount) { recordCount=result.dbImpl.countRecords(); } DatabaseEntry dataDbt=new DatabaseEntry(new byte[0]); nameCursor.putCurrent(dataDbt,null,null); this.hook296(locker,result,newDb); return recordCount; } } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException CNSE) { throw new DatabaseException(CNSE); } finally { if (nameCursor != null) { this.hook294(nameCursor); nameCursor.close(); } } } /** * Truncate a database named by databaseName. Return the new DatabaseImpl * object that represents the truncated database. The old one is marked as * deleted. * @deprecated This method used by Database.truncate() */ TruncateResult truncate( Locker locker, DatabaseImpl oldDatabase, boolean returnCount) throws DatabaseException { CursorImpl nameCursor=new CursorImpl(nameDatabase,locker); try { String databaseName=getDbName(oldDatabase.getId()); DatabaseEntry keyDbt=new DatabaseEntry(databaseName.getBytes("UTF-8")); boolean found=(nameCursor.searchAndPosition(keyDbt,null,SearchMode.SET,LockType.WRITE) & CursorImpl.FOUND) != 0; if (!found) { throw new DatabaseException("Database " + databaseName + " not found in map tree"); } NameLN nameLN=(NameLN)nameCursor.getCurrentLNAlreadyLatched(LockType.WRITE); assert nameLN != null; int handleCount=oldDatabase.getReferringHandleCount(); if (handleCount > 1) { throw new DatabaseException("Can't truncate database " + databaseName + ","+ handleCount+ " open databases exist"); } DatabaseImpl newDb; DatabaseId newId=new DatabaseId(getNextDbId()); newDb=(DatabaseImpl)oldDatabase.clone(); newDb.setId(newId); newDb.setTree(new Tree(newDb)); CursorImpl idCursor=null; boolean operationOk=false; Locker autoTxn=null; try { autoTxn=createLocker(envImpl); idCursor=new CursorImpl(idDatabase,autoTxn); idCursor.putLN(newId.getBytes(),new MapLN(newDb),false); operationOk=true; } finally { if (idCursor != null) { idCursor.close(); } if (autoTxn != null) { autoTxn.operationEnd(operationOk); } } nameLN.setId(newDb.getId()); long count=0; if (returnCount) { count=oldDatabase.countRecords(); } this.hook297(locker,oldDatabase); DatabaseEntry dataDbt=new DatabaseEntry(new byte[0]); nameCursor.putCurrent(dataDbt,null,null); return new TruncateResult(newDb,(int)count); } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException CNSE) { throw new DatabaseException(CNSE); } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException UEE) { throw new DatabaseException(UEE); } finally { this.hook295(nameCursor); nameCursor.close(); } } protected void hook294( CursorImpl nameCursor) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook295( CursorImpl nameCursor) throws DatabaseException { } protected void hook296( Locker locker, NameLockResult result, DatabaseImpl newDb) throws DatabaseException, CloneNotSupportedException { } protected void hook297( Locker locker, DatabaseImpl oldDatabase) throws DatabaseException, CloneNotSupportedException, UnsupportedEncodingException { } }