import; // Start of code from CodeTemplate.KernelBase //************************************************** // class AstNode extension //************************************************** public abstract class AstNode { //************************************************** // reduce2ast //************************************************** public void reduce2ast( AstProperties props ) { boolean order[]; int t, n, i; PrintWriter ps; order = printorder(); t = 0; n = 0; ps = ( PrintWriter ) props.getProperty( "output" ); ps.println( " (" + className() + ") new " + className() + "().setParms( " ); for ( i=0; i<order.length; i++ ) { if ( i>0 ) ps.print( ", " ); // if order[i] is true; print token else print nonterminal if ( order[i] ) tok[t++].reduce2ast( props ); else arg[n++].reduce2ast( props ); } ps.println( ") /* " + className() + " */" ); } //************************************************** // Print_Only_Token_Ast //************************************************** public void Print_Only_Token_Ast( AstProperties props ) { int i; PrintWriter ps; if ( tok == null ) return; tok[0].reduce2ast( props ); ps = ( PrintWriter ) props.getProperty( "output" ); for ( i=1; i<tok.length; i++ ) { ps.print( "," ); tok[i].reduce2ast( props ); } } //************************************************** // this is the reduce2ast routine that is shared by all // code escape rewrites. //************************************************** public void reduce2astEscape( AstProperties props, String type ) { PrintWriter pw = ( PrintWriter ) props.getProperty( "output" ); AstToken atok = ( AstToken ) tok[0]; Integer oldLevel = ( Integer ) props.getProperty( "AstLevel" ); // Decrement AstLevel marker if ( oldLevel != null ) { if ( oldLevel.intValue() ==1 ) props.removeProperty( "AstLevel" ); else props.setProperty( "AstLevel", new Integer( oldLevel.intValue()-1 ) ); } /* DELETE -- always add white space if (atok.white_space.trim().length() == 0) { // white_space is all white. Don't add comment this. pw.print("(" + $TEqn.kernelConstants.LangName + type + ") " + $TEqn.kernelConstants.LangName + "AstNode.safeCopy(" ); arg[0].reduce2java(props); pw.print(" )"); } else { */ pw.print( "(" + kernelConstants.LangName + type + ") " + kernelConstants.LangName + "AstNode.addComment( " ); pw.print( kernelConstants.LangName + "AstNode.safeCopy(" ); arg[0].reduce2java( props ); pw.print( "),\"" ); atok.printWhitespaceOnly( props ); pw.print( "\")" ); /* DELETE } */ // Restore AstLevel marker (increment) if ( oldLevel == null ) props.setProperty( "AstLevel", new Integer( 1 ) ); else props.setProperty( "AstLevel", oldLevel ); } }